where can I find jetson nano rootfs no ubuntu desktop ? I want run my Qt Application whthout ubuntu desktop
We don’t provide a non-desktop version of rootfs. Please just disable the desktop manually.
Hi,I disable the desktop by “sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target”, but , * I found that saving the image and using Avilib to generate the video failed.
I found that saving the image and using Avilib to generate the video failed.
Is that based on X? Need more detail about this.
QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
QPixmap pixmap = screen->grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId());
QString filePath = dirPath + dateTime.toString("yyMMddhhmmss")+ ".jpg";
pixmap.save(filePath, "JPG", 100);
" pixmap.save(filePath, “JPG”, 100);" , when I run on desktop is OK ,but when I run on a disable desktop, return false.
Please run with X and see if it can work.
yes, run with X ,It can work.
The problem is that your software wants X to run. X is not really graphics so much as it is a well defined buffer and API for updating the buffer. Whether or not there is a graphics output the monitor looks at or not is up to the hardware. It is a bit like not liking to pay for gas for the car, and ordering the car without a gas tank.
I have not worked with the other software which does not require X, but there is some sort of gst sink which can work without X. You’d need to switch to that before you could even attempt to work without X.
yeah. I wonder how to see what the desktop system is doing, so that I can do it by myself?
Could you give a more clear description for what you want to check?
X is just another window system and Gnome desktop is based on it. Your application itself needs X to run. I mean… the libraries you are using in your application is based on X. As for desktop, it is not must-have for your case.
Hi, I want run my Qt Application. when I use X window, In a desktop environment, Qt takes a long time to start, and the application pop-ups make the Ubuntu desktop appear, so I wanted to get rid of the X desktop
When you say “desktop environment”, do you mean the full gnome desktop with GUI or only the X console there?
And Qt has non-X based backend supported. Maybe you can take a look at that too…
Hi, When you say “desktop environment”, do you mean the full gnome desktop with GUI or only the X console there? ------------- I mean the full gnome desktop.
And, I will take a look Qt Environment configuration. Thank you very much !
By “sudo apt remove --purge ubuntu-desktop gdm3.” can remove ubuntu desktop/