D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::DrawIndexedInstanced: The render target format in slot 0 does not match that specified by the current pipeline state. (pipeline state = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, RTV ID3D12Resource* = 0x000000001D54D0E0:'gbuffer_normal') [ EXECUTION ERROR #613: RENDER_TARGET_FORMAT_MISMATCH_PIPELINE_STATE] The thread 0x29a0 has exited with code 0 (0x0). D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::ResourceBarrier: Before state (0x240: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_NON_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE|D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT) of resource (0x000000000494D300:'particle_alive_indices_buffer_afr0') (subresource: 0) specified by transition barrier does not match with the state (0x200: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT) specified in the previous call to ResourceBarrier [ RESOURCE_MANIPULATION ERROR #527: RESOURCE_BARRIER_BEFORE_AFTER_MISMATCH] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The clear values do not match those passed to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The clear values do not match those passed to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The clear values do not match those passed to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] D3D12 WARNING: ID3D12CommandList::ClearRenderTargetView: The clear values do not match those passed to resource creation. The clear operation is typically slower as a result; but will still clear to the desired value. [ EXECUTION WARNING #820: CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW_MISMATCHINGCLEARVALUE] Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9A92D286E (ucrtbase.dll) in 3DMarkTimeSpy.exe: Fatal program exit requested.