Wireless doesn't appear to work on my new TX1

I just got a new board but I can’t get any Internet connectivity so I can’t finish setting it up.

Where do I get the script to test the wireless part?

When I look at the /proc directory, in the subdirectories there is no wireless and when I tried to set it up from the command line it gave me an error.

So before I contact the customer help line I would like to run the script to see if everything is good.

Seems this topic is helpful to you: [url]https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1018825/does-tx1-support-wifi-by-default-/[/url]

I don’t see wifi-config-check.sh on

That is actually what I am hoping to find.

Hi jamesblack975

can’t get any Internet connectivity → Does eth0 also not show?

BTW here are the URLs for the tool: