That particular URL is for a much older kernel on a TX1. Some kernel compile information is available in a number of places and there are a number of ways to do this. Compiling natively on the Xavier does simply things somewhat. In what follows keep in mind that you want to match the configuration of the running system, and that also means your “.config” feature “CONFIG_LOCALVERSION” should be:
Following this you would use some sort of config editor, e.g., “make nconfig” to find the “XSENS” symbol/feature, and enable with the “m” key (for module build…versus “y” key which would replace the entire kernel). Information already shown above should be useful, but here is some more (different feature versus XSENS, but still the ideas/procedures are correct):
(uses the directly downloaded “kernel_src.tar.bz2”, but anything with the right source will work)
Here is a more detailed procedure, and uses the “” script:
(you’ll need to know the tag name for your particular release, which depends on “head -n 1 /etc/nv_tegra_release”…you haven’t mentioned which release you have)
Any menu editor, or direct edit of “.config” should take place after you have the original/current config in place. The “tegra_defconfig” is usually the same thing, but if you follow the information on using “/proc/config.gz”, then this is directly extracting the current configuration and will be correct even if you’ve modified the kernel in the past and have a non-default kernel configuration.
Note that in this last example it does build the kernel itself, the file “Image”, but this doesn’t mean you need to install it. I recommend building “Image” prior to building modules simply as a sanity check to be sure the config and source are correct. When finished there will be “.ko” file somewhere in the source for the XSENS module, and this will get copied into the Jetson. Because the XSENS is in kernel source in “drivers/usb/serial/”, and because the “uname -r” is “4.9.140-tegra”, the implication is that the file copy goes to:
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/
# Which works out to be:
Then you’d want to run “sudo depmod -a” and reboot (technically you may not need to reboot, but I advise doing so).