Xavier NX headless wifi not connecting without hdmi screen

Guys, this seems a wierd problem where i have followed all the steps and setup my xavier nx using a PC Screen and everything works out.

Now i have to attach xavier on a robot and ssh into it wirelessly. on powering on. the xavier is not connecting to wifi. Instead as soon as i connect my HDMI screen and login to the system, it connects to the wifi. now i cant be doing this everytime i need to connect. any suggestion on why this is happenning will help.

I feel that there is problem with Network-Manager. in some tutorial of headless setup they have mentioned to keep Network-Manager as dummy0

but i have followed setup using PC Screen. so i have no clue on how to set it now. I cant reflash the system since i need to test the robot. please help

using JETPACK 4.4

this forum link talks about the solution

seems this is a problem across all the ubuntu platforms askubuntu solution

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Thanks for the update to clarify this issue.