&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8403] # /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=faster_rcnn_base_sanitized.onnx --saveEngine=faster_rcnn_base_sanitized_engine.trt --verbose [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] === Model Options === [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Format: ONNX [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Model: faster_rcnn_base_sanitized.onnx [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Output: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] === Build Options === [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Max batch: explicit batch [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Memory Pools: workspace: default, dlaSRAM: default, dlaLocalDRAM: default, dlaGlobalDRAM: default [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] minTiming: 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] avgTiming: 8 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Precision: FP32 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] LayerPrecisions: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Calibration: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Refit: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Sparsity: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Safe mode: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] DirectIO mode: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Restricted mode: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Build only: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Save engine: faster_rcnn_base_sanitized_engine.trt [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Load engine: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Profiling verbosity: 0 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Tactic sources: Using default tactic sources [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] timingCacheMode: local [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] timingCacheFile: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Input(s)s format: fp32:CHW [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Output(s)s format: fp32:CHW [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Input build shapes: model [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Input calibration shapes: model [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] === System Options === [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Device: 0 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] DLACore: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Plugins: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] === Inference Options === [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Batch: Explicit [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Input inference shapes: model [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Iterations: 10 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Duration: 3s (+ 200ms warm up) [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Sleep time: 0ms [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Idle time: 0ms [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Streams: 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] ExposeDMA: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Data transfers: Enabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Spin-wait: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Multithreading: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] CUDA Graph: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Separate profiling: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Time Deserialize: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Time Refit: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Inputs: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] === Reporting Options === [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Verbose: Enabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Averages: 10 inferences [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Percentile: 99 [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Dump refittable layers:Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Dump output: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Profile: Disabled [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Export timing to JSON file: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Export output to JSON file: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] Export profile to JSON file: [08/29/2022-17:30:44] [I] [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] === Device Information === [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Selected Device: Quadro RTX 6000 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Compute Capability: 7.5 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] SMs: 72 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Compute Clock Rate: 1.77 GHz [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Device Global Memory: 24219 MiB [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Shared Memory per SM: 64 KiB [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Memory Bus Width: 384 bits (ECC disabled) [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] Memory Clock Rate: 7.001 GHz [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] TensorRT version: 8.4.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_Explicit_TF_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_Implicit_TF_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalDynamic version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 2 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CoordConvAC version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DecodeBbox3DPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PillarScatterPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::VoxelGeneratorPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::MultiscaleDeformableAttnPlugin_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:45] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +316, GPU +0, now: CPU 324, GPU 6933 (MiB) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init builder kernel library: CPU +208, GPU +68, now: CPU 549, GPU 6987 (MiB) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] Start parsing network model [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Input filename: faster_rcnn_base_sanitized.onnx [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] ONNX IR version: 0.0.8 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Opset version: 11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Producer name: pytorch [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Producer version: 1.12.1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Domain: [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Model version: 0 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] Doc string: [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] [TRT] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Region_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Clip_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ScatterND version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResize version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_Explicit_TF_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_Implicit_TF_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalDynamic version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Proposal version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Split version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 2 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CoordConvAC version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DecodeBbox3DPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PillarScatterPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::VoxelGeneratorPlugin version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::MultiscaleDeformableAttnPlugin_TRT version 1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: input with dtype: float32, dimensions: (-1, 3, 512, 640) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input for ONNX tensor: input [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Sub_298 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_335 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:369: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32. [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Pad_434 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3274 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3276 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3284 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3286 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3294 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3304 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3314 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3316 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3324 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3414 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3416 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3424 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3426 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3434 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3436 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3444 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3446 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3454 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3456 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3464 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3466 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3474 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3476 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3486 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3494 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3504 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3506 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3514 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3524 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3526 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3534 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3536 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3544 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3546 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3554 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3556 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3564 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3566 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3584 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3586 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3594 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3596 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3604 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3606 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3614 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3616 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3624 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3626 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3634 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3636 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3644 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3646 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3654 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3656 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3664 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3666 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3674 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3676 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3684 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3686 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3694 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3696 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3704 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3706 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3714 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3716 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3724 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3726 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3734 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3736 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3744 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3746 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3754 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3756 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3764 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3766 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3774 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3776 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3784 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3786 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3794 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3796 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1530 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1531 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1529 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1552 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1553 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1551 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1575 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Resize_1573 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2055 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2062 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2071 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2079 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2109 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2116 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2125 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2133 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2170 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2217 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2224 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2233 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2241 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2271 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2278 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2287 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2295 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2309 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2333 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2332 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2335 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2340 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2341 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2339 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2342 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2347 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2348 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2349 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2351 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2355 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2353 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2358 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3849 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3851 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2370 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2372 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2379 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2382 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2403 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2405 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2413 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2440 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2443 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2445 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2447 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2449 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2451 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::TopK_2464 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::TopK_2480 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2468 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::TopK_2496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::TopK_2512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2500 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::TopK_2525 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2539 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_3855 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2546 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2552 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2551 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_3856 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2559 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2567 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2572 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2584 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2585 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2583 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2586 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2589 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2590 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2588 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2591 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Max_2593 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Min_2595 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Max_2597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Min_2599 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2612 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2614 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2616 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2619 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2621 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Less_2624 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Less_2627 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Less_2638 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2650 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2679 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2680 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2678 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2681 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2686 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2687 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2685 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_2688 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2694 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2696 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2699 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2701 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2707 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_2710 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2712 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_2714 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3857 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3858 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Sub_2723 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2726 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2733 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2744 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2748 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2755 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2766 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2770 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2777 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2788 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2792 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2799 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2810 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2815 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2827 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2828 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2829 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2832 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2838 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2841 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2853 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2854 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2855 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2857 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2862 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2860 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2867 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2873 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2876 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2888 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2889 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2890 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2892 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2897 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2895 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2902 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2908 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2911 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2923 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2924 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2925 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2927 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2932 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2930 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2937 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2943 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2946 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2958 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2959 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_2960 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_2962 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_2967 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_2965 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_head.fc6.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_head.fc6.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_head.fc7.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_head.fc7.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_predictor.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: roi_heads.box_predictor.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2984 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2987 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_3859 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2996 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_2998 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3001 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3003 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3006 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3008 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3011 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3013 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3017 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3018 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3016 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3019 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_3021 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3025 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3023 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3026 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_3028 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3031 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3032 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3030 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3033 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_3035 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3038 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3039 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3037 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3040 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Div_3042 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3861 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Clip_3863 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3068 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3070 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_3864 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Concat_3865 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3093 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3091 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3092 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Add_3099 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3097 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3098 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3103 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3104 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3102 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3105 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3108 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3109 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3107 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3110 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Max_3112 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Min_3114 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Max_3116 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Min_3118 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3124 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3127 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3130 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Expand_3142 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3146 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3147 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3145 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3148 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3151 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3152 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3150 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3153 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3156 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3157 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Weight at index 0: 9223372036854775807 is out of range. Clamping to: 2147483647 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [W] [TRT] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3155 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3158 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_3160 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_3162 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Reshape_3164 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Greater_3166 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3175 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3177 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3180 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Gather_3182 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Less_3185 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Less_3188 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Equal_3201 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3230 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3231 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3229 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Slice_3232 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3242 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: onnx::Mul_3239 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Split_63 [Split] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Split_63 [Split] inputs: [input -> (-1, 3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Split_63 for ONNX node: Split_63 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Squeeze_296 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Squeeze_296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Split_63 [Split] outputs: [onnx::Squeeze_296 -> (1, 3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Squeeze_64 [Squeeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Squeeze_296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Squeeze_64 [Squeeze] inputs: [onnx::Squeeze_296 -> (1, 3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (1, 3, 512, 640), squeezing to: (3, 512, 640) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Squeeze_64 for ONNX node: Squeeze_64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: image for ONNX tensor: image [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Squeeze_64 [Squeeze] outputs: [image -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Sub_66 [Sub] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: image [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_298 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_66 [Sub] inputs: [image -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Sub_298 -> (3, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Sub_298 for ONNX node: onnx::Sub_298 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Sub_66 for ONNX node: Sub_66 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Div_299 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Div_299 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_66 [Sub] outputs: [onnx::Div_299 -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Div_68 [Div] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_299 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_68 [Div] inputs: [onnx::Div_299 -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Div_300 -> (3, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Div_300 for ONNX node: onnx::Div_300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Div_68 for ONNX node: Div_68 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: image.3 for ONNX tensor: image.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_68 [Div] outputs: [image.3 -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_81 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: image.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_81 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [image.3 -> (3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (3, 512, 640), unsqueezing to: (1, 3, 512, 640) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_81 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_81 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.1 for ONNX tensor: input.1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_81 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [input.1 -> (1, 3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_104 [Resize] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.1 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_335 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_104 [Resize] inputs: [input.1 -> (1, 3, 512, 640)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_335 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_336 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_334 -> (4)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_104 for ONNX node: Resize_104 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Resize_334 for ONNX node: onnx::Resize_334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Gather_337 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Gather_337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_104 [Resize] outputs: [onnx::Gather_337 -> (1, 3, 800, 1000)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Gather_106 [Gather] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Gather_337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Gather_338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Gather_106 [Gather] inputs: [onnx::Gather_337 -> (1, 3, 800, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Gather_338 -> ()[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Gather_338 for ONNX node: onnx::Gather_338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using Gather axis: 0 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Gather_106 for ONNX node: Gather_106 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: image.7 for ONNX tensor: image.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Gather_106 [Gather] outputs: [image.7 -> (3, 800, 1000)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Pad_189 [Pad] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: image.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Pad_434 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Pad_189 [Pad] inputs: [image.7 -> (3, 800, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Pad_434 -> (6)[INT32]], [optional input, not set], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Pad_189 for ONNX node: Pad_189 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_435 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_435 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Pad_189 [Pad] outputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_435 -> (3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_190 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Unsqueeze_435 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_190 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_435 -> (3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (3, 800, 1024), unsqueezing to: (1, 3, 800, 1024) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_190 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_190 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_436 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_436 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_190 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [onnx::Concat_436 -> (1, 3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Concat_191 [Concat] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_436 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_191 [Concat] inputs: [onnx::Concat_436 -> (1, 3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Concat_191 for ONNX node: Concat_191 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.3 for ONNX tensor: input.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_191 [Concat] outputs: [input.3 -> (1, 3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_192 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_192 [Conv] inputs: [input.3 -> (1, 3, 800, 1024)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.conv1.weight -> (64, 3, 7, 7)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 3, 800, 1024) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_192 for ONNX node: Conv_192 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 7), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (3, 3), postpadding: (3, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 400, 512) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_438 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_438 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_192 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_438 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_193 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_438 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3274 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_193 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_438 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3274 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3274 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3274 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_193 for ONNX node: Mul_193 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_455 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_455 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_193 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_455 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_194 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_455 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3276 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_194 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_455 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3276 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3276 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3276 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_194 for ONNX node: Add_194 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.7 for ONNX tensor: input.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_194 [Add] outputs: [input.7 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_195 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_195 [Relu] inputs: [input.7 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_195 for ONNX node: Relu_195 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::MaxPool_457 for ONNX tensor: onnx::MaxPool_457 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_195 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::MaxPool_457 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MaxPool_196 [MaxPool] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::MaxPool_457 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] MaxPool_196 [MaxPool] inputs: [onnx::MaxPool_457 -> (1, 64, 400, 512)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MaxPool_196 for ONNX node: MaxPool_196 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.11 for ONNX tensor: input.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] MaxPool_196 [MaxPool] outputs: [input.11 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_197 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_197 [Conv] inputs: [input.11 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.0.conv1.weight -> (64, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_197 for ONNX node: Conv_197 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_459 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_459 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_197 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_459 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_198 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_459 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3284 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_198 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_459 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3284 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3284 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3284 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_198 for ONNX node: Mul_198 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_476 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_476 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_198 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_476 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_199 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_476 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3286 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_199 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_476 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3286 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3286 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3286 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_199 for ONNX node: Add_199 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.15 for ONNX tensor: input.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_199 [Add] outputs: [input.15 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_200 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_200 [Relu] inputs: [input.15 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_200 for ONNX node: Relu_200 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_478 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_478 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_200 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_478 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_201 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_478 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_201 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_478 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.0.conv2.weight -> (64, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_201 for ONNX node: Conv_201 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_479 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_479 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_201 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_479 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_202 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_479 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3294 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_202 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_479 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3294 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3294 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3294 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_202 for ONNX node: Mul_202 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_496 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_202 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_496 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_203 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_203 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_496 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3296 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3296 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_203 for ONNX node: Add_203 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.19 for ONNX tensor: input.19 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_203 [Add] outputs: [input.19 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_204 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.19 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_204 [Relu] inputs: [input.19 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_204 for ONNX node: Relu_204 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_498 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_498 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_204 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_498 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_205 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_498 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_205 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_498 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.0.conv3.weight -> (256, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_205 for ONNX node: Conv_205 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_499 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_499 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_205 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_499 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_206 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_499 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3304 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_206 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_499 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3304 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3304 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3304 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_206 for ONNX node: Mul_206 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_516 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_206 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_516 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_207 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_207 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_516 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3306 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3306 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_207 for ONNX node: Add_207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_517 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_517 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_207 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_517 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_208 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_208 [Conv] inputs: [input.11 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.0.downsample.0.weight -> (256, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_208 for ONNX node: Conv_208 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_518 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_518 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_208 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_518 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_209 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_518 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3314 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_209 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_518 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3314 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3314 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3314 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_209 for ONNX node: Mul_209 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_535 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_535 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_209 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_535 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_210 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_535 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3316 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_210 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_535 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3316 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3316 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3316 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_210 for ONNX node: Add_210 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_536 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_536 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_210 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_536 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_211 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_517 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_536 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_211 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_517 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_536 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_211 for ONNX node: Add_211 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_537 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_537 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_211 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_537 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_212 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_537 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_212 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_537 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_212 for ONNX node: Relu_212 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.23 for ONNX tensor: input.23 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_212 [Relu] outputs: [input.23 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_213 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.23 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_213 [Conv] inputs: [input.23 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.1.conv1.weight -> (64, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_213 for ONNX node: Conv_213 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_539 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_539 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_213 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_539 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_214 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_539 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3324 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_214 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_539 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3324 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3324 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3324 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_214 for ONNX node: Mul_214 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_556 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_556 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_214 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_556 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_215 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_556 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_215 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_556 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3326 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3326 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_215 for ONNX node: Add_215 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.27 for ONNX tensor: input.27 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_215 [Add] outputs: [input.27 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_216 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.27 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_216 [Relu] inputs: [input.27 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_216 for ONNX node: Relu_216 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_558 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_558 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_216 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_558 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_217 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_558 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_217 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_558 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.1.conv2.weight -> (64, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_217 for ONNX node: Conv_217 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_559 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_559 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_217 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_559 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_218 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_559 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_218 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_559 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3334 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3334 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_218 for ONNX node: Mul_218 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_576 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_218 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_576 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_219 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_219 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_576 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3336 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3336 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_219 for ONNX node: Add_219 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.31 for ONNX tensor: input.31 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_219 [Add] outputs: [input.31 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_220 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.31 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_220 [Relu] inputs: [input.31 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_220 for ONNX node: Relu_220 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_578 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_578 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_220 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_578 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_221 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_578 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_221 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_578 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.1.conv3.weight -> (256, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_221 for ONNX node: Conv_221 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_579 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_579 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_221 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_579 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_222 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_579 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_222 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_579 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3344 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3344 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_222 for ONNX node: Mul_222 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_596 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_596 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_222 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_596 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_223 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_596 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_223 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_596 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3346 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3346 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_223 for ONNX node: Add_223 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_597 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_223 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_597 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_224 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.23 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_224 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_597 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [input.23 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_224 for ONNX node: Add_224 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_598 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_598 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_224 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_598 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_225 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_598 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_225 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_598 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_225 for ONNX node: Relu_225 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.35 for ONNX tensor: input.35 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_225 [Relu] outputs: [input.35 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_226 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.35 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_226 [Conv] inputs: [input.35 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.2.conv1.weight -> (64, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_226 for ONNX node: Conv_226 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_600 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_600 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_226 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_600 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_227 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_600 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_227 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_600 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3354 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3354 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_227 for ONNX node: Mul_227 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_617 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_617 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_227 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_617 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_228 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_617 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_228 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_617 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3356 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3356 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_228 for ONNX node: Add_228 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.39 for ONNX tensor: input.39 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_228 [Add] outputs: [input.39 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_229 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.39 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_229 [Relu] inputs: [input.39 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_229 for ONNX node: Relu_229 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_619 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_619 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_229 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_619 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_230 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_619 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_230 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_619 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.2.conv2.weight -> (64, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_230 for ONNX node: Conv_230 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_620 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_620 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_230 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_620 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_231 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_620 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_231 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_620 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3364 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3364 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_231 for ONNX node: Mul_231 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_637 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_637 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_231 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_637 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_232 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_637 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_232 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_637 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3366 -> (1, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3366 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_232 for ONNX node: Add_232 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.43 for ONNX tensor: input.43 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_232 [Add] outputs: [input.43 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_233 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.43 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_233 [Relu] inputs: [input.43 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_233 for ONNX node: Relu_233 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_639 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_639 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_233 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_639 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_234 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_639 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer1.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_234 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_639 -> (1, 64, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer1.2.conv3.weight -> (256, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_234 for ONNX node: Conv_234 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_640 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_640 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_234 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_640 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_235 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_640 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_235 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_640 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3374 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3374 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_235 for ONNX node: Mul_235 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_657 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_657 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_235 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_657 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_236 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_657 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_236 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_657 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3376 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3376 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_236 for ONNX node: Add_236 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_658 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_658 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_236 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_658 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_237 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_658 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.35 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_237 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_658 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [input.35 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_237 for ONNX node: Add_237 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_659 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_659 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_237 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_659 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_238 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_659 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_238 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_659 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_238 for ONNX node: Relu_238 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.47 for ONNX tensor: input.47 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_238 [Relu] outputs: [input.47 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_239 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.47 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_239 [Conv] inputs: [input.47 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.0.conv1.weight -> (128, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_239 for ONNX node: Conv_239 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_661 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_661 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_239 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_661 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_240 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_661 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_240 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_661 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3384 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3384 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_240 for ONNX node: Mul_240 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_678 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_678 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_240 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_678 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_241 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_678 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_241 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_678 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3386 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3386 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_241 for ONNX node: Add_241 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.51 for ONNX tensor: input.51 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_241 [Add] outputs: [input.51 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_242 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.51 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_242 [Relu] inputs: [input.51 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_242 for ONNX node: Relu_242 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_680 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_680 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_242 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_680 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_243 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_680 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_243 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_680 -> (1, 128, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.0.conv2.weight -> (128, 128, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_243 for ONNX node: Conv_243 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_681 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_681 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_243 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_681 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_244 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_681 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_244 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_681 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3394 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3394 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_244 for ONNX node: Mul_244 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_698 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_698 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_244 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_698 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_245 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_698 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_245 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_698 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3396 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3396 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_245 for ONNX node: Add_245 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.55 for ONNX tensor: input.55 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_245 [Add] outputs: [input.55 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_246 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.55 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_246 [Relu] inputs: [input.55 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_246 for ONNX node: Relu_246 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_700 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_700 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_246 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_700 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_247 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_700 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_247 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_700 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.0.conv3.weight -> (512, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_247 for ONNX node: Conv_247 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_701 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_701 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_247 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_701 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_248 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_701 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_248 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_701 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3404 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3404 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_248 for ONNX node: Mul_248 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_718 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_718 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_248 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_718 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_249 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_718 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_249 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_718 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3406 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3406 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_249 for ONNX node: Add_249 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_719 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_719 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_249 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_719 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_250 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.47 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_250 [Conv] inputs: [input.47 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.0.downsample.0.weight -> (512, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_250 for ONNX node: Conv_250 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_720 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_720 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_250 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_720 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_251 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_720 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3414 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_251 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_720 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3414 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3414 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3414 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_251 for ONNX node: Mul_251 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_737 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_737 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_251 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_737 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_252 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_737 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3416 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_252 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_737 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3416 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3416 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3416 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_252 for ONNX node: Add_252 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_738 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_738 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_252 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_738 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_253 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_719 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_738 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_253 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_719 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_738 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_253 for ONNX node: Add_253 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_739 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_739 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_253 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_739 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_254 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_739 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_254 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_739 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_254 for ONNX node: Relu_254 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.59 for ONNX tensor: input.59 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_254 [Relu] outputs: [input.59 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_255 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.59 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_255 [Conv] inputs: [input.59 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.1.conv1.weight -> (128, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_255 for ONNX node: Conv_255 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_741 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_741 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_255 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_741 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_256 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_741 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3424 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_256 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_741 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3424 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3424 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3424 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_256 for ONNX node: Mul_256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_758 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_758 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_256 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_758 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_257 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_758 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3426 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_257 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_758 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3426 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3426 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3426 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_257 for ONNX node: Add_257 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.63 for ONNX tensor: input.63 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_257 [Add] outputs: [input.63 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_258 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.63 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_258 [Relu] inputs: [input.63 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_258 for ONNX node: Relu_258 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_760 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_760 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_258 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_760 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_259 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_760 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_259 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_760 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.1.conv2.weight -> (128, 128, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_259 for ONNX node: Conv_259 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_761 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_761 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_259 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_761 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_260 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_761 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3434 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_260 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_761 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3434 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3434 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3434 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_260 for ONNX node: Mul_260 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_778 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_778 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_260 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_778 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_261 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_778 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3436 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_261 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_778 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3436 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3436 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3436 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_261 for ONNX node: Add_261 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.67 for ONNX tensor: input.67 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_261 [Add] outputs: [input.67 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_262 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.67 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_262 [Relu] inputs: [input.67 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_262 for ONNX node: Relu_262 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_780 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_780 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_262 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_780 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_263 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_780 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_263 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_780 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.1.conv3.weight -> (512, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_263 for ONNX node: Conv_263 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_781 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_781 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_263 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_781 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_264 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_781 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3444 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_264 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_781 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3444 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3444 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3444 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_264 for ONNX node: Mul_264 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_798 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_798 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_264 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_798 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_265 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_798 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3446 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_265 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_798 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3446 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3446 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3446 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_265 for ONNX node: Add_265 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_799 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_799 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_265 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_799 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_266 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_799 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.59 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_266 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_799 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [input.59 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_266 for ONNX node: Add_266 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_800 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_800 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_266 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_800 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_267 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_800 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_267 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_800 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_267 for ONNX node: Relu_267 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.71 for ONNX tensor: input.71 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_267 [Relu] outputs: [input.71 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_268 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.71 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_268 [Conv] inputs: [input.71 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.2.conv1.weight -> (128, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_268 for ONNX node: Conv_268 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_802 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_802 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_268 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_802 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_269 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_802 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3454 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_269 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_802 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3454 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3454 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3454 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_269 for ONNX node: Mul_269 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_819 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_819 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_269 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_819 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_270 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_819 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3456 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_270 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_819 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3456 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3456 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3456 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_270 for ONNX node: Add_270 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.75 for ONNX tensor: input.75 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_270 [Add] outputs: [input.75 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_271 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.75 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_271 [Relu] inputs: [input.75 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_271 for ONNX node: Relu_271 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_821 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_821 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_271 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_821 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_272 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_821 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_272 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_821 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.2.conv2.weight -> (128, 128, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_272 for ONNX node: Conv_272 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_822 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_822 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_272 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_822 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_273 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_822 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3464 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_273 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_822 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3464 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3464 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3464 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_273 for ONNX node: Mul_273 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_839 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_839 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_273 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_839 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_274 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_839 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3466 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_274 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_839 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3466 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3466 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3466 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_274 for ONNX node: Add_274 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.79 for ONNX tensor: input.79 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_274 [Add] outputs: [input.79 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_275 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.79 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_275 [Relu] inputs: [input.79 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_275 for ONNX node: Relu_275 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_841 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_841 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_275 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_841 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_276 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_841 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_276 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_841 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.2.conv3.weight -> (512, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_276 for ONNX node: Conv_276 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_842 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_842 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_276 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_842 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_277 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_842 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3474 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_277 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_842 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3474 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3474 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3474 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_277 for ONNX node: Mul_277 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_859 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_859 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_277 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_859 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_278 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_859 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3476 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_278 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_859 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3476 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3476 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3476 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_278 for ONNX node: Add_278 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_860 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_860 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_278 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_860 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_279 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_860 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.71 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_279 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_860 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [input.71 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_279 for ONNX node: Add_279 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_861 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_861 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_279 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_861 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_280 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_861 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_280 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_861 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_280 for ONNX node: Relu_280 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.83 for ONNX tensor: input.83 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_280 [Relu] outputs: [input.83 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_281 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.83 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_281 [Conv] inputs: [input.83 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.3.conv1.weight -> (128, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_281 for ONNX node: Conv_281 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_863 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_863 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_281 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_863 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_282 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_863 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_282 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_863 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3484 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3484 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_282 for ONNX node: Mul_282 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_880 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_880 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_282 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_880 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_283 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_880 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3486 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_283 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_880 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3486 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3486 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3486 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_283 for ONNX node: Add_283 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.87 for ONNX tensor: input.87 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_283 [Add] outputs: [input.87 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_284 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.87 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_284 [Relu] inputs: [input.87 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_284 for ONNX node: Relu_284 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_882 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_882 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_284 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_882 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_285 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_882 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_285 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_882 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.3.conv2.weight -> (128, 128, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_285 for ONNX node: Conv_285 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_883 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_883 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_285 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_883 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_286 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_883 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3494 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_286 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_883 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3494 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3494 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3494 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_286 for ONNX node: Mul_286 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_900 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_900 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_286 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_900 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_287 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_900 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_287 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_900 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3496 -> (1, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3496 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_287 for ONNX node: Add_287 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.91 for ONNX tensor: input.91 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_287 [Add] outputs: [input.91 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_288 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.91 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_288 [Relu] inputs: [input.91 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_288 for ONNX node: Relu_288 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_902 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_902 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_288 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_902 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_289 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_902 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer2.3.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_289 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_902 -> (1, 128, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer2.3.conv3.weight -> (512, 128, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_289 for ONNX node: Conv_289 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_903 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_903 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_289 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_903 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_290 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_903 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3504 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_290 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_903 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3504 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3504 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3504 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_290 for ONNX node: Mul_290 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_920 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_920 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_290 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_920 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_291 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_920 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3506 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_291 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_920 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3506 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3506 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3506 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_291 for ONNX node: Add_291 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_921 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_921 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_291 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_921 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_292 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_921 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.83 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_292 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_921 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [input.83 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_292 for ONNX node: Add_292 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_922 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_922 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_292 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_922 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_293 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_922 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_293 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_922 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_293 for ONNX node: Relu_293 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.95 for ONNX tensor: input.95 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_293 [Relu] outputs: [input.95 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_294 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.95 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_294 [Conv] inputs: [input.95 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.0.conv1.weight -> (256, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_294 for ONNX node: Conv_294 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_924 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_924 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_294 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_924 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_295 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_924 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3514 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_295 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_924 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3514 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3514 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3514 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_295 for ONNX node: Mul_295 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_941 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_941 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_295 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_941 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_296 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_941 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_296 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_941 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3516 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3516 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_296 for ONNX node: Add_296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.99 for ONNX tensor: input.99 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_296 [Add] outputs: [input.99 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_297 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.99 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_297 [Relu] inputs: [input.99 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_297 for ONNX node: Relu_297 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_943 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_943 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_297 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_943 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_298 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_943 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_298 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_943 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.0.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_298 for ONNX node: Conv_298 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_944 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_944 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_298 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_944 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_299 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_944 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3524 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_299 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_944 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3524 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3524 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3524 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_299 for ONNX node: Mul_299 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_961 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_961 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_299 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_961 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_300 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_961 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3526 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_300 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_961 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3526 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3526 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3526 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_300 for ONNX node: Add_300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.103 for ONNX tensor: input.103 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_300 [Add] outputs: [input.103 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_301 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.103 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_301 [Relu] inputs: [input.103 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_301 for ONNX node: Relu_301 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_963 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_963 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_301 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_963 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_302 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_963 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_302 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_963 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.0.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_302 for ONNX node: Conv_302 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_964 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_964 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_302 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_964 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_303 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_964 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3534 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_303 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_964 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3534 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3534 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3534 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_303 for ONNX node: Mul_303 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_981 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_981 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_303 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_981 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_304 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_981 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3536 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_304 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_981 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3536 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3536 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3536 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_304 for ONNX node: Add_304 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_982 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_982 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_304 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_982 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_305 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.95 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_305 [Conv] inputs: [input.95 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.0.downsample.0.weight -> (1024, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_305 for ONNX node: Conv_305 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_983 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_983 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_305 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_983 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_306 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_983 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3544 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_306 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_983 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3544 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3544 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3544 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_306 for ONNX node: Mul_306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1000 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1000 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_306 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1000 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_307 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1000 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3546 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_307 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1000 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3546 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3546 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3546 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_307 for ONNX node: Add_307 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1001 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1001 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_307 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1001 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_308 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_982 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1001 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_308 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_982 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_1001 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_308 for ONNX node: Add_308 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1002 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1002 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_308 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1002 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_309 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1002 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_309 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1002 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_309 for ONNX node: Relu_309 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.107 for ONNX tensor: input.107 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_309 [Relu] outputs: [input.107 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_310 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.107 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_310 [Conv] inputs: [input.107 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.1.conv1.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_310 for ONNX node: Conv_310 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1004 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1004 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_310 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1004 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_311 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1004 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3554 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_311 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1004 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3554 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3554 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3554 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_311 for ONNX node: Mul_311 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1021 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1021 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_311 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1021 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_312 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1021 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3556 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_312 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1021 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3556 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3556 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3556 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_312 for ONNX node: Add_312 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.111 for ONNX tensor: input.111 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_312 [Add] outputs: [input.111 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_313 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.111 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_313 [Relu] inputs: [input.111 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_313 for ONNX node: Relu_313 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1023 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1023 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_313 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1023 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_314 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1023 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_314 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1023 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.1.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_314 for ONNX node: Conv_314 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1024 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_314 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1024 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_315 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3564 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_315 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1024 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3564 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3564 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3564 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_315 for ONNX node: Mul_315 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1041 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1041 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_315 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1041 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_316 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1041 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3566 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_316 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1041 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3566 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3566 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3566 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_316 for ONNX node: Add_316 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.115 for ONNX tensor: input.115 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_316 [Add] outputs: [input.115 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_317 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.115 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_317 [Relu] inputs: [input.115 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_317 for ONNX node: Relu_317 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1043 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1043 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_317 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1043 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_318 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1043 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_318 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1043 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.1.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_318 for ONNX node: Conv_318 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1044 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1044 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_318 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1044 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_319 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1044 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_319 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1044 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3574 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3574 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_319 for ONNX node: Mul_319 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1061 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1061 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_319 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1061 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_320 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1061 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_320 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1061 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3576 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3576 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_320 for ONNX node: Add_320 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1062 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1062 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_320 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1062 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_321 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1062 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.107 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_321 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1062 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [input.107 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_321 for ONNX node: Add_321 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1063 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1063 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_321 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1063 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_322 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1063 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_322 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1063 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_322 for ONNX node: Relu_322 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.119 for ONNX tensor: input.119 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_322 [Relu] outputs: [input.119 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_323 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.119 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_323 [Conv] inputs: [input.119 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.2.conv1.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_323 for ONNX node: Conv_323 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1065 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1065 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_323 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1065 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_324 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1065 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3584 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_324 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1065 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3584 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3584 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3584 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_324 for ONNX node: Mul_324 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1082 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1082 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_324 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1082 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_325 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1082 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3586 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_325 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1082 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3586 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3586 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3586 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_325 for ONNX node: Add_325 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.123 for ONNX tensor: input.123 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_325 [Add] outputs: [input.123 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_326 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.123 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_326 [Relu] inputs: [input.123 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_326 for ONNX node: Relu_326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1084 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1084 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_326 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1084 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_327 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1084 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_327 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1084 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.2.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_327 for ONNX node: Conv_327 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1085 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1085 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_327 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1085 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_328 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1085 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3594 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_328 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1085 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3594 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3594 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3594 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_328 for ONNX node: Mul_328 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1102 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1102 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_328 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1102 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_329 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1102 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3596 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_329 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1102 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3596 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3596 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3596 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_329 for ONNX node: Add_329 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.127 for ONNX tensor: input.127 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_329 [Add] outputs: [input.127 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_330 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.127 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_330 [Relu] inputs: [input.127 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_330 for ONNX node: Relu_330 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1104 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1104 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_330 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1104 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_331 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1104 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_331 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1104 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.2.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_331 for ONNX node: Conv_331 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1105 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1105 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_331 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1105 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_332 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1105 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3604 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_332 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1105 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3604 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3604 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3604 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_332 for ONNX node: Mul_332 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1122 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1122 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_332 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1122 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_333 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1122 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3606 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_333 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1122 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3606 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3606 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3606 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_333 for ONNX node: Add_333 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1123 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1123 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_333 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1123 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_334 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1123 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.119 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_334 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1123 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [input.119 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_334 for ONNX node: Add_334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1124 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1124 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_334 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1124 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_335 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1124 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_335 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1124 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_335 for ONNX node: Relu_335 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.131 for ONNX tensor: input.131 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_335 [Relu] outputs: [input.131 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_336 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.131 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_336 [Conv] inputs: [input.131 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.3.conv1.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_336 for ONNX node: Conv_336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1126 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1126 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_336 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1126 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_337 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1126 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3614 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_337 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1126 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3614 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3614 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3614 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_337 for ONNX node: Mul_337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1143 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1143 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_337 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1143 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_338 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1143 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3616 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_338 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1143 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3616 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3616 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3616 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_338 for ONNX node: Add_338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.135 for ONNX tensor: input.135 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_338 [Add] outputs: [input.135 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_339 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.135 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_339 [Relu] inputs: [input.135 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_339 for ONNX node: Relu_339 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1145 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1145 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_339 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1145 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_340 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1145 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_340 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1145 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.3.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_340 for ONNX node: Conv_340 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1146 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1146 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_340 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1146 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_341 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1146 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3624 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_341 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1146 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3624 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3624 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3624 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_341 for ONNX node: Mul_341 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1163 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_341 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1163 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_342 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3626 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_342 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1163 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3626 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3626 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3626 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_342 for ONNX node: Add_342 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.139 for ONNX tensor: input.139 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_342 [Add] outputs: [input.139 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_343 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.139 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_343 [Relu] inputs: [input.139 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_343 for ONNX node: Relu_343 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1165 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1165 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_343 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1165 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_344 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1165 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.3.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_344 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1165 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.3.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_344 for ONNX node: Conv_344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1166 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1166 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_344 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1166 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_345 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1166 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3634 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_345 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1166 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3634 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3634 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3634 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_345 for ONNX node: Mul_345 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1183 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1183 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_345 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1183 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_346 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1183 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3636 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_346 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1183 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3636 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3636 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3636 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_346 for ONNX node: Add_346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1184 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1184 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_346 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1184 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_347 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1184 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.131 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_347 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1184 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [input.131 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_347 for ONNX node: Add_347 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1185 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1185 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_347 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1185 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_348 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1185 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_348 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1185 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_348 for ONNX node: Relu_348 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.143 for ONNX tensor: input.143 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_348 [Relu] outputs: [input.143 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_349 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.143 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_349 [Conv] inputs: [input.143 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.4.conv1.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_349 for ONNX node: Conv_349 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1187 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_349 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1187 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_350 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3644 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_350 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1187 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3644 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3644 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3644 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_350 for ONNX node: Mul_350 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1204 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1204 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_350 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1204 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_351 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1204 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3646 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_351 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1204 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3646 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3646 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3646 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_351 for ONNX node: Add_351 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.147 for ONNX tensor: input.147 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_351 [Add] outputs: [input.147 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_352 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.147 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_352 [Relu] inputs: [input.147 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_352 for ONNX node: Relu_352 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1206 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1206 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_352 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1206 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_353 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1206 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_353 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1206 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.4.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_353 for ONNX node: Conv_353 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1207 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_353 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1207 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_354 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3654 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_354 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1207 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3654 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3654 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3654 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_354 for ONNX node: Mul_354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1224 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1224 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_354 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1224 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_355 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1224 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3656 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_355 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1224 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3656 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3656 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3656 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_355 for ONNX node: Add_355 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.151 for ONNX tensor: input.151 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_355 [Add] outputs: [input.151 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_356 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.151 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_356 [Relu] inputs: [input.151 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_356 for ONNX node: Relu_356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1226 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1226 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_356 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1226 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_357 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1226 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.4.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_357 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1226 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.4.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_357 for ONNX node: Conv_357 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1227 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1227 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_357 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1227 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_358 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1227 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3664 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_358 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1227 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3664 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3664 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3664 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_358 for ONNX node: Mul_358 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1244 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1244 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_358 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1244 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_359 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1244 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3666 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_359 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1244 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3666 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3666 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3666 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_359 for ONNX node: Add_359 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1245 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1245 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_359 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1245 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_360 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1245 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.143 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_360 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1245 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [input.143 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_360 for ONNX node: Add_360 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1246 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1246 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_360 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1246 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_361 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1246 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_361 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1246 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_361 for ONNX node: Relu_361 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.155 for ONNX tensor: input.155 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_361 [Relu] outputs: [input.155 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_362 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.155 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_362 [Conv] inputs: [input.155 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.5.conv1.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_362 for ONNX node: Conv_362 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1248 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1248 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_362 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1248 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_363 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1248 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3674 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_363 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1248 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3674 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3674 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3674 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_363 for ONNX node: Mul_363 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1265 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1265 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_363 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1265 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_364 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1265 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3676 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_364 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1265 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3676 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3676 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3676 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_364 for ONNX node: Add_364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.159 for ONNX tensor: input.159 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_364 [Add] outputs: [input.159 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_365 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.159 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_365 [Relu] inputs: [input.159 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_365 for ONNX node: Relu_365 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1267 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1267 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_365 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1267 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_366 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1267 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_366 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1267 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.5.conv2.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_366 for ONNX node: Conv_366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1268 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1268 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_366 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1268 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_367 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1268 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3684 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_367 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1268 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3684 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3684 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3684 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_367 for ONNX node: Mul_367 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1285 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1285 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_367 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1285 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_368 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1285 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3686 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_368 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1285 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3686 -> (1, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3686 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3686 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_368 for ONNX node: Add_368 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.163 for ONNX tensor: input.163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_368 [Add] outputs: [input.163 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_369 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_369 [Relu] inputs: [input.163 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_369 for ONNX node: Relu_369 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1287 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1287 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_369 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1287 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_370 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1287 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer3.5.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_370 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1287 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer3.5.conv3.weight -> (1024, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_370 for ONNX node: Conv_370 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 1024 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1288 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1288 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_370 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1288 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_371 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1288 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3694 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_371 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1288 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3694 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3694 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3694 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_371 for ONNX node: Mul_371 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1305 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1305 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_371 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1305 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_372 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1305 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3696 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_372 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1305 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3696 -> (1, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3696 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3696 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_372 for ONNX node: Add_372 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1306 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_372 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1306 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_373 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1306 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.155 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_373 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1306 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [input.155 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_373 for ONNX node: Add_373 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1307 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1307 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_373 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1307 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_374 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1307 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_374 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1307 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_374 for ONNX node: Relu_374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.167 for ONNX tensor: input.167 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_374 [Relu] outputs: [input.167 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_375 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.167 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_375 [Conv] inputs: [input.167 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.0.conv1.weight -> (512, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_375 for ONNX node: Conv_375 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1309 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1309 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_375 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1309 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_376 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1309 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3704 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_376 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1309 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3704 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3704 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3704 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_376 for ONNX node: Mul_376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1326 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_376 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1326 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_377 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3706 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_377 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1326 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3706 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3706 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3706 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_377 for ONNX node: Add_377 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.171 for ONNX tensor: input.171 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_377 [Add] outputs: [input.171 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_378 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.171 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_378 [Relu] inputs: [input.171 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_378 for ONNX node: Relu_378 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1328 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1328 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_378 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1328 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_379 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1328 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_379 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1328 -> (1, 512, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.0.conv2.weight -> (512, 512, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_379 for ONNX node: Conv_379 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1329 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1329 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_379 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1329 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_380 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1329 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3714 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_380 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1329 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3714 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3714 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3714 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_380 for ONNX node: Mul_380 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1346 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_380 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1346 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_381 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3716 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_381 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1346 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3716 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3716 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3716 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_381 for ONNX node: Add_381 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.175 for ONNX tensor: input.175 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_381 [Add] outputs: [input.175 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_382 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.175 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_382 [Relu] inputs: [input.175 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_382 for ONNX node: Relu_382 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1348 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1348 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_382 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1348 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_383 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1348 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.0.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_383 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1348 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.0.conv3.weight -> (2048, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_383 for ONNX node: Conv_383 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 2048 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1349 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1349 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_383 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1349 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_384 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1349 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3724 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_384 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1349 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3724 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3724 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3724 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_384 for ONNX node: Mul_384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1366 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_384 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1366 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_385 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1366 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3726 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_385 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1366 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3726 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3726 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3726 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_385 for ONNX node: Add_385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1367 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1367 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_385 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1367 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_386 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.167 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.0.downsample.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_386 [Conv] inputs: [input.167 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.0.downsample.0.weight -> (2048, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_386 for ONNX node: Conv_386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 2048 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1368 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1368 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_386 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1368 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_387 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1368 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3734 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_387 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1368 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3734 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3734 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3734 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_387 for ONNX node: Mul_387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1385 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_387 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1385 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_388 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3736 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_388 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1385 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3736 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3736 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3736 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_388 for ONNX node: Add_388 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1386 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_388 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1386 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_389 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1367 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_389 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1367 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_1386 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_389 for ONNX node: Add_389 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1387 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_389 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1387 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_390 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_390 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1387 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_390 for ONNX node: Relu_390 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.179 for ONNX tensor: input.179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_390 [Relu] outputs: [input.179 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_391 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_391 [Conv] inputs: [input.179 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.1.conv1.weight -> (512, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_391 for ONNX node: Conv_391 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1389 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1389 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_391 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1389 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_392 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1389 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3744 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_392 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1389 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3744 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3744 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3744 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_392 for ONNX node: Mul_392 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1406 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_392 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1406 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_393 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3746 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_393 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1406 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3746 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3746 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3746 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_393 for ONNX node: Add_393 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.183 for ONNX tensor: input.183 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_393 [Add] outputs: [input.183 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_394 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.183 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_394 [Relu] inputs: [input.183 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_394 for ONNX node: Relu_394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1408 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1408 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_394 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1408 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_395 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1408 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_395 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1408 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.1.conv2.weight -> (512, 512, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_395 for ONNX node: Conv_395 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1409 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1409 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_395 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1409 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_396 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1409 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3754 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_396 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1409 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3754 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3754 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3754 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_396 for ONNX node: Mul_396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1426 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1426 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_396 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1426 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_397 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1426 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3756 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_397 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1426 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3756 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3756 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3756 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_397 for ONNX node: Add_397 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.187 for ONNX tensor: input.187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_397 [Add] outputs: [input.187 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_398 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_398 [Relu] inputs: [input.187 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_398 for ONNX node: Relu_398 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1428 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1428 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_398 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1428 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_399 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1428 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.1.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_399 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1428 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.1.conv3.weight -> (2048, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_399 for ONNX node: Conv_399 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 2048 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1429 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1429 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_399 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1429 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_400 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1429 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3764 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_400 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1429 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3764 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3764 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3764 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_400 for ONNX node: Mul_400 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1446 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1446 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_400 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1446 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_401 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1446 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3766 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_401 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1446 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3766 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3766 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3766 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_401 for ONNX node: Add_401 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1447 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1447 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_401 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1447 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_402 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1447 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_402 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1447 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [input.179 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_402 for ONNX node: Add_402 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1448 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1448 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_402 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1448 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_403 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1448 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_403 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1448 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_403 for ONNX node: Relu_403 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.191 for ONNX tensor: input.191 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_403 [Relu] outputs: [input.191 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_404 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.191 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv1.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_404 [Conv] inputs: [input.191 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.2.conv1.weight -> (512, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_404 for ONNX node: Conv_404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1450 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1450 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_404 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1450 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_405 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1450 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3774 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_405 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1450 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3774 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3774 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3774 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_405 for ONNX node: Mul_405 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1467 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1467 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_405 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1467 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_406 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1467 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3776 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_406 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1467 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3776 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3776 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3776 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_406 for ONNX node: Add_406 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.195 for ONNX tensor: input.195 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_406 [Add] outputs: [input.195 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_407 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.195 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_407 [Relu] inputs: [input.195 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_407 for ONNX node: Relu_407 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1469 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1469 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_407 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1469 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_408 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1469 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv2.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_408 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1469 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.2.conv2.weight -> (512, 512, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_408 for ONNX node: Conv_408 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1470 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1470 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_408 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1470 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_409 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1470 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3784 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_409 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1470 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3784 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3784 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3784 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_409 for ONNX node: Mul_409 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1487 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1487 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_409 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1487 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_410 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1487 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3786 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_410 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1487 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3786 -> (1, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3786 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3786 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_410 for ONNX node: Add_410 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.199 for ONNX tensor: input.199 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_410 [Add] outputs: [input.199 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_411 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.199 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_411 [Relu] inputs: [input.199 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_411 for ONNX node: Relu_411 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1489 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1489 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_411 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1489 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_412 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1489 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.body.layer4.2.conv3.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_412 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1489 -> (1, 512, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.body.layer4.2.conv3.weight -> (2048, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_412 for ONNX node: Conv_412 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 2048 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_1490 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_1490 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_412 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Mul_1490 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_413 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_1490 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_3794 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_413 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_1490 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_3794 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_3794 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_3794 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_413 for ONNX node: Mul_413 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1507 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1507 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_413 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_1507 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_414 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1507 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_3796 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_414 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1507 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_3796 -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_3796 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_3796 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_414 for ONNX node: Add_414 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1508 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1508 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_414 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Add_1508 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_415 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1508 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.191 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_415 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_1508 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [input.191 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_415 for ONNX node: Add_415 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Relu_1509 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Relu_1509 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_415 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Relu_1509 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_416 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Relu_1509 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_416 [Relu] inputs: [onnx::Relu_1509 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_416 for ONNX node: Relu_416 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.203 for ONNX tensor: input.203 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_416 [Relu] outputs: [input.203 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_417 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.203 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_417 [Conv] inputs: [input.203 -> (1, 2048, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.weight -> (256, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.3.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_417 for ONNX node: Conv_417 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.207 for ONNX tensor: input.207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_417 [Conv] outputs: [input.207 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_418 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_418 [Conv] inputs: [input.207 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.3.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_418 for ONNX node: Conv_418 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.211 for ONNX tensor: input.211 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_418 [Conv] outputs: [input.211 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_419 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.167 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_419 [Conv] inputs: [input.167 -> (1, 1024, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.weight -> (256, 1024, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.2.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1024, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_419 for ONNX node: Conv_419 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Shape_1513 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Shape_1513 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_419 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Shape_1513 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_438 [Resize] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.207 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1530 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1531 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1529 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_438 [Resize] inputs: [input.207 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1530 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1531 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1529 -> (4)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_438 for ONNX node: Resize_438 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Resize_1529 for ONNX node: onnx::Resize_1529 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1532 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1532 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_438 [Resize] outputs: [onnx::Add_1532 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_439 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Shape_1513 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1532 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_439 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Shape_1513 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_1532 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_439 for ONNX node: Add_439 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.215 for ONNX tensor: input.215 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_439 [Add] outputs: [input.215 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_440 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.215 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_440 [Conv] inputs: [input.215 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.2.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_440 for ONNX node: Conv_440 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.219 for ONNX tensor: input.219 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_440 [Conv] outputs: [input.219 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_441 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.95 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_441 [Conv] inputs: [input.95 -> (1, 512, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.weight -> (256, 512, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.1.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 512, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_441 for ONNX node: Conv_441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Shape_1535 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Shape_1535 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_441 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Shape_1535 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_460 [Resize] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.215 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1552 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1553 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1551 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_460 [Resize] inputs: [input.215 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1552 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1553 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1551 -> (4)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_460 for ONNX node: Resize_460 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Resize_1551 for ONNX node: onnx::Resize_1551 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1554 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1554 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_460 [Resize] outputs: [onnx::Add_1554 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_461 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Shape_1535 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1554 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_461 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Shape_1535 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_1554 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_461 for ONNX node: Add_461 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.223 for ONNX tensor: input.223 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_461 [Add] outputs: [input.223 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_462 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.223 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_462 [Conv] inputs: [input.223 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.1.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_462 for ONNX node: Conv_462 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.227 for ONNX tensor: input.227 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_462 [Conv] outputs: [input.227 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_463 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.47 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_463 [Conv] inputs: [input.47 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.inner_blocks.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_463 for ONNX node: Conv_463 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Shape_1557 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Shape_1557 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_463 [Conv] outputs: [onnx::Shape_1557 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Resize_482 [Resize] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.223 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1574 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1575 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Resize_1573 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_482 [Resize] inputs: [input.223 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1574 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1575 -> (0)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Resize_1573 -> (4)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Resize_482 for ONNX node: Resize_482 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Resize_1573 for ONNX node: onnx::Resize_1573 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_1576 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_1576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Resize_482 [Resize] outputs: [onnx::Add_1576 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_483 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Shape_1557 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_1576 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_483 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Shape_1557 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_1576 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_483 for ONNX node: Add_483 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.231 for ONNX tensor: input.231 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_483 [Add] outputs: [input.231 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_484 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.231 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_484 [Conv] inputs: [input.231 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [backbone.fpn.layer_blocks.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_484 for ONNX node: Conv_484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.235 for ONNX tensor: input.235 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_484 [Conv] outputs: [input.235 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: MaxPool_485 [MaxPool] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.211 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] MaxPool_485 [MaxPool] inputs: [input.211 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: MaxPool_485 for ONNX node: MaxPool_485 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.239 for ONNX tensor: input.239 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] MaxPool_485 [MaxPool] outputs: [input.239 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_486 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.235 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_486 [Conv] inputs: [input.235 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_486 for ONNX node: Conv_486 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.243 for ONNX tensor: input.243 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_486 [Conv] outputs: [input.243 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_487 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.243 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_487 [Relu] inputs: [input.243 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_487 for ONNX node: Relu_487 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1581 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1581 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_487 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1581 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_488 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1581 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_488 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1581 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.weight -> (3, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.bias -> (3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_488 for ONNX node: Conv_488 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 3, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_cls_per_level for ONNX tensor: box_cls_per_level [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_488 [Conv] outputs: [box_cls_per_level -> (1, 3, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_489 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1581 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_489 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1581 -> (1, 256, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight -> (12, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias -> (12)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_489 for ONNX node: Conv_489 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 12 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 12, 200, 256) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_regression_per_level for ONNX tensor: box_regression_per_level [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_489 [Conv] outputs: [box_regression_per_level -> (1, 12, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_490 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.227 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_490 [Conv] inputs: [input.227 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_490 for ONNX node: Conv_490 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.247 for ONNX tensor: input.247 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_490 [Conv] outputs: [input.247 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_491 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.247 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_491 [Relu] inputs: [input.247 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_491 for ONNX node: Relu_491 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1585 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1585 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_491 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1585 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_492 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1585 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_492 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1585 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.weight -> (3, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.bias -> (3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_492 for ONNX node: Conv_492 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 3, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_cls_per_level.3 for ONNX tensor: box_cls_per_level.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_492 [Conv] outputs: [box_cls_per_level.3 -> (1, 3, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_493 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1585 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_493 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1585 -> (1, 256, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight -> (12, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias -> (12)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_493 for ONNX node: Conv_493 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 12 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 12, 100, 128) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_regression_per_level.3 for ONNX tensor: box_regression_per_level.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_493 [Conv] outputs: [box_regression_per_level.3 -> (1, 12, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_494 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.219 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_494 [Conv] inputs: [input.219 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_494 for ONNX node: Conv_494 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.251 for ONNX tensor: input.251 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_494 [Conv] outputs: [input.251 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_495 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.251 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_495 [Relu] inputs: [input.251 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_495 for ONNX node: Relu_495 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1589 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1589 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_495 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1589 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_496 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1589 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_496 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1589 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.weight -> (3, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.bias -> (3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_496 for ONNX node: Conv_496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 3, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_cls_per_level.7 for ONNX tensor: box_cls_per_level.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_496 [Conv] outputs: [box_cls_per_level.7 -> (1, 3, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_497 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1589 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_497 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1589 -> (1, 256, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight -> (12, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias -> (12)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_497 for ONNX node: Conv_497 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 12 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 12, 50, 64) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_regression_per_level.7 for ONNX tensor: box_regression_per_level.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_497 [Conv] outputs: [box_regression_per_level.7 -> (1, 12, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_498 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.211 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_498 [Conv] inputs: [input.211 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_498 for ONNX node: Conv_498 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.255 for ONNX tensor: input.255 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_498 [Conv] outputs: [input.255 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_499 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.255 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_499 [Relu] inputs: [input.255 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_499 for ONNX node: Relu_499 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1593 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1593 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_499 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1593 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_500 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1593 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_500 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1593 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.weight -> (3, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.bias -> (3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_500 for ONNX node: Conv_500 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 3, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_cls_per_level.11 for ONNX tensor: box_cls_per_level.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_500 [Conv] outputs: [box_cls_per_level.11 -> (1, 3, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_501 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1593 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_501 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1593 -> (1, 256, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight -> (12, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias -> (12)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_501 for ONNX node: Conv_501 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 12 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 12, 25, 32) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_regression_per_level.11 for ONNX tensor: box_regression_per_level.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_501 [Conv] outputs: [box_regression_per_level.11 -> (1, 12, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_502 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.239 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_502 [Conv] inputs: [input.239 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.weight -> (256, 256, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.conv.0.0.bias -> (256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_502 for ONNX node: Conv_502 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 256 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 256, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: input.259 for ONNX tensor: input.259 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_502 [Conv] outputs: [input.259 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Relu_503 [Relu] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: input.259 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_503 [Relu] inputs: [input.259 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Relu_503 for ONNX node: Relu_503 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Conv_1597 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Conv_1597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Relu_503 [Relu] outputs: [onnx::Conv_1597 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_504 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.cls_logits.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_504 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1597 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.weight -> (3, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.cls_logits.bias -> (3)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_504 for ONNX node: Conv_504 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 3, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_cls_per_level.15 for ONNX tensor: box_cls_per_level.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_504 [Conv] outputs: [box_cls_per_level.15 -> (1, 3, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Conv_505 [Conv] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Conv_1597 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_505 [Conv] inputs: [onnx::Conv_1597 -> (1, 256, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.weight -> (12, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [rpn.head.bbox_pred.bias -> (12)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Conv_505 for ONNX node: Conv_505 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 12 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 12, 13, 16) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: box_regression_per_level.15 for ONNX tensor: box_regression_per_level.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Conv_505 [Conv] outputs: [box_regression_per_level.15 -> (1, 12, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_920 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_cls_per_level [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2055 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_920 [Reshape] inputs: [box_cls_per_level -> (1, 3, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2055 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_920 for ONNX node: Reshape_920 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2056 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2056 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_920 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2056 -> (1, 3, 1, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_921 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2056 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_921 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2056 -> (1, 3, 1, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_921 for ONNX node: Transpose_921 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2057 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2057 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_921 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2057 -> (1, 200, 256, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_925 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2057 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2062 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_925 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2057 -> (1, 200, 256, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2062 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_925 for ONNX node: Reshape_925 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2063 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2063 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_925 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2063 -> (1, 153600, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_930 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_regression_per_level [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2071 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_930 [Reshape] inputs: [box_regression_per_level -> (1, 12, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2071 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_930 for ONNX node: Reshape_930 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2072 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2072 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_930 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2072 -> (1, 3, 4, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_931 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2072 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_931 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2072 -> (1, 3, 4, 200, 256)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_931 for ONNX node: Transpose_931 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2073 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2073 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_931 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2073 -> (1, 200, 256, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_934 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2073 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2079 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_934 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2073 -> (1, 200, 256, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2079 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_934 for ONNX node: Reshape_934 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2080 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2080 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_934 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2080 -> (1, 153600, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_962 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_cls_per_level.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2109 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_962 [Reshape] inputs: [box_cls_per_level.3 -> (1, 3, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2109 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_962 for ONNX node: Reshape_962 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2110 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2110 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_962 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2110 -> (1, 3, 1, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_963 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2110 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_963 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2110 -> (1, 3, 1, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_963 for ONNX node: Transpose_963 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2111 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2111 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_963 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2111 -> (1, 100, 128, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_967 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2111 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2116 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_967 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2111 -> (1, 100, 128, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2116 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_967 for ONNX node: Reshape_967 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2117 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2117 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_967 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2117 -> (1, 38400, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_972 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_regression_per_level.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2125 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_972 [Reshape] inputs: [box_regression_per_level.3 -> (1, 12, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2125 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_972 for ONNX node: Reshape_972 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2126 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2126 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_972 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2126 -> (1, 3, 4, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_973 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2126 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_973 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2126 -> (1, 3, 4, 100, 128)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_973 for ONNX node: Transpose_973 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2127 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2127 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_973 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2127 -> (1, 100, 128, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_976 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2127 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2133 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_976 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2127 -> (1, 100, 128, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2133 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_976 for ONNX node: Reshape_976 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2134 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2134 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_976 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2134 -> (1, 38400, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1004 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_cls_per_level.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1004 [Reshape] inputs: [box_cls_per_level.7 -> (1, 3, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2163 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1004 for ONNX node: Reshape_1004 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2164 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2164 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1004 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2164 -> (1, 3, 1, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1005 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2164 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1005 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2164 -> (1, 3, 1, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1005 for ONNX node: Transpose_1005 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2165 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2165 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1005 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2165 -> (1, 50, 64, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1009 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2165 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2170 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1009 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2165 -> (1, 50, 64, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2170 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1009 for ONNX node: Reshape_1009 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2171 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2171 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1009 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2171 -> (1, 9600, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1014 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_regression_per_level.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1014 [Reshape] inputs: [box_regression_per_level.7 -> (1, 12, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2179 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1014 for ONNX node: Reshape_1014 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2180 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2180 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1014 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2180 -> (1, 3, 4, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1015 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2180 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1015 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2180 -> (1, 3, 4, 50, 64)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1015 for ONNX node: Transpose_1015 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2181 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2181 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1015 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2181 -> (1, 50, 64, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1018 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2181 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1018 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2181 -> (1, 50, 64, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2187 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1018 for ONNX node: Reshape_1018 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2188 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2188 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1018 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2188 -> (1, 9600, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1046 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_cls_per_level.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2217 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1046 [Reshape] inputs: [box_cls_per_level.11 -> (1, 3, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2217 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1046 for ONNX node: Reshape_1046 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2218 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2218 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1046 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2218 -> (1, 3, 1, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1047 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2218 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1047 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2218 -> (1, 3, 1, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1047 for ONNX node: Transpose_1047 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2219 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2219 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1047 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2219 -> (1, 25, 32, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1051 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2219 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2224 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1051 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2219 -> (1, 25, 32, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2224 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1051 for ONNX node: Reshape_1051 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2225 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2225 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1051 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2225 -> (1, 2400, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1056 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_regression_per_level.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2233 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1056 [Reshape] inputs: [box_regression_per_level.11 -> (1, 12, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2233 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1056 for ONNX node: Reshape_1056 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2234 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2234 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1056 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2234 -> (1, 3, 4, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1057 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2234 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1057 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2234 -> (1, 3, 4, 25, 32)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1057 for ONNX node: Transpose_1057 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2235 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2235 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1057 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2235 -> (1, 25, 32, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1060 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2235 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2241 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1060 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2235 -> (1, 25, 32, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2241 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1060 for ONNX node: Reshape_1060 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2242 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2242 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1060 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2242 -> (1, 2400, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1088 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_cls_per_level.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2271 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1088 [Reshape] inputs: [box_cls_per_level.15 -> (1, 3, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2271 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1088 for ONNX node: Reshape_1088 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2272 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2272 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1088 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2272 -> (1, 3, 1, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1089 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2272 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1089 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2272 -> (1, 3, 1, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1089 for ONNX node: Transpose_1089 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2273 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2273 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1089 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2273 -> (1, 13, 16, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1093 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2273 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2278 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1093 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2273 -> (1, 13, 16, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2278 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1093 for ONNX node: Reshape_1093 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2279 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2279 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1093 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2279 -> (1, 624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1098 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: box_regression_per_level.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2287 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1098 [Reshape] inputs: [box_regression_per_level.15 -> (1, 12, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2287 -> (5)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1098 for ONNX node: Reshape_1098 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Transpose_2288 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Transpose_2288 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1098 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Transpose_2288 -> (1, 3, 4, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Transpose_1099 [Transpose] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Transpose_2288 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1099 [Transpose] inputs: [onnx::Transpose_2288 -> (1, 3, 4, 13, 16)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Transpose_1099 for ONNX node: Transpose_1099 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2289 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2289 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Transpose_1099 [Transpose] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2289 -> (1, 13, 16, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1102 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2289 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2295 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1102 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2289 -> (1, 13, 16, 3, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2295 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1102 for ONNX node: Reshape_1102 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2296 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1102 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2296 -> (1, 624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Concat_1103 [Concat] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2063 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2117 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2171 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2225 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2279 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1103 [Concat] inputs: [onnx::Concat_2063 -> (1, 153600, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2117 -> (1, 38400, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2171 -> (1, 9600, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2225 -> (1, 2400, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2279 -> (1, 624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Concat_1103 for ONNX node: Concat_1103 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Flatten_2297 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Flatten_2297 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1103 [Concat] outputs: [onnx::Flatten_2297 -> (1, 204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Flatten_1104 [Flatten] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Flatten_2297 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1104 [Flatten] inputs: [onnx::Flatten_2297 -> (1, 204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Flatten_1104 for ONNX node: Flatten_1104 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: objectness for ONNX tensor: objectness [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1104 [Flatten] outputs: [objectness -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Concat_1105 [Concat] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2080 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2134 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2188 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2242 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2296 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1105 [Concat] inputs: [onnx::Concat_2080 -> (1, 153600, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2134 -> (1, 38400, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2188 -> (1, 9600, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2242 -> (1, 2400, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2296 -> (1, 624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Concat_1105 for ONNX node: Concat_1105 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2299 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2299 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1105 [Concat] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2299 -> (1, 204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1107 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2299 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1107 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2299 -> (1, 204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2300 -> (2)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1107 for ONNX node: Reshape_1107 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2301 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2301 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1107 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2301 -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1114 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2301 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2309 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1114 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2301 -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2309 -> (2)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1114 for ONNX node: Reshape_1114 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: rel_codes for ONNX tensor: rel_codes [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1114 [Reshape] outputs: [rel_codes -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1140 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rel_codes [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2333 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2334 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2332 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2335 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1140 [Slice] inputs: [rel_codes -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2333 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2334 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2332 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2335 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1140 for ONNX node: Slice_1140 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Div_2336 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Div_2336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1140 [Slice] outputs: [onnx::Div_2336 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Div_1142 [Div] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2336 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1142 [Div] inputs: [onnx::Div_2336 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Div_2337 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Div_2337 for ONNX node: onnx::Div_2337 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Div_1142 for ONNX node: Div_1142 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2338 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1142 [Div] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2338 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1147 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rel_codes [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2340 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2341 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2339 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2342 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1147 [Slice] inputs: [rel_codes -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2340 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2341 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2339 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2342 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1147 for ONNX node: Slice_1147 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Div_2343 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Div_2343 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1147 [Slice] outputs: [onnx::Div_2343 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Div_1149 [Div] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2343 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1149 [Div] inputs: [onnx::Div_2343 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Div_2344 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Div_2344 for ONNX node: onnx::Div_2344 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Div_1149 for ONNX node: Div_1149 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2345 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2345 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1149 [Div] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2345 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1154 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rel_codes [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2347 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2348 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2346 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2349 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1154 [Slice] inputs: [rel_codes -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2347 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2348 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2346 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2349 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1154 for ONNX node: Slice_1154 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Div_2350 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Div_2350 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1154 [Slice] outputs: [onnx::Div_2350 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Div_1156 [Div] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2350 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2351 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1156 [Div] inputs: [onnx::Div_2350 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Div_2351 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Div_2351 for ONNX node: onnx::Div_2351 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Div_1156 for ONNX node: Div_1156 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Clip_2352 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Clip_2352 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1156 [Div] outputs: [onnx::Clip_2352 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1161 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: rel_codes [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2354 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2355 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2353 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2356 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1161 [Slice] inputs: [rel_codes -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2354 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2355 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2353 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2356 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1161 for ONNX node: Slice_1161 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Div_2357 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Div_2357 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1161 [Slice] outputs: [onnx::Div_2357 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Div_1163 [Div] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2357 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Div_2358 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1163 [Div] inputs: [onnx::Div_2357 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Div_2358 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Div_2358 for ONNX node: onnx::Div_2358 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Div_1163 for ONNX node: Div_1163 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Clip_2359 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Clip_2359 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Div_1163 [Div] outputs: [onnx::Clip_2359 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Clip_1164 [Clip] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Clip_2352 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Clip_3849 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Clip_1164 [Clip] inputs: [onnx::Clip_2352 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [optional input, not set], [onnx::Clip_3849 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Clip_3849 for ONNX node: onnx::Clip_3849 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Exp_2364 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Exp_2364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Clip_1164 [Clip] outputs: [onnx::Exp_2364 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Clip_1165 [Clip] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Clip_2359 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Clip_3851 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Clip_1165 [Clip] inputs: [onnx::Clip_2359 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [optional input, not set], [onnx::Clip_3851 -> ()[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Clip_3851 for ONNX node: onnx::Clip_3851 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Exp_2369 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Exp_2369 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Clip_1165 [Clip] outputs: [onnx::Exp_2369 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1167 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2338 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2370 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1167 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2338 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2370 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2370 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2370 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1167 for ONNX node: Mul_1167 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2371 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2371 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1167 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_2371 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1169 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2371 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2372 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1169 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2371 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2372 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2372 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2372 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1169 for ONNX node: Add_1169 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Sub_2373 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Sub_2373 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1169 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Sub_2373 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1171 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2345 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1171 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2345 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2374 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2374 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2374 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1171 for ONNX node: Mul_1171 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2375 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2375 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1171 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Add_2375 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1173 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2375 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1173 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2375 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2376 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2376 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2376 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1173 for ONNX node: Add_1173 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Sub_2377 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Sub_2377 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1173 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Sub_2377 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Exp_1174 [Exp] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Exp_2364 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Exp_1174 [Exp] inputs: [onnx::Exp_2364 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Exp_1174 for ONNX node: Exp_1174 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2378 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2378 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Exp_1174 [Exp] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2378 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1176 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2378 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2379 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1176 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2378 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2379 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2379 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2379 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1176 for ONNX node: Mul_1176 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2380 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2380 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1176 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2380 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Exp_1177 [Exp] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Exp_2369 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Exp_1177 [Exp] inputs: [onnx::Exp_2369 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Exp_1177 for ONNX node: Exp_1177 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2381 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2381 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Exp_1177 [Exp] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2381 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1179 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2381 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2382 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1179 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2381 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2382 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2382 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2382 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1179 for ONNX node: Mul_1179 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Mul_2383 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Mul_2383 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1179 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Mul_2383 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1181 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2383 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1181 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2384 -> ()[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2383 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2384 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2384 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1181 for ONNX node: Mul_1181 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Sub_2385 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Sub_2385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1181 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Sub_2385 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Mul_1183 [Mul] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Mul_2380 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1183 [Mul] inputs: [onnx::Mul_2386 -> ()[FLOAT]], [onnx::Mul_2380 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Mul_2386 for ONNX node: onnx::Mul_2386 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Mul_1183 for ONNX node: Mul_1183 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Sub_2387 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Sub_2387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Mul_1183 [Mul] outputs: [onnx::Sub_2387 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Sub_1184 [Sub] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2373 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_1184 [Sub] inputs: [onnx::Sub_2373 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Sub_2387 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Sub_1184 for ONNX node: Sub_1184 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2388 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2388 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_1184 [Sub] outputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2388 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Sub_1185 [Sub] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2377 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_1185 [Sub] inputs: [onnx::Sub_2377 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Sub_2385 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Sub_1185 for ONNX node: Sub_1185 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2389 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2389 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Sub_1185 [Sub] outputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2389 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1186 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2373 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2387 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1186 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Sub_2373 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Sub_2387 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1186 for ONNX node: Add_1186 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2390 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2390 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1186 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2390 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1187 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2377 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Sub_2385 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1187 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Sub_2377 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Sub_2385 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1187 for ONNX node: Add_1187 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2391 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Unsqueeze_2391 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1187 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2391 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_1188 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Unsqueeze_2388 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1188 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2388 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (204624, 1), unsqueezing to: (204624, 1, 1) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_1188 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_1188 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2392 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2392 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1188 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2392 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_1189 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Unsqueeze_2389 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1189 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2389 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (204624, 1), unsqueezing to: (204624, 1, 1) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_1189 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_1189 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2393 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2393 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1189 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2393 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_1190 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Unsqueeze_2390 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1190 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2390 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (204624, 1), unsqueezing to: (204624, 1, 1) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_1190 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_1190 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2394 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1190 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2394 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Unsqueeze_1191 [Unsqueeze] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Unsqueeze_2391 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1191 [Unsqueeze] inputs: [onnx::Unsqueeze_2391 -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (204624, 1), unsqueezing to: (204624, 1, 1) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Unsqueeze_1191 for ONNX node: Unsqueeze_1191 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2395 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2395 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Unsqueeze_1191 [Unsqueeze] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2395 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Concat_1192 [Concat] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2392 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2393 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2394 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2395 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1192 [Concat] inputs: [onnx::Concat_2392 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2393 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2394 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2395 -> (204624, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Concat_1192 for ONNX node: Concat_1192 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Flatten_2396 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Flatten_2396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1192 [Concat] outputs: [onnx::Flatten_2396 -> (204624, 1, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Flatten_1193 [Flatten] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Flatten_2396 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1193 [Flatten] inputs: [onnx::Flatten_2396 -> (204624, 1, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Flatten_1193 for ONNX node: Flatten_1193 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2397 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2397 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1193 [Flatten] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2397 -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1196 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2397 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2403 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1196 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2397 -> (204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2403 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1196 for ONNX node: Reshape_1196 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2404 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1196 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2404 -> (204624, 1, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1198 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2404 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2405 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1198 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2404 -> (204624, 1, 4)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2405 -> (3)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1198 for ONNX node: Reshape_1198 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: proposals for ONNX tensor: proposals [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1198 [Reshape] outputs: [proposals -> (1, 204624, 4)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1204 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2413 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1204 [Reshape] inputs: [objectness -> (204624, 1)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2413 -> (2)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1204 for ONNX node: Reshape_1204 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: objectness.3 for ONNX tensor: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1204 [Reshape] outputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1234 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2440 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2443 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2440 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2443 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2441 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1234 for ONNX node: Slice_1234 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ob for ONNX tensor: ob [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1234 [Slice] outputs: [ob -> (1, 153600)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1236 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2443 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2445 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1236 [Slice] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2443 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2445 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2441 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1236 for ONNX node: Slice_1236 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ob.3 for ONNX tensor: ob.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1236 [Slice] outputs: [ob.3 -> (1, 38400)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1238 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2445 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2447 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1238 [Slice] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2445 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2447 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2441 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1238 for ONNX node: Slice_1238 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ob.7 for ONNX tensor: ob.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1238 [Slice] outputs: [ob.7 -> (1, 9600)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1240 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2447 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2449 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1240 [Slice] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2447 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2449 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2441 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1240 for ONNX node: Slice_1240 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ob.11 for ONNX tensor: ob.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1240 [Slice] outputs: [ob.11 -> (1, 2400)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Slice_1242 [Slice] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2449 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2451 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Slice_2441 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1242 [Slice] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Slice_2449 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2451 -> (1)[INT32]], [onnx::Slice_2441 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Slice_1242 for ONNX node: Slice_1242 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: ob.15 for ONNX tensor: ob.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Slice_1242 [Slice] outputs: [ob.15 -> (1, 624)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: TopK_1255 [TopK] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ob [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::TopK_2464 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1255 [TopK] inputs: [ob -> (1, 153600)[FLOAT]], [onnx::TopK_2464 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: TopK_1255 for ONNX node: TopK_1255 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 2465 for ONNX tensor: 2465 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2466 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2466 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1255 [TopK] outputs: [2465 -> (1, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Concat_2466 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: TopK_1270 [TopK] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ob.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::TopK_2480 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1270 [TopK] inputs: [ob.3 -> (1, 38400)[FLOAT]], [onnx::TopK_2480 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: TopK_1270 for ONNX node: TopK_1270 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 2481 for ONNX tensor: 2481 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2482 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2482 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1270 [TopK] outputs: [2481 -> (1, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2482 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1271 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2482 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2468 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1271 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2482 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Add_2468 -> ()[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2468 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2468 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1271 for ONNX node: Add_1271 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2483 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2483 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1271 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2483 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: TopK_1285 [TopK] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ob.7 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::TopK_2496 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1285 [TopK] inputs: [ob.7 -> (1, 9600)[FLOAT]], [onnx::TopK_2496 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: TopK_1285 for ONNX node: TopK_1285 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 2497 for ONNX tensor: 2497 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2498 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2498 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1285 [TopK] outputs: [2497 -> (1, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2498 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1286 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2498 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1286 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2498 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Add_2484 -> ()[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2484 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2484 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1286 for ONNX node: Add_1286 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2499 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2499 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1286 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2499 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: TopK_1300 [TopK] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ob.11 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::TopK_2512 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1300 [TopK] inputs: [ob.11 -> (1, 2400)[FLOAT]], [onnx::TopK_2512 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: TopK_1300 for ONNX node: TopK_1300 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 2513 for ONNX tensor: 2513 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2514 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2514 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1300 [TopK] outputs: [2513 -> (1, 1000)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2514 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1301 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2514 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2500 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1301 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2514 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Add_2500 -> ()[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2500 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2500 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1301 for ONNX node: Add_1301 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2515 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2515 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1301 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2515 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: TopK_1312 [TopK] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: ob.15 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::TopK_2525 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1312 [TopK] inputs: [ob.15 -> (1, 624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::TopK_2525 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: TopK_1312 for ONNX node: TopK_1312 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: 2526 for ONNX tensor: 2526 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2527 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2527 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] TopK_1312 [TopK] outputs: [2526 -> (1, 624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Add_2527 -> (1, 624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1313 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2527 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1313 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2527 -> (1, 624)[INT32]], [onnx::Add_2516 -> ()[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2516 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2516 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1313 for ONNX node: Add_1313 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Concat_2528 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Concat_2528 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1313 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Concat_2528 -> (1, 624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Concat_1314 [Concat] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2466 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2483 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2499 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2515 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Concat_2528 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1314 [Concat] inputs: [onnx::Concat_2466 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Concat_2483 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Concat_2499 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Concat_2515 -> (1, 1000)[INT32]], [onnx::Concat_2528 -> (1, 624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Concat_1314 for ONNX node: Concat_1314 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Add_2529 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Add_2529 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Concat_1314 [Concat] outputs: [onnx::Add_2529 -> (1, 4624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Flatten_1323 [Flatten] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: objectness.3 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1323 [Flatten] inputs: [objectness.3 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Gather_2538 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Gather_2538 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Flatten_1323 [Flatten] outputs: [onnx::Gather_2538 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Add_1325 [Add] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2529 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Add_2539 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1325 [Add] inputs: [onnx::Add_2529 -> (1, 4624)[INT32]], [onnx::Add_2539 -> (1, 1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: onnx::Add_2539 for ONNX node: onnx::Add_2539 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Add_1325 for ONNX node: Add_1325 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Gather_2540 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Gather_2540 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Add_1325 [Add] outputs: [onnx::Gather_2540 -> (1, 4624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Gather_1326 [Gather] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Gather_2538 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Gather_2540 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Gather_1326 [Gather] inputs: [onnx::Gather_2538 -> (1, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Gather_2540 -> (1, 4624)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Using Gather axis: 0 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Gather_1326 for ONNX node: Gather_1326 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2541 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2541 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Gather_1326 [Gather] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2541 -> (1, 4624, 204624)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1328 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2541 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_3855 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1328 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2541 -> (1, 4624, 204624)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_3855 -> (1)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1328 for ONNX node: Reshape_1328 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: onnx::Reshape_2545 for ONNX tensor: onnx::Reshape_2545 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1328 [Reshape] outputs: [onnx::Reshape_2545 -> (946181376)[FLOAT]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: Reshape_1330 [Reshape] [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2545 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: onnx::Reshape_2546 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Reshape_1330 [Reshape] inputs: [onnx::Reshape_2545 -> (946181376)[FLOAT]], [onnx::Reshape_2546 -> (2)[INT32]], [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: Reshape_1330 for ONNX node: Reshape_1330 [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] Error[4]: [graphShapeAnalyzer.cpp::analyzeShapes::1294] Error Code 4: Miscellaneous (IShuffleLayer Reshape_1330: reshape changes volume. Reshaping [946181376] to [1,4624].) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:773: While parsing node number 357 [Reshape -> "onnx::Sigmoid_2547"]: [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:774: --- Begin node --- [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:775: input: "onnx::Reshape_2545" input: "onnx::Reshape_2546" output: "onnx::Sigmoid_2547" name: "Reshape_1330" op_type: "Reshape" [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:776: --- End node --- [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:779: ERROR: ModelImporter.cpp:180 In function parseGraph: [6] Invalid Node - Reshape_1330 [graphShapeAnalyzer.cpp::analyzeShapes::1294] Error Code 4: Miscellaneous (IShuffleLayer Reshape_1330: reshape changes volume. Reshaping [946181376] to [1,4624].) [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] Failed to parse onnx file [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [I] Finish parsing network model [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] Parsing model failed [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] Failed to create engine from model or file. [08/29/2022-17:30:46] [E] Engine set up failed &&&& FAILED TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8403] # /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=faster_rcnn_base_sanitized.onnx --saveEngine=faster_rcnn_base_sanitized_engine.trt --verbose