[application] enable-perf-measurement=1 perf-measurement-interval-sec=5 #gie-kitti-output-dir=streamscl [tiled-display] enable=1 rows=2 columns=2 width=1280 height=720 gpu-id=0 ## (0): nvbuf-mem-default - Default memory allocated, specific to particular platform ## (1): nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned - Allocate Pinned/Host cuda memory, applicable for Tesla ## (2): nvbuf-mem-cuda-device - Allocate Device cuda memory, applicable for Tesla ## (3): nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified - Allocate Unified cuda memory, applicable for Tesla ## (4): nvbuf-mem-surface-array - Allocate Surface Array memory, applicable for Jetson nvbuf-memory-type=0 [source0] enable=1 ## Type: 1=CameraV4L2 2=URI 3=MultiURI type=3 #uri=file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 #uri=file:/home/nvidia/Documents/5-Materials/Videos/0825.avi uri=rtsp://admin:hhkj1234@ num-sources=1 camera-id=1 gpu-id=0 drop-frame-interval=0 ## (0): memtype_device - Memory type Device ## (1): memtype_pinned - Memory type Host Pinned ## (2): memtype_unified - Memory type Unified cudadec-memtype=0 [source1] enable=0 ## Type: 1=CameraV4L2 2=URI 3=MultiURI 4=RTSP type=3 num-sources=1 #uri=rtsp://admin:hhkj1234@ #uri=rtsp://admin:hhkj1234@ uri=rtsp://root:hhkj1234@ camera-id=11 gpu-id=0 ## (0): memtype_device - Memory type Device ## (1): memtype_pinned - Memory type Host Pinned ## (2): memtype_unified - Memory type Unified cudadec-memtype=0 [sink0] enable=1 ## Type: 1=FakeSink 2=EglSink 3=File 4=RTSPStreaming type=2 sync=0 source-id=0 gpu-id=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0 ## 1=h264 2=h265 #codec=1 ## 1=mp4 2=mkv #container=1 #output-file=yolov4.mp4 [sink1] enable=1 ## Type: 1=FakeSink 2=EglSink 3=File 4=RTSPStreaming type=4 rtsp-port=8554 udp-port=5400 sync=0 source-id=0 gpu-id=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0 ## 1=h264 2=h265 codec=1 ## 1=mp4 2=mkv #container=1 #output-file=yolov4.mp4 [osd] enable=1 gpu-id=0 border-width=1 text-size=12 text-color=1;1;1;1; text-bg-color=0.3;0.3;0.3;1 font=Serif show-clock=0 clock-x-offset=800 clock-y-offset=820 clock-text-size=12 clock-color=1;0;0;0 nvbuf-memory-type=0 [streammux] gpu-id=0 ## Boolean property to inform muxer that sources are live live-source=0 batch-size=8 ## time out in usec, to wait after the first buffer is available ## to push the batch even if the complete batch is not formed batched-push-timeout=40000 ## Set muxer output width and height width=1920 height=1080 ## Enable to maintain aspect ratio wrt source, and allow black borders, works ## along with width, height properties enable-padding=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0 ## config-file property is mandatory for any gie section. ## Other properties are optional and if set will override the properties set in ## the infer config file. [primary-gie] enable=1 gpu-id=0 model-engine-file=yolov5s-zj.engine labelfile-path=labels.txt batch-size=8 #Required by the app for OSD, not a plugin property bbox-border-color0=1;0;0;1 bbox-border-color1=0;1;1;1 bbox-border-color2=0;0;1;1 bbox-border-color3=0;1;0;1 interval=0 gie-unique-id=1 nvbuf-memory-type=0 config-file=config_infer_primary.txt [tracker] enable=1 gpu-id=0 tracker-width=960 tracker-height=540 ll-lib-file=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/lib/libnvds_mot_klt.so display-tracking-id=1 [nvds-analytics] enable=1 config-file=config_analytics.txt [tests] file-loop=0