➜ bin git:(master) ./segnet-console.py --network=FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024 /home/fkosec/data/warehouse.png /home/fkosec/data/out.png jetson.inference -- segNet loading network using argv command line params segNet -- loading segmentation network model from: -- prototxt: (null) -- model: networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx -- labels: networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/classes.txt -- colors: networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/colors.txt -- input_blob 'input_0' -- output_blob 'output_0' -- batch_size 1 [TRT] TensorRT version 7.1.3 [TRT] loading NVIDIA plugins... [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 [TRT] Could not register plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 [TRT] detected model format - ONNX (extension '.onnx') [TRT] desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST [TRT] requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8 [TRT] native precisions detected for GPU: FP32, FP16, INT8 [TRT] selecting fastest native precision for GPU: FP16 [TRT] attempting to open engine cache file networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx.1.1.7103.GPU.FP16.engine [TRT] loading network plan from engine cache... networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx.1.1.7103.GPU.FP16.engine [TRT] device GPU, loaded networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx [TRT] Deserialize required 1514433 microseconds. [TRT] [TRT] CUDA engine context initialized on device GPU: [TRT] -- layers 25 [TRT] -- maxBatchSize 1 [TRT] -- workspace 0 [TRT] -- deviceMemory 132862976 [TRT] -- bindings 2 [TRT] binding 0 -- index 0 -- name 'input_0' -- type FP32 -- in/out INPUT -- # dims 4 -- dim #0 1 (SPATIAL) -- dim #1 3 (SPATIAL) -- dim #2 1024 (SPATIAL) -- dim #3 2048 (SPATIAL) [TRT] binding 1 -- index 1 -- name 'output_0' -- type FP32 -- in/out OUTPUT -- # dims 4 -- dim #0 1 (SPATIAL) -- dim #1 21 (SPATIAL) -- dim #2 32 (SPATIAL) -- dim #3 64 (SPATIAL) [TRT] [TRT] binding to input 0 input_0 binding index: 0 [TRT] binding to input 0 input_0 dims (b=1 c=3 h=1024 w=2048) size=25165824 [TRT] binding to output 0 output_0 binding index: 1 [TRT] binding to output 0 output_0 dims (b=1 c=21 h=32 w=64) size=172032 [TRT] [TRT] device GPU, networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx initialized. [TRT] segNet outputs -- s_w 64 s_h 32 s_c 21 [TRT] segNet -- class 00 label 'void' [TRT] segNet -- class 01 label 'ego_vehicle' [TRT] segNet -- class 02 label 'ground' [TRT] segNet -- class 03 label 'road' [TRT] segNet -- class 04 label 'sidewalk' [TRT] segNet -- class 05 label 'building' [TRT] segNet -- class 06 label 'wall' [TRT] segNet -- class 07 label 'fence' [TRT] segNet -- class 08 label 'pole' [TRT] segNet -- class 09 label 'traffic_light' [TRT] segNet -- class 10 label 'traffic_sign' [TRT] segNet -- class 11 label 'vegetation' [TRT] segNet -- class 12 label 'terrain' [TRT] segNet -- class 13 label 'sky' [TRT] segNet -- class 14 label 'person' [TRT] segNet -- class 15 label 'car' [TRT] segNet -- class 16 label 'truck' [TRT] segNet -- class 17 label 'bus' [TRT] segNet -- class 18 label 'train' [TRT] segNet -- class 19 label 'motorcycle' [TRT] segNet -- class 20 label 'bicycle' [TRT] segNet -- loaded 21 class labels [TRT] segNet -- class 00 color 0 0 0 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 01 color 128 64 128 180 [TRT] segNet -- class 02 color 81 0 81 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 03 color 128 64 128 180 [TRT] segNet -- class 04 color 150 75 200 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 05 color 70 70 70 220 [TRT] segNet -- class 06 color 102 102 156 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 07 color 190 153 153 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 08 color 153 153 153 150 [TRT] segNet -- class 09 color 250 170 30 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 10 color 250 170 30 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 11 color 107 142 35 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 12 color 152 251 152 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 13 color 70 130 180 254 [TRT] segNet -- class 14 color 220 20 60 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 15 color 0 0 142 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 16 color 0 0 70 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 17 color 0 60 100 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 18 color 0 80 100 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 19 color 0 0 230 255 [TRT] segNet -- class 20 color 119 11 32 255 [TRT] segNet -- loaded 21 class colors [video] created imageLoader from file:///home/fkosec/data/warehouse.png ------------------------------------------------ imageLoader video options: ------------------------------------------------ -- URI: file:///home/fkosec/data/warehouse.png - protocol: file - location: /home/fkosec/data/warehouse.png - extension: png -- deviceType: file -- ioType: input -- codec: unknown -- width: 0 -- height: 0 -- frameRate: 0.000000 -- bitRate: 0 -- numBuffers: 4 -- zeroCopy: true -- flipMethod: none -- loop: 0 ------------------------------------------------ [video] created imageWriter from file:///home/fkosec/data/out.png ------------------------------------------------ imageWriter video options: ------------------------------------------------ -- URI: file:///home/fkosec/data/out.png - protocol: file - location: /home/fkosec/data/out.png - extension: png -- deviceType: file -- ioType: output -- codec: unknown -- width: 0 -- height: 0 -- frameRate: 0.000000 -- bitRate: 0 -- numBuffers: 4 -- zeroCopy: true -- flipMethod: none -- loop: 0 ------------------------------------------------ [image] loaded '/home/fkosec/data/warehouse.png' (2048x1024, 3 channels) [image] saved '/home/fkosec/data/out.png' (3072x1024, 3 channels) [TRT] ------------------------------------------------ [TRT] Timing Report networks/FCN-ResNet18-Cityscapes-2048x1024/fcn_resnet18.onnx [TRT] ------------------------------------------------ [TRT] Pre-Process CPU 0.05002ms CUDA 1.67834ms [TRT] Network CPU 93.96079ms CUDA 91.89898ms [TRT] Post-Process CPU 1.00379ms CUDA 1.45718ms [TRT] Visualize CPU 0.02323ms CUDA 0.83354ms [TRT] Total CPU 95.03783ms CUDA 95.86803ms [TRT] ------------------------------------------------ [TRT] note -- when processing a single image, run 'sudo jetson_clocks' before to disable DVFS for more accurate profiling/timing measurements