I1125 09:55:24.904735 73 model_repository_manager.cc:1066] loading: riva-asr-feature-extractor-streaming-offline:1 I1125 09:55:24.909127 73 ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:451] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInitialize: riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming (version 1) I1125 09:55:24.909838 73 backend_model.cc:222] model configuration: { "name": "riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming", "platform": "", "backend": "riva_asr_decoder_cpu", "version_policy": { "latest": { "num_versions": 1 } }, "max_batch_size": 2048, "input": [ { "name": "CLASS_LOGITS", "data_type": "TYPE_FP32", "format": "FORMAT_NONE", "dims": [ -1, 1025 ], "is_shape_tensor": false, "allow_ragged_batch": false }, { "name": "END_FLAG", "data_type": "TYPE_UINT32", "format": "FORMAT_NONE", "dims": [ 1 ], "is_shape_tensor": false, "allow_ragged_batch": false }, { "name": "SEGMENTS_START_END", "data_type": "TYPE_INT32", "format": "FORMAT_NONE", "dims": [ -1, 2 ], "is_shape_tensor": false, "allow_ragged_batch": false }, { "name": "CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION", "data_type": "TYPE_STRING", "format": "FORMAT_NONE", "dims": [ -1, 2 ], "is_shape_tensor": false, "allow_ragged_batch": false } ], "output": [ { "name": "FINAL_TRANSCRIPTS", "data_type": "TYPE_STRING", "dims": [ -1 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false }, { "name": "FINAL_TRANSCRIPTS_SCORE", "data_type": "TYPE_FP32", "dims": [ -1 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false }, { "name": "FINAL_WORDS_START_END", "data_type": "TYPE_INT32", "dims": [ -1, 2 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false }, { "name": "PARTIAL_TRANSCRIPTS", "data_type": "TYPE_STRING", "dims": [ -1 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false }, { "name": "PARTIAL_TRANSCRIPTS_STABILITY", "data_type": "TYPE_FP32", "dims": [ -1 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false }, { "name": "PARTIAL_WORDS_START_END", "data_type": "TYPE_INT32", "dims": [ -1, 2 ], "label_filename": "", "is_shape_tensor": false } ], "batch_input": [], "batch_output": [], "optimization": { "priority": "PRIORITY_DEFAULT", "input_pinned_memory": { "enable": true }, "output_pinned_memory": { "enable": true }, "gather_kernel_buffer_threshold": 0, "eager_batching": false }, "sequence_batching": { "max_sequence_idle_microseconds": 60000000, "control_input": [ { "name": "START", "control": [ { "kind": "CONTROL_SEQUENCE_START", "int32_false_true": [ 0, 1 ], "fp32_false_true": [], "data_type": "TYPE_INVALID" } ] }, { "name": "READY", "control": [ { "kind": "CONTROL_SEQUENCE_READY", "int32_false_true": [ 0, 1 ], "fp32_false_true": [], "data_type": "TYPE_INVALID" } ] } ] }, "instance_group": [ { "name": "riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming_0", "kind": "KIND_CPU", "count": 1, "gpus": [], "profile": [] } ], "default_model_filename": "", "cc_model_filenames": {}, "metric_tags": {}, "parameters": { "beam_threshold": { "string_value": "10.0" }, "language_model_file": { "string_value": "/data/models/riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming/1/language_model.binary" }, "forerunner_use_lm": { "string_value": "true" }, "forerunner_beam_size_token": { "string_value": "8" }, "forerunner_beam_threshold": { "string_value": "10.0" }, "decoder_num_worker_threads": { "string_value": "8" }, "asr_model_delay": { "string_value": "-1" }, "word_insertion_score": { "string_value": "0.8" }, "left_padding_size": { "string_value": "1.92" }, "decoder_type": { "string_value": "flashlight" }, "compute_timestamps": { "string_value": "True" }, "forerunner_beam_size": { "string_value": "8" }, "max_supported_transcripts": { "string_value": "1" }, "chunk_size": { "string_value": "0.16" }, "lexicon_file": { "string_value": "/data/models/riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming/1/lexicon-braf.txt" }, "smearing_mode": { "string_value": "max" }, "use_vad": { "string_value": "True" }, "lm_weight": { "string_value": "0.3" }, "vocab_file": { "string_value": "/data/models/riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming/1/riva_decoder_vocabulary.txt" }, "ms_per_timestep": { "string_value": "80" }, "use_subword": { "string_value": "True" }, "streaming": { "string_value": "True" }, "beam_size": { "string_value": "16" }, "right_padding_size": { "string_value": "1.92" }, "beam_size_token": { "string_value": "16" } }, "model_warmup": [], "model_transaction_policy": { "decoupled": false } } I1125 09:55:24.909936 73 ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:453] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInstanceInitialize: riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming_0 (device 0) W:parameter_parser.cc:118: Parameter forerunner_start_offset_ms could not be set from parameters W:parameter_parser.cc:119: Default value will be used W:parameter_parser.cc:118: Parameter voc_string could not be set from parameters W:parameter_parser.cc:119: Default value will be used E:ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:269: Cannot initialize decoders. Error msg: Unknown entry in dictionary: 'raf'E1125 09:55:24.926748 73 ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:270] Invalid parameters in model configuration I1125 09:55:24.926768 73 ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:455] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInstanceFinalize: delete instance state I1125 09:55:24.926785 73 ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:452] TRITONBACKEND_ModelFinalize: delete model state E1125 09:55:24.927000 73 model_repository_manager.cc:1243] failed to load 'riva-asr-ctc-decoder-cpu-streaming' version 1: Invalid argument: riva/cbe/asr/ctc-decoder-cpu/ctc-decoder-cpu.cc:270] Invalid parameters in model configuration I1125 09:55:25.005192 73 model_repository_manager.cc:1066] loading: riva-asr-voice-activity-detector-ctc-streaming:1