Why is this kernel soo slow?

My kernel is really slow, and I cant find a reason. Perhaps I’m not using memory stuff correctly (?), because I don’t think I’m performing too much processing there.

This kernel is the main component of a simple implicit surface raytracer, and it is not yet complete, I first want to make it run fast before proceeding and implementing the whole algorithm. Please take a quick look at it :rolleyes: , you dont need to understand the logic, just try to see how much processing (complexity) its performing. I’m testing it with a sphere, if the ray fired from a pixel hits the sphere it gets white, otherwise it gets black.

#define NUM_STEPS 50

__global__ void ImplicitRTKernel(uint* pixels, int width, int height, Surface* surface, int nSurfaces, GPUCamera gpuCam)


	int x = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

	int y = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;


	float fx = ((x + 0.5f)/width - 0.5f)*2.f;//fire ray from center of pixel

	float fy = ((y + 0.5f)/height - 0.5f)*2.f;

	float aspectX = width > height? 1.f: (float)width/height; 

	float aspectY = width < height? 1.f: (float)height/width;

	float tanfov2 = tanf(gpuCam.fov/2.f);

	float3 p0;

	p0.x = fx*gpuCam.nearPlane*tanfov2*aspectX;

	p0.y = fy*gpuCam.nearPlane*tanfov2*aspectY;

	p0.z = gpuCam.nearPlane;

	float3 p1;

	p1.x = fx*gpuCam.farPlane*tanfov2*aspectX;

	p1.y = fy*gpuCam.farPlane*tanfov2*aspectY;

	p1.z = gpuCam.farPlane;

	//transform p0 and p1 by view matrix (from view-space to world-space)

	float* view = gpuCam.viewMatrix;

	float3 vp0;

	vp0.x = view[0]*p0.x + view[1]*p0.y + view[2]*p0.z + view[3];

	vp0.y = view[4]*p0.x + view[5]*p0.y + view[6]*p0.z + view[7];

	vp0.z = view[8]*p0.x + view[9]*p0.y + view[10]*p0.z + view[11];

	float3 vp1;

	vp1.x = view[0]*p1.x + view[1]*p1.y + view[2]*p1.z + view[3];

	vp1.y = view[4]*p1.x + view[5]*p1.y + view[6]*p1.z + view[7];

	vp1.z = view[8]*p1.x + view[9]*p1.y + view[10]*p1.z + view[11];

	float rayParam = 1.f;//ray parameter at intersection

	int hitSurfaceIndex = -1;//index of the surface that was first hit by the ray

	//compute intersection between the segment (vp0, vp1) and each surface, and get the closest one

	//ONLY ONE SURFACE BY NOW nSurfaces = 1

	for(int i=0; i<nSurfaces; ++i)


		Surface* s = surface + i;


		//TODO: transform vp0 and vp1 from world-space to object-space

		float3 op0 = vp0;

		float3 op1 = vp1;

		float3 dir = op1 - op0;

		for(int j=0; j<NUM_STEPS-1; ++j)


			float rj = (float)j/NUM_STEPS;//ray parameter at j-th iteration

			float3 sp0 = op0 + dir*rj;//points at step j

			float3 sp1 = op0 + dir*(j+1)/(float)NUM_STEPS;

			Polynomial3* p = &s->surface;

			Term3* tt = p->terms;

			float psp0 = 0.f;

			float psp1 = 0.f;


			//compute the value of the surface polynomial at sp0 and sp1

			//FOR THE SPHERE nTerms = 4

			for(int k=0; k<p->nTerms; ++k)


				Term3 t = tt[k];

				float3 xyz0; 

				xyz0.x = xyz0.y = xyz0.z = 1.f;

				float3 xyz1 = xyz0;


				for(int l=0; l<t.x; ++l)


					xyz0.x *= sp0.x;

					xyz1.x *= sp1.x;


				for(int l=0; l<t.y; ++l)


					xyz0.y *= sp0.y;

					xyz1.y *= sp1.y;


				for(int l=0; l<t.z; ++l)


					xyz0.z *= sp0.z;

					xyz1.z *= sp1.z;


				psp0 += t.coeff * xyz0.x * xyz0.y * xyz0.z;

				psp1 += t.coeff * xyz1.x * xyz1.y * xyz1.z;


			if(psp0 * psp1 < 0.f)//root interval found


				rayParam = rj;

				hitSurfaceIndex = i;





	if(hitSurfaceIndex >= 0)


		pixels[y*width + x] = 0xffffffff;




		pixels[y*width + x] = 0;




I haven’t looked into the logic of the code. But it looks like the design of the algo is not properly thought over with many loops still inside kernel.

Apart from that you may use 24 bit instrctions like __mul24, __fdividef … which will increase the performance a lot as you are doing a lot of those operations. Also you may try to shift the read only data to texture rather than accessing it from global memory

In these situations, the profiler is your best friend. The two key things that can hit performance are memory coalescing (both reads and writes) and branch divergence. You will get an excellent handle on both from the profiler.

One thing that immediately springs to mind is moving gpuCam into constant memory. Parameters which are fixed across all threads and need to be read by all threads generally work best in shared memory, where there is some caching and a broadcast mechanism.

Two tips:

The GPUCam struct should go into constant memory - or be read into shared memory using a coalesced read and accessed from there by all threads.

See if there is a __tanf() function in the programming guide, instead of the tanf(). Alternatively try the --use-fast-math() switch.


So I finally got time to work on this again. Thanks for the replies. I tried using other kinds of memory but didn’t get to make they work, except for shared memory, which gave some speed improvement but it is still slow.

Basically, what it does is to create a pixel buffer object (PBO), call cudaGLMapBufferObject() to map the buffer to cuda and then call the kernel (which writes on the pixel buffer), then unmap it and call glTexSubImage2D() to copy the data from the pbo to a texture which is then applied on a quad that fills the screen.

While debugging I noticed that when I step over the call to cudaGLUnmapBufferObject(pbo) it takes some time to go to next line, showing that the problem is possibly there (??). But my code is just like other samples which does something like what I’m doing, and they run fast…

This time Im gonna post more of the (updated) code. There are the main data structures I use:

//camera struct to be used inside kernel

struct GPUCamera


	float viewMatrix[16];

	float nearPlane, farPlane;

	float fov;


//camera struct to be used in host code

class Camera



	float3 position;

	float4 rotation;

	float nearPlane, farPlane;

	float fov;

	GPUCamera GetGPUCamera()


		GPUCamera gpuCam;

		//build viewMatrix

		gpuCam.nearPlane = nearPlane;

		gpuCam.farPlane = farPlane;

		gpuCam.fov = fov;

		return gpuCam;



//structures to store data about an implicit surface

struct Term3


	float coeff;

	int x, y, z;


struct __align__(16) Polynomial3


	Term3 terms[16];

	int nTerms;


struct __align__(16) Surface


	Polynomial3 surface;

	Polynomial3 gradient[3];//one polynomial for each coordinate

	float3 position;

	float4 rotation;

	float3 scale;

	float3 aabbMin;

	float3 aabbMax;


PBO and texture creation

glGenBuffers(1, &pbo);

glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo);

glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, width*height*sizeof(GLubyte)*4, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0);


glGenTextures(1, &tex);

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);



glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

This creates a surface and then allocates mem in the device for it, and copy it to there

__device__ __constant__ Surface* d_Surface;

void CreateSurface()


	//create a sphere

	Surface h_s;

	h_s.surface.nTerms = 4;

	h_s.gradient[0].nTerms = 1;

	h_s.gradient[1].nTerms = 1;

	h_s.gradient[2].nTerms = 1;


	//setup polynomial coefficients and exponents

	Term3* t = h_s.surface.terms;

	t[0].coeff = 1.f; t[0].x = 2; t[0].y = 0; t[0].z = 0;

	t[1].coeff = 1.f; t[1].x = 0; t[1].y = 2; t[1].z = 0;

	t[2].coeff = 1.f; t[2].x = 0; t[2].y = 0; t[2].z = 2;

	t[3].coeff = -4.f; t[3].x = 0; t[3].y = 0; t[3].z = 0;

	//setup gradient

	t = h_s.gradient[0].terms;

	t[0].coeff = 2.f; t[0].x = 1; t[0].y = 0; t[0].z = 0;

	t = h_s.gradient[1].terms;

	t[0].coeff = 2.f; t[0].x = 0; t[0].y = 1; t[0].z = 0;

	t = h_s.gradient[2].terms;

	t[0].coeff = 2.f; t[0].x = 0; t[0].y = 0; t[0].z = 1;

	//transfer to device

	cutilSafeCall(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Surface, sizeof(Surface)));

	cutilSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(d_Surface, &h_s, sizeof(Surface), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));


This is the draw code

void Display()


	unsigned int* buffer = NULL;

	cutilSafeCall(cudaGLMapBufferObject((void**)&buffer, pbo));

	GPUCamera gpuCam = {{1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f,-5.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f}, 1.f, 100.f, 1.5f};

	ImplicitRT(dim3(16, 16), buffer, width, height, d_Surface, 1, gpuCam);



	// load texture from pbo

	glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, pbo);

	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);

	glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);







		glTexCoord2f(0, 1);	glVertex2f(0.f, 0.f);

		glTexCoord2f(1, 1);	glVertex2f(1.f, 0.f);

		glTexCoord2f(1, 0);	glVertex2f(1.f, 1.f);

		glTexCoord2f(0, 0);	glVertex2f(0.f, 1.f);


	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);



And this is the kernel

#define NUM_STEPS 50

__global__ void ImplicitRTKernel(uint* pixels, int width, int height, 

								 Surface* surface, int nSurfaces, GPUCamera gpuCam)


	int x = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

	int y = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;


	float fx = ((x + 0.5f)/width - 0.5f)*2.f;//fire ray from center of pixel

	float fy = ((y + 0.5f)/height - 0.5f)*2.f;

	float aspectX = width > height? 1.f: (float)width/height; 

	float aspectY = width < height? 1.f: (float)height/width;

	float tanfov2 = tanf(gpuCam.fov/2.f);

	float3 p0;

	p0.x = fx*gpuCam.nearPlane*tanfov2*aspectX;

	p0.y = fy*gpuCam.nearPlane*tanfov2*aspectY;

	p0.z = gpuCam.nearPlane;

	float3 p1;

	p1.x = fx*gpuCam.farPlane*tanfov2*aspectX;

	p1.y = fy*gpuCam.farPlane*tanfov2*aspectY;

	p1.z = gpuCam.farPlane;

	//transform p0 and p1 by view matrix (from view-space to world-space)

	float* view = gpuCam.viewMatrix;

	float3 vp0;

	vp0.x = view[0]*p0.x + view[1]*p0.y + view[2]*p0.z + view[3];

	vp0.y = view[4]*p0.x + view[5]*p0.y + view[6]*p0.z + view[7];

	vp0.z = view[8]*p0.x + view[9]*p0.y + view[10]*p0.z + view[11];

	float3 vp1;

	vp1.x = view[0]*p1.x + view[1]*p1.y + view[2]*p1.z + view[3];

	vp1.y = view[4]*p1.x + view[5]*p1.y + view[6]*p1.z + view[7];

	vp1.z = view[8]*p1.x + view[9]*p1.y + view[10]*p1.z + view[11];

	float rayParam = 1.f;//ray parameter at intersection

	int hitSurfaceIndex = -1;//index of the surface that was first hit by the ray

	//compute intersection between the segment (vp0, vp1) and each surface, and get the closest one

	for(int i=0; i<nSurfaces; ++i)


		__shared__ Surface s;//this gave some speed up

		s = surface[i];

		//transform vp0 and vp1 from world-space to object-space

		float3 op0 = vp0;

		float3 op1 = vp1;

		float3 dir = op1 - op0;

		#pragma unroll

		for(int j=0; j<NUM_STEPS-1; ++j)


			float rj = (float)j/NUM_STEPS;//ray parameter at j-th iteration

			float3 sp0 = op0 + dir*rj;//points at step j

			float3 sp1 = op0 + dir*(j+1)/(float)NUM_STEPS;

			float psp0 = 0.f;

			float psp1 = 0.f;


			//compute the value of the surface polynomial at sp0 and sp1

			for(int k=0; k<s.surface.nTerms; ++k)


				//Term3 t = s.surface.terms[k];

				float3 xyz0; 

				xyz0.x = xyz0.y = xyz0.z = 1.f;

				float3 xyz1 = xyz0;

				for(int l=0; l<s.surface.terms[k].x; ++l)


					xyz0.x *= sp0.x;

					xyz1.x *= sp1.x;


				for(int l=0; l<s.surface.terms[k].y; ++l)


					xyz0.y *= sp0.y;

					xyz1.y *= sp1.y;


				for(int l=0; l<s.surface.terms[k].z; ++l)


					xyz0.z *= sp0.z;

					xyz1.z *= sp1.z;


				//__powf only works in the [0,1] interval..

				/*xyz0.x = __powf(sp0.x, t.x);

				xyz0.y = __powf(sp0.y, t.y);

				xyz0.z = __powf(sp0.z, t.z);

				xyz1.x = __powf(sp1.x, t.x);

				xyz1.y = __powf(sp1.y, t.y);

				xyz1.z = __powf(sp1.z, t.z);*/

				psp0 += s.surface.terms[k].coeff * xyz0.x * xyz0.y * xyz0.z;

				psp1 += s.surface.terms[k].coeff * xyz1.x * xyz1.y * xyz1.z;


			if(psp0 * psp1 < 0.f)//root interval found


				rayParam = rj;

				hitSurfaceIndex = i;





	if(hitSurfaceIndex >= 0)


		//perform shading using surface[hitSurfaceIndex] material

		Surface* s = surface + hitSurfaceIndex;

		float3 p = (1-rayParam)*vp0 + rayParam*vp1;


		float n[3];

		for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)


			Polynomial3* g = s->gradient + i;

			n[i] = 1.f;

			for(int j=0; j<g->nTerms; ++j)


				Term3* t = g->terms + j;

				float3 f;

				f.x = f.y = f.z = 1.f;

				for(int l=0; l<t->x; ++l)

					f.x *= p.x;

				for(int l=0; l<t->y; ++l)

					f.y *= p.y;

				for(int l=0; l<t->z; ++l)

					f.z *= p.z;

				n[i] = t->coeff*f.x*f.y*f.z;



		float3 v;

		v.x = n[0]; v.y = n[1]; v.z = -n[2];

		v = normalize(v);

		pixels[y*width + x] = ((uint)((v.x*0.5f+0.5f)*255)) | (((uint)((v.y*0.5f+0.5f)*255))<<8) | (((uint)((v.z*0.5f+0.5f)*255))<<16);//0xffffffff;




		pixels[y*width + x] = 0;



Sorry for so much stuff…thank you.

  1. It doesn’t look like you have totally parallelized this code.

  2. What is your occupancy? Nvidia GPUs’ register file is not that big.

  3. Have you tried to break this into smaller kernels? Nvidia GPUs’ register file is not that big.

  4. You couldn’t get constant memory to work??

  5. Check your incoherent global reads/stores.

  6. Check your warp serialization. (aka shared/constant memory bank conflicts).

1.Sure, its possible to parallelize it a bit more, but for simplicity reasons, im only launching one thread per pixel/ray cast. Also, I don’t think that parallelizing more would stop freezing the application

  1. lolwut?? Sorry I’m noob

  2. What you mean? Whats the register file?

  3. I can’t find out how to use constant memory, the Programming Guide only talks about constant mempry, but doesnt tell how to use it.

  4. The kernel only reads data about implicit surfaces (just few bytes). It only writes in the OpenGL PBO data buffer

  5. ??


This guy has the same problem as me (apparently). He gets slowdown in the cudaGLUnmapBufferObject call.