Why TX2 NX auto reboot?

Dear all:

1: Jetpack4.6_R32.6.1 + tx2 NX + customed board. 
2: Ubuntu system in external ssd device. 


3:  tx2 nx usually auto-reboot. normal.txt is normal debug log.  reboot_unnormal.txt is auto reboot debug log. 

normal.txt (22.9 KB)
reboot_unnormal.txt (26.9 KB)

4:  According to log, it seem to related to mmc1, but mmc1 have nothing.  

Could you help me analyze the reasons?

Best regards !!!


It is not a 100% reproducibility rate, and it is easy to reproduce when running CPU GPU stress tests

你們的stress test跑了什麼東西?
用32.7.4/Xavier NX DevKit也會中?

just for JP4.6, GPU : run nbody(nbody is a sample in k cuda-10.2/samples/5_Simulations/nbody) for GPU test.


The jetpack version cannot be changed.
Because the customer has adapted their application in this jetpack, and it cannot be changed.
Even if the other Jetpack versions are good, it doesn’t make sense to us

如果是只有舊版才有的bug 新版不會的話就請你們升級

麻煩把kernel cmdline裡的quiet拿掉才會有完整的log

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