[property] gpu-id=0 net-scale-factor=0.0039215697906911373 model-color-format=0 custom-network-config=yolov5_vehicle.cfg model-file=yolov5_vehicle.wts model-engine-file=model_b1_gpu0_fp32.engine labelfile-path=labels_vehicle.txt batch-size=1 # Data format to be used by inference; Integer 0: FP32 1: INT8 2: FP16 network-mode=0 num-detected-classes=63 # Number of consecutive batches to be skipped for inference interval=0 # Unique ID to be assigned to the GIE to enable the application and other elements to identify detected bounding boxes and labels gie-unique-id=1 # Mode (primary or secondary) in which the element is to operate on (ignored if input-tensor-meta enabled); Integer 1=Primary 2=Secondary process-mode=1 # Type of network | 0: Detector | 1: Classifier | 2: Segmentation | 3: Instance Segmentation network-type=0 # cluster-mode = 2 | NMS cluster-mode=2 maintain-aspect-ratio=1 # Name of the custom bounding box parsing function. If not specified, Gst-nvinfer uses the internal function for the resnet model provided by the SDK parse-bbox-func-name=NvDsInferParseYolo # Absolute pathname of a library containing custom method implementations for custom models custom-lib-path=nvdsinfer_custom_impl_Yolo/libnvdsinfer_custom_impl_Yolo.so engine-create-func-name=NvDsInferYoloCudaEngineGet # For detector: output-blob-names=coverage;bbox . For multi-label classifiers: output-blob-names =coverage_attrib1;coverage_attrib2 output-blob-names=coverage;bbox [class-attrs-all] nms-iou-threshold=0.45 pre-cluster-threshold=0.25 # Keep only top K objects with highest detection scores. topk=300