Xavier about the camera raw data format setting

hello JCap,

according to format types reported via v4l2 standard controls, your got two different video devices with different pixel formats.
please assign format types accordingly (video0=UYVY; video4=YUYV) and taking a JPEG images,
may I know if issue still there,
for example,

$ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 num-buffers=1 ! "video/x-raw, format=(string)UYVY, width=(int)1280, height=(int)800, framerate=(fraction)30/1" ! nvvidconv ! nvjpegenc ! filesink location=cam0.jpg

Hi JerryChang

The issue is still here.
I will try it


hello JCap,

please also attach capture results for reference,

Any capture results can bs shared as reference?

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Hi kayccc

When I use YUYV format sensors,the problem still remains.
I didn’t figure out why not。
So I let the Camera module supplier change the format from YUYV to UYVY,it worked fine.
But The cause of the problem is still unknown