/* * Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "gstDecoder.h" #include "cudaColorspace.h" #include "logging.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // RTP test source pipeline: // (from PC) $ gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=300,height=300,framerate=30/1 ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host= port=5000 // (from Jetson) $ ./video-viewer test.mkv rtp://@:5000 // // RTP test recieve pipeline: // (from PC) $ gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=5000 caps = "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264, payload=(int)96" ! rtph264depay ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! autovideosink // (from Jetson) $ ./video-viewer rtp://@:5000 // (from VLC) SDP file contents: // c=IN IP4 // m=video 5000 RTP/AVP 96 // a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000 // // RSTP test server installation: // $ git clone https://github.com/GStreamer/gst-rtsp-server && cd gst-rtsp-server // $ git checkout 1.14.5 // $ ./autogen.sh --noconfigure && ./configure && make // $ cd examples && ./test-launch "( videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )" // > rtsp:// // // RTSP authentication test: // $ ./test-auth // > rtsp://user:password@ // > rtsp://admin:power@ // // supported image file extensions const char* gstDecoder::SupportedExtensions[] = { "mkv", "mp4", "qt", "flv", "avi", "h264", "h265", NULL }; bool gstDecoder::IsSupportedExtension( const char* ext ) { if( !ext ) return false; uint32_t extCount = 0; while(true) { if( !SupportedExtensions[extCount] ) break; if( strcasecmp(SupportedExtensions[extCount], ext) == 0 ) return true; extCount++; } return false; } // constructor gstDecoder::gstDecoder( const videoOptions& options ) : videoSource(options) { mAppSink = NULL; mBus = NULL; mPipeline = NULL; mCustomSize = false; mCustomRate = false; mEOS = false; mLoopCount = 1; mFrameCount = 0; mFormatYUV = IMAGE_UNKNOWN; mBufferRGB.SetThreaded(false); } // destructor gstDecoder::~gstDecoder() { Close(); if( mAppSink != NULL ) { gst_object_unref(mAppSink); mAppSink = NULL; } if( mBus != NULL ) { gst_object_unref(mBus); mBus = NULL; } if( mPipeline != NULL ) { gst_object_unref(mPipeline); mPipeline = NULL; } } // Create gstDecoder* gstDecoder::Create( const videoOptions& options ) { gstDecoder* dec = new gstDecoder(options); if( !dec ) return NULL; if( !dec->init() ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to create decoder for %s\n", dec->mOptions.resource.string.c_str()); return NULL; } return dec; } // Create gstDecoder* gstDecoder::Create( const URI& resource, videoOptions::Codec codec ) { videoOptions opt; opt.resource = resource; opt.codec = codec; opt.ioType = videoOptions::INPUT; return Create(opt); } // init bool gstDecoder::init() { GError* err = NULL; if( !gstreamerInit() ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "failed to initialize gstreamer API\n"); return NULL; } // first, check that the file exists if( mOptions.resource.protocol == "file" ) { if( !fileExists(mOptions.resource.location) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- couldn't find file '%s'\n", mOptions.resource.location.c_str()); return false; } } LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- creating decoder for %s\n", mOptions.resource.location.c_str()); // flag if the user wants a specific resolution and framerate if( mOptions.width != 0 || mOptions.height != 0 ) mCustomSize = true; if( mOptions.frameRate != 0 ) mCustomRate = true; // discover resource stats if( !discover() ) { if( mOptions.resource.protocol == "rtp" ) LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- resource discovery not supported for RTP streams\n"); else LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- resource discovery and auto-negotiation failed\n"); if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_UNKNOWN ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- try manually setting the codec with the --input-codec option\n"); return false; } } // build pipeline string if( !buildLaunchStr() ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to build pipeline string\n"); return false; } // create pipeline mPipeline = gst_parse_launch(mLaunchStr.c_str(), &err); if( err != NULL ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to create pipeline\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " (%s)\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); return false; } GstPipeline* pipeline = GST_PIPELINE(mPipeline); if( !pipeline ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to cast GstElement into GstPipeline\n"); return false; } // retrieve pipeline bus /*GstBus**/ mBus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(pipeline); if( !mBus ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to retrieve GstBus from pipeline\n"); return false; } // add watch for messages (disabled when we poll the bus ourselves, instead of gmainloop) //gst_bus_add_watch(mBus, (GstBusFunc)gst_message_print, NULL); // get the appsrc GstElement* appsinkElement = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pipeline), "mysink"); GstAppSink* appsink = GST_APP_SINK(appsinkElement); if( !appsinkElement || !appsink) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to retrieve AppSink element from pipeline\n"); return false; } mAppSink = appsink; // setup callbacks GstAppSinkCallbacks cb; memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(GstAppSinkCallbacks)); cb.eos = onEOS; cb.new_preroll = onPreroll; // disabled b/c preroll sometimes occurs during Close() and crashes #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) cb.new_sample = onBuffer; #else cb.new_buffer = onBuffer; #endif gst_app_sink_set_callbacks(mAppSink, &cb, (void*)this, NULL); return true; } // findVideoStreamInfo static GstDiscovererVideoInfo* findVideoStreamInfo( GstDiscovererStreamInfo* info ) { if( !info ) return NULL; //printf("stream type -- %s\n", gst_discoverer_stream_info_get_stream_type_nick(info)); if( GST_IS_DISCOVERER_VIDEO_INFO(info) ) { return GST_DISCOVERER_VIDEO_INFO(info); } else if( GST_IS_DISCOVERER_CONTAINER_INFO(info) ) { GstDiscovererContainerInfo* containerInfo = GST_DISCOVERER_CONTAINER_INFO(info); if( !containerInfo ) return NULL; GList* containerStreams = gst_discoverer_container_info_get_streams(containerInfo); for( GList* n=containerStreams; n; n = n->next ) { GstDiscovererVideoInfo* videoStream = findVideoStreamInfo(GST_DISCOVERER_STREAM_INFO(n->data)); if( videoStream != NULL ) return videoStream; } } return findVideoStreamInfo(gst_discoverer_stream_info_get_next(info)); } // discover bool gstDecoder::discover() { // RTP streams can't be discovered if( mOptions.resource.protocol == "rtp" ) return false; // create a new discovery interface GError* err = NULL; GstDiscoverer* discoverer = gst_discoverer_new(GST_SECOND, &err); if( !discoverer ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to create gstreamer discovery instance: %s\n", err->message); return false; } GstDiscovererInfo* info = gst_discoverer_discover_uri(discoverer, mOptions.resource.string.c_str(), &err); if( !info || err != NULL ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- %s\n", err->message); return false; } GstDiscovererStreamInfo* rootStream = gst_discoverer_info_get_stream_info(info); if( !rootStream ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to discover stream info\n"); return false; } GstDiscovererVideoInfo* videoInfo = findVideoStreamInfo(rootStream); GstDiscovererStreamInfo* streamInfo = GST_DISCOVERER_STREAM_INFO(videoInfo); if( !videoInfo ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to discover any video streams\n"); return false; } // retrieve video resolution const guint width = gst_discoverer_video_info_get_width(videoInfo); const guint height = gst_discoverer_video_info_get_height(videoInfo); const float framerate_num = gst_discoverer_video_info_get_framerate_num(videoInfo); const float framerate_denom = gst_discoverer_video_info_get_framerate_denom(videoInfo); const float framerate = framerate_num / framerate_denom; LogVerbose(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- discovered video resolution: %ux%u (framerate %f Hz)\n", width, height, framerate); // disable re-scaling if the user's custom size matches the feed's if( mCustomSize && mOptions.width == width && mOptions.height == height ) mCustomSize = false; if( mOptions.width == 0 ) mOptions.width = width; if( mOptions.height == 0 ) mOptions.height = height; // confirm the desired framerate against what the stream provides if( mCustomRate ) { // disable rate-limiting if the user's custom rate matches the feed's if( mOptions.frameRate == framerate ) mCustomRate = false; } else { // otherwise adopt the feed's framerate mOptions.frameRate = framerate; } // retrieve video caps GstCaps* caps = gst_discoverer_stream_info_get_caps(streamInfo); if( !caps ) { printf(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to discover video caps\n"); return false; } const std::string videoCaps = gst_caps_to_string(caps); LogVerbose(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- discovered video caps: %s\n", videoCaps.c_str()); // parse codec if( videoCaps.find("video/x-h264") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_H264; else if( videoCaps.find("video/x-h265") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_H265; else if( videoCaps.find("video/x-vp8") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_VP8; else if( videoCaps.find("video/x-vp9") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_VP9; else if( videoCaps.find("image/jpeg") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_MJPEG; else if( videoCaps.find("video/mpeg") != std::string::npos ) { if( videoCaps.find("mpegversion=(int)4") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4; else if( videoCaps.find("mpegversion=(int)2") != std::string::npos ) mOptions.codec = videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2; } if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_UNKNOWN ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- unsupported codec, supported codecs are:\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * h264\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * h265\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * vp8\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * vp9\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mpeg2\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mpeg4\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mjpeg\n"); return false; } // TODO free other resources //g_free(discoverer); return true; } // buildLaunchStr bool gstDecoder::buildLaunchStr() { std::ostringstream ss; // determine the requested protocol to use const URI& uri = GetResource(); if( uri.protocol == "file" ) { ss << "filesrc location=" << mOptions.resource.location << " ! "; if( uri.extension == "mkv" ) ss << "matroskademux ! "; else if( uri.extension == "mp4" || uri.extension == "qt" ) ss << "qtdemux ! "; else if( uri.extension == "flv" ) ss << "flvdemux ! "; else if( uri.extension == "avi" ) ss << "avidemux ! "; else if( uri.extension != "h264" && uri.extension != "h265" ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- unsupported video file extension (%s)\n", uri.extension.c_str()); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " supported video extensions are:\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mkv\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mp4, qt\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * flv\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * avi\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * h264, h265\n"); return false; } ss << "queue ! "; if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H264 ) ss << "h264parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H265 ) ss << "h265parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2 ) ss << "mpegvideoparse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4 ) ss << "mpeg4videoparse ! "; mOptions.deviceType = videoOptions::DEVICE_FILE; } else if( uri.protocol == "rtp" ) { if( uri.port <= 0 ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- invalid RTP port (%i)\n", uri.port); return false; } ss << "udpsrc port=" << uri.port; ss << " multicast-group=" << uri.location << " auto-multicast=true"; ss << " caps=\"" << "application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)"; if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H264 ) ss << "H264\" ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H265 ) ss << "H265\" ! rtph265depay ! h265parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP8 ) ss << "VP8\" ! rtpvp8depay ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP9 ) ss << "VP9\" ! rtpvp9depay ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2 ) ss << "MP2T\" ! rtpmp2tdepay ! "; // MP2T-ES else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4 ) ss << "MP4V-ES\" ! rtpmp4vdepay ! "; // MPEG4-GENERIC\" ! rtpmp4gdepay else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MJPEG ) ss << "JPEG\" ! rtpjpegdepay ! "; mOptions.deviceType = videoOptions::DEVICE_IP; } else if( uri.protocol == "rtsp" ) { ss << "rtspsrc location=" << uri.string; //ss << " latency=200 drop-on-latency=true"; ss << " ! queue ! "; if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H264 ) ss << "rtph264depay ! h264parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H265 ) ss << "rtph265depay ! h265parse ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP8 ) ss << "rtpvp8depay ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP9 ) ss << "rtpvp9depay ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2 ) ss << "rtpmp2tdepay ! "; // MP2T-ES else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4 ) ss << "rtpmp4vdepay ! "; // rtpmp4gdepay else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MJPEG ) ss << "rtpjpegdepay ! "; mOptions.deviceType = videoOptions::DEVICE_IP; } else { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- unsupported protocol (%s)\n", uri.protocol.c_str()); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " supported protocols are:\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * file://\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rtp://\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rtsp://\n"); return false; } #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H264 ) ss << "avdec_h264 ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H265 ) ss << "avdec_h265 ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP8 ) ss << "avdec_vp8 ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP9 ) ss << "avdec_vp9 ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2 ) ss << "avdec_mpeg2video ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4 ) ss << "avdec_mpeg4 ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MJPEG ) ss << "avdec_mjpeg ! "; #else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H264 ) ss << "nv_omx_h264dec ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_H265 ) ss << "nv_omx_h265dec ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP8 ) ss << "nv_omx_vp8dec ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_VP9 ) ss << "nv_omx_vp9dec ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG2 ) ss << "nx_omx_mpeg2videodec ! "; else if( mOptions.codec == videoOptions::CODEC_MPEG4 ) ss << "nx_omx_mpeg4videodec ! "; #endif else { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- unsupported codec requested (%s)\n", videoOptions::CodecToStr(mOptions.codec)); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " supported decoder codecs are:\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * h264\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * h265\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * vp8\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * vp9\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mpeg2\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mpeg4\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * mjpeg\n"); return false; } // resize if requested if( mCustomSize || mOptions.flipMethod != videoOptions::FLIP_NONE ) { ss << "nvvidconv"; if( mOptions.flipMethod != videoOptions::FLIP_NONE ) ss << " flip-method=" << (int)mOptions.flipMethod; ss << " ! video/x-raw"; if( mOptions.width != 0 && mOptions.height != 0 ) ss << ", width=(int)" << mOptions.width << ", height=(int)" << mOptions.height << ", format=(string)NV12"; ss <<" ! "; } else { ss << "video/x-raw ! "; } // rate-limit if requested if( mCustomRate ) ss << "videorate drop-only=true max-rate=" << (int)mOptions.frameRate << " ! "; // add the app sink ss << "appsink name=mysink"; // wait-on-eos=false; mLaunchStr = ss.str(); LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- pipeline string:\n"); LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "%s\n", mLaunchStr.c_str()); return true; } // onEOS void gstDecoder::onEOS( _GstAppSink* sink, void* user_data ) { LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- end of stream (EOS)\n"); if( !user_data ) return; gstDecoder* dec = (gstDecoder*)user_data; dec->mEOS = true; dec->mStreaming = dec->isLooping(); } // onPreroll GstFlowReturn gstDecoder::onPreroll( _GstAppSink* sink, void* user_data ) { LogVerbose(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- onPreroll()\n"); if( !user_data ) return GST_FLOW_OK; gstDecoder* dec = (gstDecoder*)user_data; #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) // onPreroll gets called sometimes, just pull and free the buffer // otherwise the pipeline may hang during shutdown GstSample* gstSample = gst_app_sink_pull_preroll(dec->mAppSink); if( !gstSample ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- app_sink_pull_sample() returned NULL...\n"); return GST_FLOW_OK; } gst_sample_unref(gstSample); #endif dec->checkMsgBus(); return GST_FLOW_OK; } // onBuffer GstFlowReturn gstDecoder::onBuffer(_GstAppSink* sink, void* user_data) { //printf(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- onBuffer()\n"); if( !user_data ) return GST_FLOW_OK; gstDecoder* dec = (gstDecoder*)user_data; dec->checkBuffer(); dec->checkMsgBus(); return GST_FLOW_OK; } #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) #define release_return { gst_sample_unref(gstSample); return; } #else #define release_return { gst_buffer_unref(gstBuffer); return; } #endif // checkBuffer void gstDecoder::checkBuffer() { if( !mAppSink ) return; #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) // block waiting for the sample GstSample* gstSample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample(mAppSink); if( !gstSample ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- app_sink_pull_sample() returned NULL...\n"); return; } // retrieve sample caps GstCaps* gstCaps = gst_sample_get_caps(gstSample); if( !gstCaps ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_sample had NULL caps...\n"); release_return; } // retrieve the buffer from the sample GstBuffer* gstBuffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(gstSample); if( !gstBuffer ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- app_sink_pull_sample() returned NULL...\n"); release_return; } // map the buffer memory for read access GstMapInfo map; if( !gst_buffer_map(gstBuffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to map gstreamer buffer memory\n"); release_return; } const void* gstData = map.data; const gsize gstSize = map.maxsize; //map.size; if( !gstData ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_buffer_map had NULL data pointer...\n"); release_return; } if( map.maxsize > map.size && mFrameCount == 0 ) { LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- map buffer size was less than max size (%zu vs %zu)\n", map.size, map.maxsize); } #else // block waiting for the buffer GstBuffer* gstBuffer = gst_app_sink_pull_buffer(mAppSink); if( !gstBuffer ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- app_sink_pull_buffer() returned NULL...\n"); return; } // retrieve data pointer void* gstData = GST_BUFFER_DATA(gstBuffer); const guint gstSize = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(gstBuffer); if( !gstData ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_buffer had NULL data pointer...\n"); release_return; } // retrieve caps GstCaps* gstCaps = gst_buffer_get_caps(gstBuffer); if( !gstCaps ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_buffer had NULL caps...\n"); release_return; } #endif // on the first frame, print out the recieve caps if( mFrameCount == 0 ) LogVerbose(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder recieve caps: %s\n", gst_caps_to_string(gstCaps)); // retrieve caps structure GstStructure* gstCapsStruct = gst_caps_get_structure(gstCaps, 0); if( !gstCapsStruct ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_caps had NULL structure...\n"); release_return; } // retrieve the width and height of the buffer int width = 0; int height = 0; if( !gst_structure_get_int(gstCapsStruct, "width", &width) || !gst_structure_get_int(gstCapsStruct, "height", &height) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- gst_caps missing width/height...\n"); release_return; } if( width < 1 || height < 1 ) release_return; mOptions.width = width; mOptions.height = height; // verify format if( mFrameCount == 0 ) { mFormatYUV = gst_parse_format(gstCapsStruct); if( mFormatYUV == IMAGE_UNKNOWN ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- stream %s does not have a compatible decoded format\n", mOptions.resource.c_str()); release_return; } LogVerbose(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- recieved first frame, codec=%s format=%s width=%u height=%u size=%zu\n", videoOptions::CodecToStr(mOptions.codec), imageFormatToStr(mFormatYUV), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), gstSize); } LogDebug(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- recieved %ix%i frame (%zu bytes)\n", width, height, gstSize); // allocate ringbuffer if( !mBufferYUV.Alloc(mOptions.numBuffers, gstSize, RingBuffer::ZeroCopy) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to allocate %u buffers (%zu bytes each)\n", mOptions.numBuffers, gstSize); release_return; } // copy to next ringbuffer void* nextBuffer = mBufferYUV.Peek(RingBuffer::Write); if( !nextBuffer ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to retrieve next ringbuffer for writing\n"); release_return; } memcpy(nextBuffer, gstData, gstSize); mBufferYUV.Next(RingBuffer::Write); mWaitEvent.Wake(); mFrameCount++; #if GST_CHECK_VERSION(1,0,0) gst_buffer_unmap(gstBuffer, &map); #endif release_return; } // Capture bool gstDecoder::Capture( void** output, imageFormat format, uint64_t timeout ) { // verify the output pointer exists if( !output ) return false; // confirm the stream is open if( !mStreaming || mEOS ) { if( !Open() ) return false; } // wait until a new frame is recieved if( !mWaitEvent.Wait(timeout) ) return false; // get the latest ringbuffer void* latestYUV = mBufferYUV.Next(RingBuffer::ReadLatestOnce); if( !latestYUV ) return false; // allocate ringbuffer for colorspace conversion const size_t rgbBufferSize = imageFormatSize(format, GetWidth(), GetHeight()); if( !mBufferRGB.Alloc(mOptions.numBuffers, rgbBufferSize, mOptions.zeroCopy ? RingBuffer::ZeroCopy : 0) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to allocate %u buffers (%zu bytes each)\n", mOptions.numBuffers, rgbBufferSize); return false; } // perform colorspace conversion void* nextRGB = mBufferRGB.Next(RingBuffer::Write); if( CUDA_FAILED(cudaConvertColor(latestYUV, mFormatYUV, nextRGB, format, GetWidth(), GetHeight())) ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder::Capture() -- unsupported image format (%s)\n", imageFormatToStr(format)); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " supported formats are:\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rgb8\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rgba8\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rgb32f\n"); LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER " * rgba32f\n"); return false; } *output = nextRGB; return true; } #if 0 static void queryPipelineState( GstElement* pipeline ) { GstState state = GST_STATE_VOID_PENDING; GstState pending = GST_STATE_VOID_PENDING; GstStateChangeReturn result = gst_element_get_state (pipeline, &state, &pending, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); if( result == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE ) printf("GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE\n"); printf("state - %s\n", gst_element_state_get_name(state)); printf("pending - %s\n", gst_element_state_get_name(pending)); } #endif // Open bool gstDecoder::Open() { if( mEOS ) { if( isLooping() ) { // seek stream back to the beginning GstEvent *seek_event = NULL; const bool seek = gst_element_seek(mPipeline, 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME, (GstSeekFlags)(GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH | GST_SEEK_FLAG_KEY_UNIT), GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, 0LL, GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE ); if( !seek ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to seek stream to beginning (loop %zu of %i)\n", mLoopCount+1, mOptions.loop); return false; } LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- seeking stream to beginning (loop %zu of %i)\n", mLoopCount+1, mOptions.loop); mLoopCount++; mEOS = false; } else { LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- end of stream (EOS) has been reached, stream has been closed\n"); return false; } } if( mStreaming ) return true; // transition pipline to STATE_PLAYING LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "opening gstDecoder for streaming, transitioning pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING\n"); const GstStateChangeReturn result = gst_element_set_state(mPipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); if( result == GST_STATE_CHANGE_ASYNC ) { #if 0 GstMessage* asyncMsg = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered(mBus, 5 * GST_SECOND, (GstMessageType)(GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE|GST_MESSAGE_ERROR)); if( asyncMsg != NULL ) { gst_message_print(mBus, asyncMsg, this); gst_message_unref(asyncMsg); } else printf(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- NULL message after transitioning pipeline to PLAYING...\n"); #endif } else if( result != GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS ) { LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to set pipeline state to PLAYING (error %u)\n", result); return false; } checkMsgBus(); usleep(100 * 1000); checkMsgBus(); mStreaming = true; return true; } // Close void gstDecoder::Close() { if( !mStreaming && !mEOS ) // if EOS was set, the pipeline is actually open return; // stop pipeline LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- stopping pipeline, transitioning to GST_STATE_NULL\n"); const GstStateChangeReturn result = gst_element_set_state(mPipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); if( result != GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS ) LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- failed to stop pipeline (error %u)\n", result); usleep(250*1000); checkMsgBus(); mStreaming = false; LogInfo(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstDecoder -- pipeline stopped\n"); } // checkMsgBus void gstDecoder::checkMsgBus() { while(true) { GstMessage* msg = gst_bus_pop(mBus); if( !msg ) break; gst_message_print(mBus, msg, this); gst_message_unref(msg); } }