Windows Firmware - flint "no command found"

New fresh install windows 2016 with Mellanox MCX512A-ACAT

Make sure firmware is updated

Firmware Flash Card

Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT)

PS C:\Windows\system32> cd 'C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT'

PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> mst status

MST devices:


PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> mst status -v

MST devices:

mt4119_pciconf0 bus:dev.fn=1a:00.0

mt4119_pciconf0.1 bus:dev.fn=1a:00.1

PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> mlxfwmanager -d mt4119_pciconf0 --query

Querying Mellanox devices firmware …

Device #1:

Device Type: ConnectX5

Part Number: MCX512A-ACA_Ax

Description: ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; tall bracket; ROHS R6

PSID: MT_0000000080

PCI Device Name: mt4119_pciconf0

Base GUID: 98039b0300325eba

Base MAC: 98039b325eba

Versions: Current Available

FW 16.22.1002 N/A

PXE 3.5.0403 N/A

UEFI 14.15.0019 N/A

Status: No matching image found

PS C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin> dir

Directory: C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

------ 7/12/2018 8:57 AM 16777216 fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin

PS C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin> flint.bat -d mt4119_pciconf0 -i .\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin

No command found.

PS C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin> flint

No options found.

copy C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT\

PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> .\flint_ext.exe -d mt4119_pciconf0 -i .\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin

No command found.

PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT> .\flint.bat -d mt4119_pciconf0 -i .\fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin

No command found.

PS C:\Program Files\Mellanox\WinMFT>

I know the firmware is back rev. I try simple run of flint command per document. then “.exe” vs “.bat” then move firmware bin file into same directory as flint binary… no change… But when I run “flint” by itself it gives different response that I am missing options so “No command found” not helpful at all as to what is not being found.


But I tried MFT and it fails… your correct that it seems to be the best documented and seems easy… but that is when it failed and I started looking at the other tools.


[root@x385004:/tmp] wget

Connecting to (

nmst- 100% |***************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 19198 0:00:00 ETA


[root@x385004:/tmp] esxcli software vib install -v nmst-


(‘nmst-’, ‘/tmp/vib_n6wujfpe’, “unknown url type: ‘nmst-’”)

url = nmst-

Please refer to the log file for more details.

[root@x385004:/tmp] wget

Connecting to (

mft- 100% |***************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 35284k 0:00:00 ETA

[root@x385004:/tmp] esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/mft-


(‘/tmp/mft-’, ‘Bad VIB archive header’)

url = /tmp/mft-

Please refer to the log file for more details.



Flashing firmware on cards…so how many tools and paths do we have here?

we have flint (noted above).

we have “WinMFT64” and that did not work

then I found "mlxup mlxup - Mellanox Update and Query Utility " which downloaded for windows and ran just fine… noted firmware level, found new firmware on internet and ran installation.



PS C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER> .\mlxup

Querying Mellanox devices firmware …

Device #1:

Device Type: ConnectX5

Part Number: MCX512A-ACA_Ax

Description: ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; tall bracket; ROHS R6

PSID: MT_0000000080

PCI Device Name: mt4119_pciconf0

Base GUID: 98039b0300325eba

Base MAC: 98039b325eba

Versions: Current Available

FW 16.22.1002 16.23.1020

PXE 3.5.0403 3.5.0504

UEFI 14.15.0019 14.16.0017

Status: Update required

Found 1 device(s) requiring firmware update…

Perform FW update? [y/N]: y

Device #1: Updating FW … Done

Restart needed for updates to take effect.

Log File: C:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Temp\mlxup-20181015_141528_6900.log

PS C:\ftp\Mellanox_iSER>


And Linux … ppcle and x86 just fine


[root@l82471 ~]# ./mlxup

Querying Mellanox devices firmware …

Device #1:

Device Type: ConnectX5

Part Number: MCX512A-ACA_Ax

Description: ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; tall bracket; ROHS R6

PSID: MT_0000000080

PCI Device Name: 0002:01:00.0

Base GUID: 98039b0300325f82

Base MAC: 98039b325f82

Versions: Current Available

FW 16.22.1002 16.23.1020

PXE 3.5.0403 3.5.0504

UEFI 14.15.0019 14.16.0017

Status: Update required

Found 1 device(s) requiring firmware update…

Perform FW update? [y/N]: y


but… failed miserably on vmware vsphere 6.7… so still in firmware purgatory for that OS.


[root@x395001:/tmp] ls

LenovoIMMLog.log pciList.txt

cimple_log_err_messages probe.session

fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin scratch

ipp sfcb

libmofc.log vmware-root

lspci.txt vmware_version.txt

mlxup wbem-vm-report.xml

[root@x395001:/tmp] mlxup

-sh: mlxup: not found

[root@x395001:/tmp] ./mlxup --query

-sh: ./mlxup: Permission denied

[root@x395001:/tmp] chmod +x mlxup

[root@x395001:/tmp] ls

LenovoIMMLog.log pciList.txt

cimple_log_err_messages probe.session

fw-ConnectX5-rel-16_23_1020-MCX512A-ACA_Ax-UEFI-14.16.17-FlexBoot-3.5.504.bin scratch

ipp sfcb

libmofc.log vmware-root

lspci.txt vmware_version.txt

mlxup wbem-vm-report.xml

[root@x395001:/tmp] ./mlxup

-E- cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object




You should follow WinMFT UM

What about for vSphere 6.7.

Googled around and no idea what its issue is with binary.

[root@x385004:/tmp] ./mlxup

-E- cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object


We have MFT for ESXi 6.7 in the same page , you can use it . UM as bellow