11:52:03.252 - info: SDK Manager started running at: 2021-01-02 11:52:03.251 11:52:03.253 - info: SDK Manager log file name: sdkm-2021-01-02-11-52-03.log 11:52:03.253 - info: SDK Manager client version: 1.4.0 11:52:03.253 - info: SDK Manager is running in GUI mode 11:52:03.540 - info: Current DB Version: 14 11:52:03.718 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: System settings table changed after getting machineInfo 11:52:03.786 - info: User agent for http requests: SDKM/ (Ubuntu 1604) 11:52:03.795 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.813 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.813 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Report component install/uninstall error messages 11:52:03.813 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Report component install/uninstall error code/type 11:52:03.813 - info: downloadMetrics.reset 11:52:03.813 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.813 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session ended 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File init download status 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File pending download 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File checksum verifying 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished pausing download 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished resuming download 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.814 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:03.815 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:52:03.815 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:03.816 - info: Forking worker process 11:52:03.820 - info: Initializing the download service 11:52:03.824 - info: Download service pid is: 10839 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File reset downloaded size 11:52:03.825 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download size updated 11:52:03.826 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:52:03.826 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:52:03.826 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component progress for action 11:52:03.826 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:03.826 - info: Download manager can use up to 6 download threads per file 11:52:03.826 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.833 - info: create .sdkm.bashrc under /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/.sdkm.bashrc 11:52:03.837 - info: installMetrics.reset 11:52:03.837 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.837 - info: uninstallMetrics.reset 11:52:03.837 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished downloading 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session started 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session paused 11:52:03.838 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session complete when pausing 11:52:03.851 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:52:03.851 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File download in progress 11:52:03.851 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File checksum verifying 11:52:03.851 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File finished downloading 11:52:04.021 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Active bundle loaded 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Terminal output 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Login Progress 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: undefined 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component download in progress 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component progress for action 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component started action 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: File started downloading 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component init status 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished pausing download 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished resuming download 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished downloading 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Group finished downloading 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Component finished action 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session paused 11:52:04.023 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Session resumed 11:52:04.027 - info: Logger level is set to: info 11:52:04.063 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: Login Progress 11:52:04.063 - warn: Registering a callback with no name for event: CLI Abort 11:52:04.079 - info: Front-end main function (startMain) was called 11:52:04.134 - info: Creating auto update task 11:52:04.178 - info: Host OS: Ubuntu1604 11:52:04.179 - info: packageJson: /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/package.json 11:52:04.193 - info: [Download Service]:Download service is initializing Download service was initialized Got heartbeat request 11:52:04.194 - info: [Download Service] Download service is alive 11:52:04.211 - info: Application configuration is: { mainRepoURL: 'https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json', PIDServer: 'P', DevZoneServer: 'P', StarfleetServer: 'P' } 11:52:04.226 - info: manifest: {"name":"sdkmanager","releaseVersion":"1.4.0","releaseRevision":"0","releaseBuild":"7363","release":false,"chrome":"78.0.3904.113"} 11:52:04.226 - info: Telemetry parameters are: title: SDK Manager version: 1.4.0 dev: 0 internal: false 11:52:04.226 - info: autoLogin failed: Aborting auto login since there is no logged in user 11:52:04.226 - info: Telemetry: allow = Allow. isGDPRAllowed=true 11:52:04.227 - info: Initializing Telemetry visitor. Application: SDK Manager Version: clientMode: UI. isDevelopmentEnvironment: 0. NV User: false 11:52:04.227 - info: Initialized Telemetry for SDK Manager. TrackID: UA-59254929-54. UserID: 25a670bd-a0fc-5c23-9aae-84861f62a483. 11:52:04.227 - info: Telemetry: setting custom dimensions: UserType, SDKMode, SDKMVersion External UI 11:52:04.227 - info: Setting custom dimension: UserType - cd5, External 11:52:04.228 - info: Setting custom dimension: SDKMode - cd6, UI 11:52:04.228 - info: Setting custom dimension: SDKMVersion - cd8, 11:52:04.230 - info: Total memory: 15.34 GB 11:52:04.231 - info: Screen res: 1920 x 1080, scaleFactor 1 11:52:04.233 - info: mainRepoUrl: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:52:04.234 - info: logging in with l1 url: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:52:04.289 - info: Create timing task for auto update successfully. 11:52:11.214 - info: logging in to starfleet server 11:52:11.215 - info: Logging in with starfleet login method... 11:52:11.220 - info: Event: Login Progress: undefined 11:52:11.265 - info: Listening to Starfleet Redirect URL on port: 8080 11:52:11.265 - info: Listening to Starfleet Development signin URL on port: 38445 11:52:11.265 - info: Openning login URL in browser: https://login.nvidia.com/authorize?response_mode=query&response_type=id_token+token&device_id=c2ddcbca71a213338778f4d77531b2be5f0060baefd2a7aa9f4ae7c288d2aebf&scope=openid+consent+email&client_id=_gWkp8NvPxc7svfRKyXJ4IseQyYupLhWJiMxyPy0gm4&prompt=login&ui_locales=en_US&nonce=67676767&state=http://localhost:38445&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080 11:52:11.268 - info: Event: Login Progress: Waiting for user to complete login in the external browser... 11:53:38.771 - info: Got Starfleet server signin response. Request URL: /?ui_locales=en_US&nonce=67676767&id_token=eyJraWQiOiJwcm9kLWluaXRpYWwtdG9rZW4ta2lkIiwiYWxnIjoiRVMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJfb1Uwbk1WTFNEWWRVNmNRS25DMU1GZVhQWUxuXzcteDRaWVRaVmF4SkFFIiwiaWRwX25hbWUiOiJOVklESUEtSiIsImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjp0cnVlLCJpZHBfaWQiOiJQRGlBaHYya0pURmVRN1dPUHFpUTJ0Ulo3bEdoUjJYMTFkWHZNNFRaU3hnIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2xvZ2luLm52aWRpYS5jb20iLCJleHRlcm5hbF9pZCI6IjIwNTA2NjY0NTgzMTQxODQzOCIsInByZWZlcnJlZF91c2VybmFtZSI6InpoYW9jaGFvMTgiLCJjb25zZW50Ijp7InRyYWNrQmVoYXZpb3JhbERhdGEiOnRydWUsIm9wdF9pbiI6dHJ1ZSwidHJhY2tUZWNobmljYWxEYXRhIjp0cnVlfSwibm9uY2UiOiI2NzY3Njc2NyIsImF1ZCI6WyJfZ1drcDhOdlB4YzdzdmZSS3lYSjRJc2VReVl1cExoV0ppTXh5UHkwZ200IiwiczppVFVFRnRCU0FwNkJtb180Wm9OS082djY3Z3dYT1E5Y1NCWFY5UzNNV1hVIl0sInVwZGF0ZWRfYXQiOjE2MDk1NTk2MTMsImF6cCI6Il9nV2twOE52UHhjN3N2ZlJLeVhKNElzZVF5WXVwTGhXSmlNeHlQeTBnbTQiLCJleHAiOjE2MDk1NzQwMTMsImlhdCI6MTYwOTU1OTYxMywiZW1haWwiOiI3NzI0NzE5ODBAcXEuY29tIn0.VpWR3b2bFd-GLYlSzL4uZGmfmvhmpYWmnXH0-VtJvN3A70WTpW7vZFGQdxQaczeDHuogCRFkpt2Q7t5nmfJ7Xg&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3600&access_token=UM_yCXc8MRF_r_0Q6ybF9BUQuWrebANlEV4rLe-D37EF4fEaQvxWLJYrfS_jpPJ0gB1h8c2rs6zIlWOUjm3gaQ 11:53:38.771 - info: Event: Login Progress: Authenticating with NVIDIA server... 11:53:38.772 - info: Event: Login Progress: Login credentials retrieved successfully. 11:53:39.817 - info: Event: Login Progress: Retrieving user information... 11:53:39.821 - info: User programs URL is: https://developer.nvidia.com/api/assets/v1/current_user_sdk/programs 11:53:43.140 - info: the DevZone programs that user can access: 11:53:43.140 - info: { id: 874688, name: NVIDIA Developer Program } 11:53:43.140 - info: { id: 878431, name: Technology Access Group } 11:53:43.142 - info: Event: Login Progress: Loading and processing available products... 11:53:43.143 - info: Retrieving Data... 11:53:43.143 - info: Processing Data... 11:53:43.146 - info: Logging into Telemetry server: starfleet 11:53:43.146 - info: Setting custom dimension: LoginServer - cd10, Starfleet 11:53:43.151 - info: Checking for GDPR allow. gdprAllow: Allow. client version: Last seen client: 11:53:43.152 - info: LastSeenSDKMClientVersion is set to 11:53:43.153 - info: mainRepoUrl: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:53:43.155 - info: Loading data from server: l1url. Url: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:54:22.609 - info: sdkml1_repo.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:22.620 - info: Initial product lines number before validation: 5 11:54:27.076 - info: sdkml2_clara_linux.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/Clara/Linux/sdkml2_clara_linux.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:27.122 - info: validating product line for target OS: Linux 11:54:27.122 - info: 11:54:27.123 - info: validating release: Clara AGX 2.1 11:54:27.123 - warn: No access to devzone program id 887788 11:54:27.123 - warn: No access to release Clara AGX 2.1. 11:54:27.123 - info: 11:54:27.123 - info: validating release: Clara AGX 2.0 11:54:27.123 - warn: No access to devzone program id 887788 11:54:27.123 - warn: No access to release Clara AGX 2.0. 11:54:27.124 - info: 11:54:27.124 - info: validating release: Clara AGX 1.5 11:54:27.124 - warn: No access to devzone program id 887788 11:54:27.124 - warn: No access to release Clara AGX 1.5. 11:54:27.605 - info: sdkml2_drive_linux.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/DRIVE/Linux/sdkml2_drive_linux.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:27.655 - info: validating product line for target OS: Linux 11:54:27.655 - info: 11:54:27.655 - info: validating release: DRIVE Software 10.0 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to devzone program id 879192 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to release DRIVE Software 10.0. 11:54:27.655 - info: 11:54:27.655 - info: validating release: DRIVE Software 9.0 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to devzone program id 879192 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to release DRIVE Software 9.0. 11:54:27.655 - info: 11:54:27.655 - info: validating release: DRIVE Software 8.0 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to devzone program id 879192 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to release DRIVE Software 8.0. 11:54:27.655 - info: 11:54:27.655 - info: validating release: DRIVE Software 8.0 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.655 - warn: No access to release DRIVE Software 8.0. 11:54:27.655 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.2.3 SDK 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.2.3 SDK. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id 879192 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.1.15 with DriveWorks 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.1.15 with DriveWorks. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS SDK 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS SDK. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS SDK with DriveWorks 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id 876061 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS SDK with DriveWorks. 11:54:27.656 - info: 11:54:27.656 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS PDK 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:27.656 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS PDK. 11:54:28.536 - info: sdkml2_jetson_linux.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/Jetson/Linux/sdkml2_jetson_linux.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:28.688 - info: validating product line for target OS: Linux 11:54:28.689 - info: 11:54:28.689 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.4.1 11:54:28.689 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.690 - info: 11:54:28.690 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.4 11:54:28.690 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.690 - info: 11:54:28.690 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.4 DP 11:54:28.691 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.691 - info: 11:54:28.691 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.3 11:54:28.691 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.691 - info: 11:54:28.692 - info: validating release: JetPack 3.3.3 11:54:28.692 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.692 - info: 11:54:28.692 - info: validating release: JetPack 3.3.2 11:54:28.692 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.692 - info: 11:54:28.693 - info: validating release: JetPack 3.3.1 11:54:28.693 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.693 - info: 11:54:28.693 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.2.3 11:54:28.693 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.694 - info: 11:54:28.694 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.2.2 11:54:28.694 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.694 - info: 11:54:28.694 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.2.1 11:54:28.694 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.695 - info: 11:54:28.695 - info: validating release: JetPack 4.2 11:54:28.695 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.696 - info: Event: Login Progress: Loading and processing available products... 11:54:28.699 - info: 11:54:28.699 - info: validating release: DeepStream 11:54:28.699 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.699 - info: 11:54:28.700 - info: validating release: DeepStream 11:54:28.700 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.700 - info: 11:54:28.700 - info: validating release: DeepStream 11:54:28.700 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.701 - info: 11:54:28.701 - info: validating release: DeepStream 11:54:28.701 - info: Can access to devzone program id 874688 11:54:28.742 - info: sdkml2_sdkmanager_linux_deb.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/SDKMANAGER/Linux/sdkml2_sdkmanager_linux_deb.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:28.769 - info: validating product line for target OS: 11:54:28.769 - info: 11:54:28.770 - info: validating release: SDK Manager 11:54:28.770 - info: Empty devzone program id, need to validate l3 url 11:54:28.771 - info: Validate l3 url successfully 11:54:28.771 - info: Event: Login Progress: Loading and processing available products... 11:54:33.654 - info: sdkml2_drive_qnx.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/DRIVE/QNX/sdkml2_drive_qnx.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:33.678 - info: validating product line for target OS: QNX 11:54:33.678 - info: 11:54:33.678 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.2.3 SDK 11:54:33.678 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:33.678 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.2.3 SDK. 11:54:33.678 - info: 11:54:33.678 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK 11:54:33.678 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:33.678 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS 5.2.0 SDK. 11:54:33.678 - info: 11:54:33.678 - info: validating release: DRIVE OS SDK 11:54:33.678 - warn: No access to devzone program id -1 11:54:33.679 - warn: No access to release DRIVE OS SDK. 11:54:33.820 - info: Selecting Jetson product 11:54:33.822 - info: step1 load in ms: 50667.11999999825 11:54:33.822 - info: Web server configuration build version 1003D584J23C is set 11:54:33.828 - info: Checking for update with mainRepoURL: https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json 11:54:36.205 - info: sdkml1_repo.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/main/sdkml1_repo.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:37.786 - info: sdkml2_sdkmanager_linux_deb.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/sdkmanager/sdkm-config/SDKMANAGER/Linux/sdkml2_sdkmanager_linux_deb.json has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 11:54:37.788 - info: packageJson: /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/package.json 11:54:37.798 - info: [updater] no SDK Manager client update available. 12:51:15.553 - info: Selecting Jetson product 12:51:20.011 - info: initializeGroups. User selections: Product: Jetson Version: 4.4.1 selectedHW: host_target selectedTargetCategoryId: JETSON_AGX_XAVIER selectedOS: Linux 12:51:20.026 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductVersion - cd1, 4.4.1 12:51:20.027 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductHW - cd2, host_target.JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 12:51:20.027 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductOS - cd3, Linux 12:51:20.027 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductName - cd7, Jetson 12:51:20.027 - info: Setting custom dimension: BundleName - cd9, JetPack 4.4.1 12:51:20.027 - info: loading l3 data from repo url: [ 'https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json' ] 12:51:20.029 - info: EulaFolder: /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/Eula/ 12:52:35.602 - info: sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json?iposmNT1ytJoIxN9WKAsj68NEBNEg0EumskhiapYqAeLljYZRHiM9r8WaFxeQOFGE5yyMJWEy9Ps_irdLRt_OanL-QJXFqG8g6QvX2iiTHrTKXWQ-6m6WRDVMC8_SarHAhoP8X3z5NlCCoDWiLcATI41aIxONM_nFnFOpsJNWFk0Y78hNVw4L8Zsrb14sax5LOCmdAXohZ3CqiUsGTR7vXuT8GNAGbKS has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully. 12:52:35.606 - error: initializeGroups error: Could not load components list. Error: { message: '/home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json: Unexpected token F in JSON at position 0', stack: 'SyntaxError: /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json: Unexpected token F in JSON at position 0\n' + ' at JSON.parse ()\n' + ' at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/node_modules/jsonfile/index.js:33:18\n' + ' at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:123:16\n' + ' at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (internal/fs/read_file_context.js:61:3)', name: 'SyntaxError' } 12:52:35.610 - info: initializeGroups ended with failure. Duration: 00:01:15 13:03:15.810 - info: initializeGroups. User selections: Product: Jetson Version: 4.4.1 selectedHW: host_target selectedTargetCategoryId: JETSON_AGX_XAVIER selectedOS: Linux 13:03:15.824 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductVersion - cd1, 4.4.1 13:03:15.824 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductHW - cd2, host_target.JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 13:03:15.824 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductOS - cd3, Linux 13:03:15.824 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductName - cd7, Jetson 13:03:15.824 - info: Setting custom dimension: BundleName - cd9, JetPack 4.4.1 13:03:15.825 - info: loading l3 data from repo url: [ 'https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json' ] 13:03:22.426 - info: Destorying eula view. eula warning timer is null: true 13:03:56.988 - error: initializeGroups error: Could not load components list. Error: devzone get download url failed with error: HTTPError: Response code 502 (Bad Gateway). 13:03:56.989 - info: initializeGroups ended with failure. Duration: 00:00:41 13:04:40.980 - info: initializeGroups. User selections: Product: Jetson Version: 4.4.1 selectedHW: target selectedTargetCategoryId: JETSON_AGX_XAVIER selectedOS: Linux 13:04:40.991 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductVersion - cd1, 4.4.1 13:04:40.991 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductHW - cd2, host_target.JETSON_AGX_XAVIER 13:04:40.991 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductOS - cd3, Linux 13:04:40.991 - info: Setting custom dimension: ProductName - cd7, Jetson 13:04:40.991 - info: Setting custom dimension: BundleName - cd9, JetPack 4.4.1 13:04:40.992 - info: loading l3 data from repo url: [ 'https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441.json', 'https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50_DEEPSTREAM/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441_deepstream.json' ] 13:04:40.993 - info: EulaFolder: /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/Eula/ 13:04:45.914 - info: Starfleet ID Token is expired, refreshing the token. 13:05:41.011 - error: initializeGroups error: Could not load components list. Error: devzone get download url failed with error: TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting 'request' for 60000ms. 13:05:41.020 - info: initializeGroups ended with failure. Duration: 00:01:00 13:07:44.896 - info: sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441_deepstream.json from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4.1/JETPACK_441_b50_DEEPSTREAM/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_441_deepstream.json?OOOSQy5JxvQXcrO39SC4AMuqg3S-qrQjhHJV7hqWrKT6AyvAB35_8DcwYRBqn0sh8oP1K-3yZT6YvuIt6LPN4a8-WcDrrK562uvMrLubg_ejKmGqOXFhSjCzKfl-IuiF8eAGCOxEkRkoT4kmJgp1W6lXkQ6pZl90INGE7ABjBr8rsZSMiWQG-bVeRhaSQxec_Sd8o4PfIkyvpyAkCSMyjzKVlWvHZBOosVd5NJPIx6G7Ri60X6v2V02jhXHpug has been downloaded to /home/dongtianyue/.nvsdkm/dist successfully.