ZED stereo camera problem in TX1, incomplete Point Cloud

Hello everyone

I have installed the ZED camera to my TX1, the camera works fine but when I try to save the point cloud (until in the lowest quality and better performance) it generates a incomplete point cloud (only write the first 21% points of the point cloud (52404/241906), the rest of points are written as “0”);

#The point cloud consists in an array of 241906 x 3 floating numbers
1023.976746 -271.747559 1057.642822
1026.713623 -271.661285 1057.307129
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

I tried with the SDK and samples and the problem persists, my TX1 details are the following:

Hardware: Jetson TX1
System: Ubuntu 16.04
Jetpack: LT4T v2.3
ZED SDK: v1.1.1

Also, I try the camera on other devices (Desktop computer with 16GB RAM) and it works fine, but with other TX1 the problem persists. So I am not sure if it is a problem with the TX1 memory (or something related).

I really appreciate any information about it, thanks a lot for your answers!

Hi edarmg,

Speaking from experience, it’s possible that you are running in bandwidth issues on the JTX1 and it is very likely that your desktop’s IO bandwidth is much greater.

If you really must save point clouds, then instead you should only save the depth and RGB images (and necessary information like the camera’s intrinsic and extrinsic parameters), and then convert these to point clouds, say on your desktop, or in a less bandwidth demanding process on your JTX1.

ROS (robotics operating sytem) proved very useful when I did this: among a lot of other stuff, it provides tools for logging and converting depth maps to point clouds.

I hope this helps.



Thanks a lot for your answer!, I followed your advice and use the parameters to generate the point cloud. As you say, I will check the ROS libraries.

Best regards