IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... IOHWABS_PWRUP_SEQUENCE_ERROR : PowerOn sequence encountered errors... aurixresetÊ DRIVE-V5.1.6-E3550-EB-Aurix-With3LSS-ForHyperion-StepA-3.05.04 Compilation date: Jun 25 2019, 14:25:36 Copyright 1998-2017 Elektrobit Automotive GmbH Hardware information: SystemUpInit-Time[ms]: 0 EB-DDPX-SHELL Enter 'help' to see the available commands. Startup Finished shell> The board has been powered on. KL15 power UP or WakeUp from deep sleep or shell command. Power On sequence Triggered. Safety Error Override Timeout for ErrId : 0x0, Device ID : 1 System_PowerOn: Reading PG status: Timeout Error! XA_5V_PG/XB_5V_PG/P1_5V_PG status Info: Executing cmd: status, argc: 0, args: Alive : 00:00:00 CPU load Core 0: 7% CPU load max Core 0: 9% CPU load Core 1: 0% CPU load max Core 1: 0% CPU load Core 2: 0% CPU load max Core 2: 0% CPU load Core 3: 0% CPU load max Core 3: 0% CPU load Core 4: 0% CPU load max Core 4: 0% CPU load Core 5: 0% CPU load max Core 5: 0% Hardware information: SystemUpInit-Time[ms]: 99 IP-address (Tegra-A): IP-address (Tegra-B): IP-address (AURIX): MAC-address (Tegra-A): 0x000000044BF65D4E MAC-address (Tegra-B): 0x000000044BF65D4F MAC-address (AURIX): 0x000000044BF65D50 RAM Usage: 122880 bytes Command Executed shell> version Info: Executing cmd: version, argc: 0, args: SW Version: DRIVE-V5.1.6-E3550-EB-Aurix-With3LSS-ForHyperion-StepA-3.05.04 Compilation date: Jun 25 2019, 14:25:36 Command Executed shell> inforom Info: Executing cmd: inforom, argc: 0, args: Error: Invalid number of arguments Invalid Command shell> ;5Fpoweroff Info: Executing cmd: ;5Fpoweroff, argc: 0, args: Error: Unknown command Invalid Command shell> ;5Fpoweroff Info: Executing cmd: ;5Fpoweroff, argc: 0, args: Error: Unknown command Invalid Command shell> poweroff Info: Executing cmd: poweroff, argc: 0, args: Power-off from shell command . shell> Command Executed poweron Info: Executing cmd: poweron, argc: 0, args: Power-on from shell command . shell> Power On sequence Triggered. System_PowerOn: Reading PG status: Timeout Error! XA_5V_PG/XB_5V_PG/P1_5V_PG readNvRam Info: Executing cmd: readNvRam, argc: 0, args: SW Version: DRIVE-V5.1.6-E3550-EB-Aurix-With3LSS-ForHyperion-StepA-3.05.04 Aurix-Ip : 10:42:0:146 Tegra X1 IP : 10:42:0:28 Tegra X2 IP : 10:42:0:29 Vlan-Port : 0 = 0x7E Vlan-Port : 1 = 0x7D Vlan-Port : 2 = 0x23 Vlan-Port : 3 = 0x03 Vlan-Port : 4 = 0x03 Vlan-Port : 5 = 0x07 Command Executed shell> getistinfo Info: Executing cmd: getistinfo, argc: 0, args: Device ID: 0 IST Config: 0 Device ID: 1 IST Config: 0 Command Executed shell> IOHWABS_PWRUP_