Why the content under 'Isaac example' in the menu may change?

I’m a newbie, and when I follow the tutorial to try to modify the ‘hello world example’, I sometimes can’t find it. Instead I find this under ‘Isaac examples’. Is there anyone who can give me some advice? Thanks a lot!

What I want to see is something like this:

@nikozzz i am just another user, are you having this issue at step 4.1.6? 4.1. Hello World — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation (nvidia.com)

if so, make sure you edit the file that’s in user_examples directory that you copied (and hot-reload Isaac Sim by Ctrl + s after editing your code)

Thanks a lot! At that time I can barely use python scripts, but now I am much more familiar with them! So I think the problem might be solved now!

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