11:01:23.700 - info: SDK Manager started running at: 2022-12-16 11:01:23.699 11:01:23.701 - info: SDK Manager log file name: sdkm-2022-12-16-11-01-23.log 11:01:23.702 - info: SDK Manager client version: 1.9.0 11:01:23.702 - info: SDK Manager is running in GUI mode 11:01:23.702 - info: Arch: x64 11:01:24.136 - info: Current DB Version: 17 11:01:24.247 - info: /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=bionic UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic 11:01:24.248 - info: /etc/issue Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS \n \l 11:01:24.248 - info: /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS" 11:01:24.253 - info: codeNameCounts in /etc/apt/sources.list { bionic: 10 } 11:01:24.254 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: System settings table changed after getting machineInfo 11:01:24.294 - info: User agent for http requests: SDKM/ (ubuntu1804) 11:01:24.401 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Proxy settings changed 11:01:24.401 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.412 - info: Initializing hwDataManager 11:01:24.415 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.415 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Report component install/uninstall error messages 11:01:24.415 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Report component install/uninstall error code/type 11:01:24.416 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.416 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Proxy settings changed 11:01:24.416 - info: downloadMetrics.reset 11:01:24.416 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.417 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:01:24.417 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.417 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session status initialization is complete 11:01:24.417 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.417 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File init download status 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File pending download 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File checksum verifying 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished pausing download 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished resuming download 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Terminal output 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Device connection retry is complete 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.418 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.420 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.420 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.421 - info: Forking worker process 11:01:24.424 - info: Initializing the download service 11:01:24.427 - info: Download service pid is: 2203 11:01:24.427 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Proxy settings changed 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:01:24.428 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File reset downloaded size 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download size updated 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component progress for action 11:01:24.431 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.432 - info: Download manager can use up to 12 download threads per file 11:01:24.432 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.446 - info: create .sdkm.bashrc under /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/.sdkm.bashrc 11:01:24.451 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:24.452 - info: installMetrics.reset 11:01:24.452 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.452 - info: uninstallMetrics.reset 11:01:24.453 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: HW device was added 11:01:24.453 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: HW device was removed 11:01:24.454 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.455 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.455 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.455 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:01:24.455 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished downloading 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session before ended 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session paused 11:01:24.456 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session complete when pausing 11:01:24.504 - info: Device Detection Service Started. 11:01:24.723 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:01:24.723 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:01:24.723 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File checksum verifying 11:01:24.723 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:01:24.828 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:01:24.828 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:24.828 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Detected devices updated 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session status initialization is complete 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Terminal output 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Login progress 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: undefined 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component download in progress 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component progress for action 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished pausing download 11:01:24.830 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished resuming download 11:01:24.831 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished downloading 11:01:24.831 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Group finished downloading 11:01:24.831 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:01:24.831 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session paused 11:01:24.831 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:01:24.834 - info: Logger level is set to: info 11:01:25.058 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Login progress 11:01:25.058 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: CLI Abort 11:01:25.058 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:01:25.078 - info: Front-end main function (startMain) was called 11:01:25.135 - info: Creating auto update task 11:01:25.148 - info: Host OS: ubuntu1804 11:01:25.151 - info: packageJson: /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/package.json 11:01:25.207 - info: [Download Service]:Download service is initializing 11:01:25.207 - info: [Download Service]:Download service was initialized 11:01:25.207 - info: [Download Service]:Got heartbeat request 11:01:25.208 - info: [Download Service] Download service is alive 11:01:25.231 - info: Application configuration is: { mainRepoURL: [Getter/Setter], PIDServer: [Getter/Setter], DevZoneServer: [Getter/Setter], StarfleetServer: [Getter/Setter] } 11:01:25.270 - info: Screen res: 2560 x 1440, scaleFactor 1 11:01:25.240 - info: trying to autologin with already signed in user 11:01:25.242 - info: token has not yet expired, validating with starfleet 11:01:25.242 - info: Logging in... 11:01:25.243 - info: Event: Login Progress: Authenticating with NVIDIA server... 11:01:25.250 - info: manifest: {"name":"sdkmanager","releaseVersion":"1.9.0","releaseRevision":"0","releaseBuild":"10816","release":false,"chrome":"91.0.4472.164"} 11:01:25.250 - info: Telemetry parameters are: title: SDK Manager version: 1.9.0 dev: 0 internal: false 11:01:25.265 - info: Telemetry: allow = Allow. isGDPRAllowed=true 11:01:25.265 - info: Initializing Telemetry visitor. Application: SDK Manager Version: clientMode: UI. isDevelopmentEnvironment: 0. NV User: false 11:01:25.266 - info: Initialized Telemetry for SDK Manager. TrackID: UA-59254929-54. UserID: 007dd48a-db15-5bc5-b125-7061d3e8ac92. 11:01:25.266 - info: Telemetry: setting custom dimensions: UserType, SDKMode, SDKMVersion External UI 11:01:25.266 - info: Setting custom dimension: UserType - cd5, External 11:01:25.266 - info: Setting custom dimension: SDKMode - cd6, UI 11:01:25.266 - info: Setting custom dimension: SDKMVersion - cd8, 11:01:25.266 - info: Telemetry: setting user os custom dimensions: ubuntu1804 11:01:25.266 - info: Setting custom dimension: UserOS - cd16, ubuntu1804 11:01:25.270 - info: Total memory: 7.55 GB 11:01:25.270 - info: mainRepoUrl: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:01:25.271 - info: logging in with l1 url: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:01:25.297 - info: Create timing task for auto update successfully. 11:01:25.713 - info: Created symlink /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/sdkm-2022-12-16-11-01-23.log => /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/sdkm.log 11:01:26.123 - info: User programs URL is: https://developer.nvidia.com/api/assets/v1/current_user_sdk/programs 11:01:26.123 - info: start to get devzone user info 11:01:28.864 - info: get devzone user info takes 2.74 sec 11:01:28.865 - info: the DevZone programs that user can access: 11:01:28.865 - info: { id: 878431, name: Technology Access Group } 11:01:28.865 - info: { id: 874688, name: NVIDIA Developer Program } 11:01:28.865 - info: the userID of the user: 4368910 11:01:28.866 - info: User profile URL is: https://api-prod.nvidia.com/services/eupservice/v1/user/getProfile 11:01:28.866 - info: start to get user profile from EUP 11:01:29.226 - info: get user profile from EUP takes 0.36 sec 11:01:29.239 - info: Event: Login Complete: Succeeded 11:01:29.240 - info: Retrieving Data... 11:01:29.241 - info: Processing Data... 11:01:29.254 - info: Checking for GDPR allow. gdprAllow: Allow. client version: Last seen client: 11:01:29.257 - info: LastSeenSDKMClientVersion is set to 11:01:29.259 - info: mainRepoUrl: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:01:29.262 - info: Loading hw data from server... https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:29.263 - info: start to download https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:29.264 - info: Logging into Telemetry server: starfleet 11:01:29.264 - info: Setting custom dimension: LoginServer - cd10, Starfleet 11:01:32.543 - error: sdkmhw1.json download failed with error ENOTFOUND, request url: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:32.543 - error: Cannot get HW Json Data. File path: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json, backup dir: /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/hwdata 11:01:32.543 - error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:32.544 - error: failed to initialize data manager. Error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:32.568 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:32.568 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:32.580 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:32.580 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:32.580 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_CLARA_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_NX_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX1_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_NANO_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_DATETIME_SETUP_TARGET_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.581 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDNN_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_TENSORRT_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_OPENCV_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VISIONWORKS_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VPI_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DOCKER_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_IGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.582 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_DGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:32.583 - warn: no hostOperatingSystemsSupportFor in json 11:01:32.619 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA on Host' (NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2 11:01:32.619 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host' (NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 11:01:32.620 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VisionWorks on Host' (NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks 11:01:32.620 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VPI on Host' (NV_VPI_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libnvvpi1 11:01:32.620 - error: Found unhandledrejection Promise { 'Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined\n' + 'File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json.' } 11:01:32.642 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb installed successfully. 11:01:32.643 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:32.648 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-dev 11:01:32.658 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb installed successfully. 11:01:32.658 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-dev 11:01:32.659 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:32.686 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t 11:01:32.696 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-samples 11:01:32.727 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python-vpi1 11:01:32.737 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm 11:01:32.757 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python3-vpi1 11:01:32.766 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm-dev 11:01:32.788 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-samples 11:01:32.798 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking 11:01:32.821 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-demos-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux-ubuntu1804.deb 11:01:32.821 - info: Component: NV_VPI_HOST_COMP version: 1.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:32.829 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking-dev 11:01:32.861 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE NVIDIA_VisionWorks_References.zip 11:01:32.861 - info: Component: NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP version: 1.6 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:38.874 - info: Loading hw data from server... https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:38.874 - info: start to download https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:42.098 - error: sdkmhw1.json download failed with error ENOTFOUND, request url: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:42.106 - error: Cannot get HW Json Data. File path: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json, backup dir: /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/hwdata 11:01:42.106 - error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:42.106 - error: failed to initialize data manager. Error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:42.116 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:42.116 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:42.127 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:42.127 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_CLARA_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.127 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_NX_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX1_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_NANO_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_DATETIME_SETUP_TARGET_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDNN_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_TENSORRT_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_OPENCV_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VISIONWORKS_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VPI_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.128 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DOCKER_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_IGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_DGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:42.129 - warn: no hostOperatingSystemsSupportFor in json 11:01:42.154 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA on Host' (NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2 11:01:42.155 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host' (NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 11:01:42.155 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VisionWorks on Host' (NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks 11:01:42.155 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VPI on Host' (NV_VPI_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libnvvpi1 11:01:42.155 - error: Found unhandledrejection Promise { 'Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined\n' + 'File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json.' } 11:01:42.173 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb installed successfully. 11:01:42.173 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:42.179 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb installed successfully. 11:01:42.179 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:42.180 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-dev 11:01:42.183 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-dev 11:01:42.209 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-samples 11:01:42.212 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t 11:01:42.238 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm 11:01:42.241 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python-vpi1 11:01:42.266 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm-dev 11:01:42.270 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python3-vpi1 11:01:42.295 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking 11:01:42.298 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-samples 11:01:42.323 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking-dev 11:01:42.327 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-demos-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux-ubuntu1804.deb 11:01:42.327 - info: Component: NV_VPI_HOST_COMP version: 1.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:42.351 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE NVIDIA_VisionWorks_References.zip 11:01:42.352 - info: Component: NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP version: 1.6 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:42.967 - info: Loading hw data from server... https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:42.968 - info: start to download https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:46.227 - error: sdkmhw1.json download failed with error ENOTFOUND, request url: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:46.235 - error: Cannot get HW Json Data. File path: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json, backup dir: /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/hwdata 11:01:46.236 - error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:46.236 - error: failed to initialize data manager. Error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:46.241 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:46.241 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:46.245 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:46.245 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_CLARA_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_NX_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.246 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX1_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_NANO_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_DATETIME_SETUP_TARGET_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDNN_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_TENSORRT_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.247 - warn: comp NV_L4T_OPENCV_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VISIONWORKS_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VPI_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DOCKER_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_IGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.248 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_DGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:46.249 - warn: no hostOperatingSystemsSupportFor in json 11:01:46.269 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA on Host' (NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2 11:01:46.269 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host' (NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 11:01:46.269 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VisionWorks on Host' (NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks 11:01:46.269 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VPI on Host' (NV_VPI_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libnvvpi1 11:01:46.270 - error: Found unhandledrejection Promise { 'Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined\n' + 'File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json.' } 11:01:46.288 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb installed successfully. 11:01:46.289 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:46.291 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb installed successfully. 11:01:46.291 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:46.294 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-dev 11:01:46.298 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-dev 11:01:46.324 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-samples 11:01:46.327 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t 11:01:46.353 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm 11:01:46.356 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python-vpi1 11:01:46.382 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm-dev 11:01:46.385 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python3-vpi1 11:01:46.411 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking 11:01:46.414 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-samples 11:01:46.440 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking-dev 11:01:46.443 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-demos-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux-ubuntu1804.deb 11:01:46.444 - info: Component: NV_VPI_HOST_COMP version: 1.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:46.470 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE NVIDIA_VisionWorks_References.zip 11:01:46.470 - info: Component: NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP version: 1.6 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:48.035 - info: Loading hw data from server... https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:48.035 - info: start to download https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:51.218 - error: sdkmhw1.json download failed with error ENOTFOUND, request url: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:51.219 - error: Cannot get HW Json Data. File path: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json, backup dir: /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/hwdata 11:01:51.219 - error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:51.219 - error: failed to initialize data manager. Error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:51.227 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:51.227 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:51.231 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:51.232 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_CLARA_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_NX_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX1_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_NANO_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.232 - warn: comp NV_DATETIME_SETUP_TARGET_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.233 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.233 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDNN_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.233 - warn: comp NV_L4T_TENSORRT_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.233 - warn: comp NV_L4T_OPENCV_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.233 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VISIONWORKS_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VPI_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DOCKER_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_IGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_DGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:51.234 - warn: no hostOperatingSystemsSupportFor in json 11:01:51.259 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA on Host' (NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2 11:01:51.259 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host' (NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 11:01:51.260 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VisionWorks on Host' (NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks 11:01:51.260 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VPI on Host' (NV_VPI_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libnvvpi1 11:01:51.260 - error: Found unhandledrejection Promise { 'Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined\n' + 'File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json.' } 11:01:51.278 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb installed successfully. 11:01:51.278 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:51.281 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb installed successfully. 11:01:51.281 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:51.284 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-dev 11:01:51.293 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-dev 11:01:51.315 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-samples 11:01:51.324 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t 11:01:51.345 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm 11:01:51.354 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python-vpi1 11:01:51.374 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm-dev 11:01:51.382 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python3-vpi1 11:01:51.404 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking 11:01:51.412 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-samples 11:01:51.433 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking-dev 11:01:51.441 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-demos-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux-ubuntu1804.deb 11:01:51.441 - info: Component: NV_VPI_HOST_COMP version: 1.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:51.462 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE NVIDIA_VisionWorks_References.zip 11:01:51.463 - info: Component: NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP version: 1.6 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:54.502 - info: Loading hw data from server... https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:54.509 - info: start to download https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:57.712 - error: sdkmhw1.json download failed with error ENOTFOUND, request url: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json 11:01:57.713 - error: Cannot get HW Json Data. File path: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json, backup dir: /home/jayben/.nvsdkm/hwdata 11:01:57.713 - error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:57.714 - error: failed to initialize data manager. Error: Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json. 11:01:57.742 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:57.742 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:57.754 - info: cleaning the group map 11:01:57.754 - info: BundleData constructMap 11:01:57.754 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DRIVERS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_CLARA_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_NX_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_TX1_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.755 - warn: comp NV_L4T_FLASH_NANO_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_DATETIME_SETUP_TARGET_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_CUDNN_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_TENSORRT_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_OPENCV_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VISIONWORKS_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.756 - warn: comp NV_L4T_VPI_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_DOCKER_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T186_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T194_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_MULTIMEDIA_API_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_T210_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_IGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.757 - warn: comp NV_L4T_NVIDIA_NSIGHT_SYSTEMS_DGPU_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP filtered out, due to supported targetIDs [], not include JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 11:01:57.758 - warn: no hostOperatingSystemsSupportFor in json 11:01:57.783 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA on Host' (NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-toolkit-10-2 11:01:57.783 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host' (NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' cuda-cross-aarch64-10-2 11:01:57.783 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VisionWorks on Host' (NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks 11:01:57.783 - info: stdout: Querying the install status of 'VPI on Host' (NV_VPI_HOST_COMP) INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libnvvpi1 11:01:57.784 - error: Found unhandledrejection Promise { 'Cannot read file requested for HW. fileType: hw1. FamilyName undefined. deviceID: undefined\n' + 'File path computed for the HW device: https:/developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/hw-config/sdkmhw1.json.' } 11:01:57.800 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-450.115-1_amd64.deb installed successfully. 11:01:57.801 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:57.805 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP cuda-repo-cross-aarch64-ubuntu1804-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_all.deb installed successfully. 11:01:57.806 - info: Component: NV_CUDA_CROSS_HOST_COMP version: 10.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:57.807 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-dev 11:01:57.812 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-lib-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-dev 11:01:57.836 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-samples 11:01:57.840 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-dev-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-cross-aarch64-l4t 11:01:57.865 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm 11:01:57.869 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-cross-aarch64-l4t-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python-vpi1 11:01:57.893 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-sfm-dev 11:01:57.897 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python2.7-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' python3-vpi1 11:01:57.922 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking 11:01:57.926 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-python3.6-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' vpi1-samples 11:01:57.951 - info: stdout: exec_command: dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-abbrev} ${Version}' libvisionworks-tracking-dev 11:01:57.955 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VPI_HOST_COMP vpi-samples-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE vpi-demos-1.2.3-cuda10-x86_64-linux-ubuntu1804.deb 11:01:57.956 - info: Component: NV_VPI_HOST_COMP version: 1.2 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed 11:01:57.980 - info: stdout: Host Deb package NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_amd64.deb installed successfully. INSTALLUTIL_CURRENT_FILE NVIDIA_VisionWorks_References.zip 11:01:57.980 - info: Component: NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP version: 1.6 for bundle: JetPack_4.6.1_Linux is installed