&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8001] # ./trtexec --onnx=/home/onnx_models/inception_v3_mxnet.onnx --explicitBatch --int8 --allowGPUFallback --sparsity=disable --useDLACore=1 --workspace=2048 --dumpProfile --exportProfile=/home/benchmark_outputs/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable/2021-12-07_22_53_15W/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable_NVTX_profile.json --verbose --saveEngine=/home/benchmark_outputs/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable/2021-12-07_22_53_15W/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable.engine [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === Model Options === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Format: ONNX [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Model: /home/onnx_models/inception_v3_mxnet.onnx [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Output: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === Build Options === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Max batch: explicit [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Workspace: 2048 MiB [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] minTiming: 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] avgTiming: 8 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Precision: FP32+INT8 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Calibration: Dynamic [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Refit: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Sparsity: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Safe mode: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Restricted mode: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Save engine: /home/trt_engine/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_dla1.engine [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Load engine: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] NVTX verbosity: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Tactic sources: Using default tactic sources [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] timingCacheMode: local [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] timingCacheFile: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Input(s)s format: fp32:CHW [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Output(s)s format: fp32:CHW [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Input build shapes: model [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Input calibration shapes: model [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === System Options === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Device: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] DLACore: 1(With GPU fallback) [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Plugins: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === Inference Options === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Batch: Explicit [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Input inference shapes: model [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Iterations: 10 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Duration: 3s (+ 200ms warm up) [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Sleep time: 0ms [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Streams: 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] ExposeDMA: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Data transfers: Enabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Spin-wait: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Multithreading: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] CUDA Graph: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Separate profiling: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Time Deserialize: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Time Refit: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Skip inference: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Inputs: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === Reporting Options === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Verbose: Enabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Averages: 10 inferences [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Percentile: 99 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Dump refittable layers:Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Dump output: Disabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Profile: Enabled [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Export timing to JSON file: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Export output to JSON file: [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Export profile to JSON file: /home/benchmark_outputs/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable/2021-12-07_22_53_15W/inception_v3_mxnet_b1_ws2048_dla1_sparcity_disable_NVTX_profile.json [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] === Device Information === [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Selected Device: Xavier [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Compute Capability: 7.2 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] SMs: 8 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Compute Clock Rate: 1.377 GHz [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Device Global Memory: 31928 MiB [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Shared Memory per SM: 96 KiB [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Memory Bus Width: 256 bits (ECC disabled) [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] Memory Clock Rate: 1.377 GHz [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [I] TensorRT version: 8001 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:50] [V] [TRT] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +354, GPU +0, now: CPU 372, GPU 6086 (MiB) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] Start parsing network model [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Input filename: /home/onnx_models/inception_v3_mxnet.onnx [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] ONNX IR version: 0.0.6 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Opset version: 11 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Producer name: [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Producer version: [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Domain: [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Model version: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] Doc string: [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::NMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Region_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Clip_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ScatterND version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::CropAndResize version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Proposal version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::Split version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Plugin creator already registered - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Adding network input: data with dtype: float32, dimensions: (1, 3, 299, 299) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: data for ONNX tensor: data [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_dense0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Importing initializer: inception30_dense0_bias [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: data [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [data -> (1, 3, 299, 299)[FLOAT]], [inception30_conv0_weight -> (32, 3, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 3, 299, 299) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 32 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 32, 149, 149) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_conv0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_conv0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm0_gamma -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm0_beta -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm0_running_var -> (32)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_relu0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_relu0_fwd -> (1, 32, 149, 149)[FLOAT]], [inception30_conv1_weight -> (32, 32, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 32, 149, 149) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 32 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 32, 147, 147) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_conv1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_conv1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm1_gamma -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm1_beta -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm1_running_var -> (32)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_relu1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_relu1_fwd -> (1, 32, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [inception30_conv2_weight -> (64, 32, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 32, 147, 147) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 147, 147) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm2_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm2_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm2_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] inputs: [inception30_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 147, 147)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] outputs: [inception30_pool0_fwd -> (1, 64, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_pool0_fwd -> (1, 64, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [inception30_conv3_weight -> (80, 64, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 73, 73) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 80 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 80, 73, 73) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_conv3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_conv3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm3_gamma -> (80)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm3_beta -> (80)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (80)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm3_running_var -> (80)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_relu3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_relu3_fwd -> (1, 80, 73, 73)[FLOAT]], [inception30_conv4_weight -> (192, 80, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 80, 73, 73) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 71, 71) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm4_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm4_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_batchnorm4_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_pool1_fwd [MaxPool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool1_fwd [MaxPool] inputs: [inception30_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 71, 71)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_pool1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_pool1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool1_fwd [MaxPool] outputs: [inception30_pool1_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_pool1_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv0_weight -> (64, 192, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_pool1_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv1_weight -> (48, 192, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 48 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_gamma -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_beta -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_running_var -> (48)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv2_weight -> (64, 48, 5, 5)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (5, 5), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (2, 2), postpadding: (2, 2), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_pool1_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv3_weight -> (64, 192, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv4_weight -> (96, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv5_weight -> (96, 96, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_pool1_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_A1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 192, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_conv6_weight -> (32, 192, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 32 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 32, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_gamma -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_beta -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (32)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_running_var -> (32)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A1_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_A1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 32, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A1_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A1_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A1_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_A1_concat0 -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_concat0 -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv0_weight -> (64, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_concat0 -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv1_weight -> (48, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 48 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_gamma -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_beta -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_running_var -> (48)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv2_weight -> (64, 48, 5, 5)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (5, 5), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (2, 2), postpadding: (2, 2), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A1_concat0 -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv3_weight -> (64, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv4_weight -> (96, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv5_weight -> (96, 96, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_A1_concat0 -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_A2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 256, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_conv6_weight -> (64, 256, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 256, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A2_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_A2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A2_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A2_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A2_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_A2_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv0_weight -> (64, 288, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv1_weight -> (48, 288, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 48 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_gamma -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_beta -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (48)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_running_var -> (48)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_relu1_fwd -> (1, 48, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv2_weight -> (64, 48, 5, 5)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 48, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (5, 5), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (2, 2), postpadding: (2, 2), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A2_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv3_weight -> (64, 288, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_relu3_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv4_weight -> (96, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_relu4_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv5_weight -> (96, 96, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_A2_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_A3_pool0_fwd -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_pool0_fwd -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_conv6_weight -> (64, 288, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_A3_conv6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_A3_conv6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_A3_relu6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_A3_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_A3_relu0_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_relu2_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_relu5_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_A3_relu6_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_A3_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_A3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_A3_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_A3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_A3_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_A3_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_conv0_weight -> (384, 288, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_B_conv0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_B_conv0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm0_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm0_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm0_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_B_relu0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_A3_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_conv1_weight -> (64, 288, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 288, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 64 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_B_conv1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_B_conv1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm1_gamma -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm1_beta -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (64)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm1_running_var -> (64)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_B_relu1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_B_relu1_fwd -> (1, 64, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_conv2_weight -> (96, 64, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 64, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_B_conv2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_B_conv2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm2_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm2_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm2_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_B_relu2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_B_relu2_fwd -> (1, 96, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_conv3_weight -> (96, 96, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 96, 35, 35) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 96 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 96, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_B_conv3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_B_conv3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm3_gamma -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm3_beta -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (96)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_batchnorm3_running_var -> (96)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_B_relu3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_A3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] inputs: [inception30_A3_concat0 -> (1, 288, 35, 35)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_B_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] outputs: [inception30_B_pool0_fwd -> (1, 288, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_B_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_B_relu0_fwd -> (1, 384, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_relu3_fwd -> (1, 96, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_B_pool0_fwd -> (1, 288, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_B_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_B_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_B_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_B_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_B_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv0_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_B_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv1_weight -> (128, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv2_weight -> (128, 128, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv3_weight -> (192, 128, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_B_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv4_weight -> (128, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv5_weight -> (128, 128, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv6_weight -> (128, 128, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv7_weight -> (128, 128, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 128 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_gamma -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_beta -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (128)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_running_var -> (128)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu7_fwd -> (1, 128, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv8_weight -> (192, 128, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 128, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_B_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_B_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_C1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_conv9_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C1_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C1_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C1_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C1_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_C1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C1_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C1_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C1_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C1_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_C1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv0_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv1_weight -> (160, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv2_weight -> (160, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv3_weight -> (192, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv4_weight -> (160, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv5_weight -> (160, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv6_weight -> (160, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv7_weight -> (160, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv8_weight -> (192, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_C1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_C2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_conv9_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C2_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C2_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C2_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C2_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_C2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C2_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C2_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C2_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C2_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_C2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv0_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv1_weight -> (160, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu1_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv2_weight -> (160, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu2_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv3_weight -> (192, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv4_weight -> (160, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu4_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv5_weight -> (160, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu5_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv6_weight -> (160, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu6_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv7_weight -> (160, 160, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 160 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_gamma -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_beta -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (160)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_running_var -> (160)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu7_fwd -> (1, 160, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv8_weight -> (192, 160, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 160, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_C2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_C3_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_conv9_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C3_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C3_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C3_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C3_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_C3_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C3_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C3_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C3_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C3_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_C3_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv0_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv1_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu1_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv2_weight -> (192, 192, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv3_weight -> (192, 192, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C3_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv4_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv5_weight -> (192, 192, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu5_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv6_weight -> (192, 192, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu6_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv7_weight -> (192, 192, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu7_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv8_weight -> (192, 192, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C3_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_C3_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_C4_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv9_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_conv9_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_C4_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_conv9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_C4_conv9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_C4_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_C4_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_relu9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_C4_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_C4_relu9_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_C4_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_C4_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_C4_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_C4_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_C4_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_C4_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv0_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm0_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm0_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm0_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_relu0_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv1_weight -> (320, 192, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 320 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 320, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm1_gamma -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm1_beta -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm1_running_var -> (320)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_C4_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv2_weight -> (192, 768, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 768, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm2_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm2_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm2_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_relu2_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv3_weight -> (192, 192, 1, 7)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 7), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 3), postpadding: (0, 3), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm3_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm3_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm3_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_relu3_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv4_weight -> (192, 192, 7, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (7, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (3, 0), postpadding: (3, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm4_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm4_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm4_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_relu4_fwd -> (1, 192, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_conv5_weight -> (192, 192, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 192, 17, 17) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (2, 2), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_D_conv5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_D_conv5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm5_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm5_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_batchnorm5_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_D_relu5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_C4_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] inputs: [inception30_C4_concat0 -> (1, 768, 17, 17)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_D_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_pool0_fwd [MaxPool] outputs: [inception30_D_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_D_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_D_relu1_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_relu5_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_D_pool0_fwd -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_D_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_D_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_D_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_D_concat0 -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_concat0 -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv0_weight -> (320, 1280, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1280, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 320 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 320, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_gamma -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_beta -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_running_var -> (320)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_concat0 -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv1_weight -> (384, 1280, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1280, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv2_weight -> (384, 384, 1, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 1), postpadding: (0, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv3_weight -> (384, 384, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 0), postpadding: (1, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_relu3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_E1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_D_concat0 -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv4_weight -> (448, 1280, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1280, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 448 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 448, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_gamma -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_beta -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_running_var -> (448)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv5_weight -> (384, 448, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 448, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv6_weight -> (384, 384, 1, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 1), postpadding: (0, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv7_weight -> (384, 384, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 0), postpadding: (1, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_concat1 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat1 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_relu7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_concat1 for ONNX node: inception30_E1_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_concat1 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat1 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E1_concat1 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_D_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_D_concat0 -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_E1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_pool0_fwd -> (1, 1280, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_conv8_weight -> (192, 1280, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 1280, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E1_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E1_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E1_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E1_concat2 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat2 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E1_relu0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_concat0 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_concat1 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E1_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E1_concat2 for ONNX node: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E1_concat2 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E1_concat2 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E1_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv0_weight -> (320, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 320 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 320, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_gamma -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_beta -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_mean -> (320)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_running_var -> (320)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv1_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv1_weight -> (384, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv2_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv2_weight -> (384, 384, 1, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 1), postpadding: (0, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv3_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu1_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv3_weight -> (384, 384, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 0), postpadding: (1, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_concat0 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat0 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu2_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_relu3_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_concat0 for ONNX node: inception30_E2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_concat0 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat0 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv4_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E1_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv4_weight -> (448, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 448 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 448, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_gamma -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_beta -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_mean -> (448)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_running_var -> (448)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv5_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu4_fwd -> (1, 448, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv5_weight -> (384, 448, 3, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 448, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 1), postpadding: (1, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv6_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv6_weight -> (384, 384, 1, 3)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 3), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 1), postpadding: (0, 1), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv7_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu5_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv7_weight -> (384, 384, 3, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (3, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (1, 0), postpadding: (1, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 384 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 384, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_gamma -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_beta -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_mean -> (384)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_running_var -> (384)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_concat1 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat1 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu6_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_relu7_fwd -> (1, 384, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_concat1 for ONNX node: inception30_E2_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_concat1 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat1 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E2_concat1 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E1_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_E1_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_E2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [Conv] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv8_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [Conv] inputs: [inception30_E2_pool0_fwd -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_conv8_weight -> (192, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution input dimensions: (1, 2048, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Using kernel: (1, 1), strides: (1, 1), prepadding: (0, 0), postpadding: (0, 0), dilations: (1, 1), numOutputs: 192 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Convolution output dimensions: (1, 192, 8, 8) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [Conv] outputs: [inception30_E2_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_gamma [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_beta [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_mean [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_var [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] inputs: [inception30_E2_conv8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_gamma -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_beta -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_mean -> (192)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_running_var -> (192)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [BatchNormalization] outputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [Relu] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [Relu] inputs: [inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [Relu] outputs: [inception30_E2_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_E2_concat2 [Concat] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_concat1 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_relu8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat2 [Concat] inputs: [inception30_E2_relu0_fwd -> (1, 320, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_concat0 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_concat1 -> (1, 768, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [inception30_E2_relu8_fwd -> (1, 192, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_E2_concat2 for ONNX node: inception30_E2_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_E2_concat2 for ONNX tensor: inception30_E2_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_E2_concat2 [Concat] outputs: [inception30_E2_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_pool2_fwd [AveragePool] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_E2_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool2_fwd [AveragePool] inputs: [inception30_E2_concat2 -> (1, 2048, 8, 8)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_pool2_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_pool2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_pool2_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_pool2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_pool2_fwd [AveragePool] outputs: [inception30_pool2_fwd -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_dropout0_fwd [Dropout] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_pool2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_dropout0_fwd [Dropout] inputs: [inception30_pool2_fwd -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_dropout0_fwd for ONNX tensor: inception30_dropout0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_dropout0_fwd [Dropout] outputs: [inception30_dropout0_fwd -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: flatten_785 [Flatten] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_dropout0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] flatten_785 [Flatten] inputs: [inception30_dropout0_fwd -> (1, 2048, 1, 1)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: flatten_785 for ONNX node: flatten_785 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: flatten_785 for ONNX tensor: flatten_785 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] flatten_785 [Flatten] outputs: [flatten_785 -> (1, 2048)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Parsing node: inception30_dense0_fwd [Gemm] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: flatten_785 [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_dense0_weight [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Searching for input: inception30_dense0_bias [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_dense0_fwd [Gemm] inputs: [flatten_785 -> (1, 2048)[FLOAT]], [inception30_dense0_weight -> (1000, 2048)[FLOAT]], [inception30_dense0_bias -> (1000)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] GEMM: using FC layer instead of MM because all criteria were met. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (1, 2048), unsqueezing to: (1, 2048, 1, 1) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering layer: inception30_dense0_fwd for ONNX node: inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Original shape: (1, 1000, 1, 1), squeezing to: (1, 1000) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Registering tensor: inception30_dense0_fwd_472 for ONNX tensor: inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] inception30_dense0_fwd [Gemm] outputs: [inception30_dense0_fwd -> (1, 1000)[FLOAT]], [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Marking inception30_dense0_fwd_472 as output: inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] Finish parsing network model [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +0, GPU +0, now: CPU 465, GPU 6272 (MiB) [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [I] FP32 and INT8 precisions have been specified - more performance might be enabled by additionally specifying --fp16 or --best [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for data to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_pool1_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A1_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A2_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_A3_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_B_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_conv9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_relu9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C1_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_conv9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_relu9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C2_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_conv9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_relu9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C3_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_conv9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_relu9_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_C4_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_D_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_concat1 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E1_concat2 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu1_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu2_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu3_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_concat0 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu4_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu5_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu6_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu7_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_concat1 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_pool0_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_conv8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_relu8_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_E2_concat2 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_pool2_fwd to [-2,2] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_dropout0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for flatten_785 to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for (Unnamed Layer* 313) [Shuffle]_output to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for (Unnamed Layer* 314) [Fully Connected]_output to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [V] [TRT] Setting dynamic range for inception30_dense0_fwd to [-4,4] [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_A1_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_A1_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_A2_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_A2_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_A3_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_A3_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_C1_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_C1_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_C2_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_C2_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_C3_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_C3_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_C4_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_C4_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_E1_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_E1_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] inception30_E2_pool0_fwd: DLA does not support exclusive average pooling. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer inception30_E2_pool0_fwd is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer (Unnamed Layer* 311) [Identity] is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer flatten_785 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer (Unnamed Layer* 313) [Shuffle] is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:52] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer (Unnamed Layer* 315) [Shuffle] is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU. [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageSnapshot] Builder begin: CPU 465 MiB, GPU 6272 MiB [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [W] [TRT] Calibrator is not being used. Users must provide dynamic range for all tensors that are not Int32. [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] User overriding scale with scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_relu4_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_relu4_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_relu4_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_pool1_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_relu4_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_relu5_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A1_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_relu5_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_B_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_B_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_relu5_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A3_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_B_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_B_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_relu9_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C1_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_relu9_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C2_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_relu9_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C3_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_C3_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_D_relu5_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_D_relu1_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_relu9_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_C4_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_D_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_D_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_pool0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu7_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_concat1 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E1_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E1_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_pool2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.015748,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu7_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu3_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_concat1 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu2_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Configuring builder for Int8 Mode completed in 0.0208831 seconds. [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Applying generic optimizations to the graph for inference. [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Original: 316 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] After dead-layer removal: 316 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] ShuffleShuffleFusion: Fusing flatten_785 with (Unnamed Layer* 313) [Shuffle] [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] Removing flatten_785 + (Unnamed Layer* 313) [Shuffle] [12/07/2021-23:34:53] [V] [TRT] After Myelin optimization: 314 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [W] [TRT] DLA supports only 8 subgraphs per DLA core. Switching to GPU for layer inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [W] [TRT] DLA supports only 8 subgraphs per DLA core. Switching to GPU for layer inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [W] [TRT] DLA supports only 8 subgraphs per DLA core. Switching to GPU for layer inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A1_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_A1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_B_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_B_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_B_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_B_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_B_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_B_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_B_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_B_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C1_conv9_fwd with scale inception30_C1_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C2_conv9_fwd with scale inception30_C2_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C3_conv9_fwd with scale inception30_C3_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_C4_conv9_fwd with scale inception30_C4_batchnorm9_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_D_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_D_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E1_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_E1_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv7_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm7_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After DLA optimization: 48 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning shuffle_between_inception30_dropout0_fwd_and_inception30_dense0_fwd_out_tensor scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_dropout0_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Convert layer type of inception30_dense0_fwd from FULLY_CONNECTED to CONVOLUTION [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Removing shuffle_between_inception30_dropout0_fwd_and_inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A2_conv6_fwd with scale inception30_A2_batchnorm6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv0_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv1_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv2_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv3_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv4_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_A3_conv5_fwd with scale inception30_A3_batchnorm5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Fusing convolution weights from inception30_E2_conv8_fwd with scale inception30_E2_batchnorm8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After scale fusion: 40 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A2_relu6_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu0_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu1_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu2_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu3_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu4_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_A3_relu5_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Swap the layer type of inception30_E2_relu8_fwd from ACTIVATION to POINTWISE [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After vertical fusions: 40 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After dupe layer removal: 40 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After final dead-layer removal: 40 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After tensor merging: 40 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Eliminating concatenation inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_A2_relu0_fwd to inception30_A2_concat0 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_A2_relu0_fwd copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_A2_relu2_fwd to inception30_A2_concat0 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_A2_relu2_fwd copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_A2_relu5_fwd to inception30_A2_concat0 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_A2_relu5_fwd copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Retargeting inception30_A2_relu6_fwd to inception30_A2_concat0 [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_A2_relu6_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_A2_concat0 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Eliminating concatenation inception30_E2_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_E2_relu0_fwd to inception30_E2_concat2 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_E2_relu0_fwd copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_E2_concat0 to inception30_E2_concat2 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_E2_concat0 copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Generating copy for inception30_E2_concat1 to inception30_E2_concat2 because input is not movable. [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Assigning inception30_E2_concat1 copy scale and zero-point [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Retargeting inception30_E2_relu8_fwd to inception30_E2_concat2 [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] Overriding inception30_E2_relu8_fwd scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] using inception30_E2_concat2 scale and zero-point Quantization(scale: {0.0314961,}, zero-point: {0,}) [12/07/2021-23:34:56] [V] [TRT] After concat removal: 44 layers [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [V] [TRT] Graph construction and optimization completed in 4.20631 seconds. [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] ---------- Layers Running on DLA ---------- [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_A3_conv6_fwd...inception30_C1_relu8_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_C1_conv9_fwd...inception30_C2_relu8_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_C2_conv9_fwd...inception30_C3_relu8_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_C3_conv9_fwd...inception30_C4_relu8_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_C4_conv9_fwd...inception30_E1_concat1]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [DlaLayer] {ForeignNode[inception30_E1_conv8_fwd...inception30_E2_concat1]} [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] ---------- Layers Running on GPU ---------- [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A2_conv6_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A2_relu6_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A2_relu0_fwd copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A2_relu2_fwd copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A2_relu5_fwd copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu0_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv1_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu1_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu2_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv3_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu3_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv4_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu4_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_conv5_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_A3_relu5_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_A3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_C1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_C2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_C3_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_C4_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E1_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E2_pool0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E2_conv8_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] PWN(inception30_E2_relu8_fwd) [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E2_relu0_fwd copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E2_concat0 copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_E2_concat1 copy [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_pool2_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] (Unnamed Layer* 311) [Identity] [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] inception30_dense0_fwd [12/07/2021-23:34:57] [I] [TRT] [GpuLayer] (Unnamed Layer* 315) [Shuffle] [12/07/2021-23:34:58] [V] [TRT] Using cublas a tactic source [12/07/2021-23:34:58] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init cuBLAS/cuBLASLt: CPU +184, GPU +180, now: CPU 776, GPU 6499 (MiB) [12/07/2021-23:34:58] [V] [TRT] Using cuDNN as a tactic source [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +307, GPU +310, now: CPU 1083, GPU 6809 (MiB) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [W] [TRT] Detected invalid timing cache, setup a local cache instead [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Constructing optimization profile number 0 [1/1]. [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(268203,89401,299,1) -> Int8(287040,95680,320,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: data to nvm (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.06484 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.064468 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.064468 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chose Runner Type: Reformat Tactic: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(268203,89401,299,1) -> Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: data to nvm (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.108308 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.075024 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.075024 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chose Runner Type: Reformat Tactic: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(268203,89401,299,1) -> Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: data to nvm (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.321628 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.176368 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.176368 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chose Runner Type: Reformat Tactic: 0 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(287040,95680,320,1) -> Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.091848 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.082856 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.082856 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(287040,95680,320,1) -> Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.36384 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.16096 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.16096 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) -> Int8(287040,95680,320,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.115864 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.082976 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.082976 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) -> Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.497692 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.167072 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.167072 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) -> Int8(287040,95680,320,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.82256 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.151868 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.151868 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) -> Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.485712 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.097304 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.097304 [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(287040,95680,320,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:34:59] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:00] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 4.09234 [12/07/2021-23:35:00] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 4.09234 [12/07/2021-23:35:00] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(287040,95680,320,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:00] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:00] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 3.93166 [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 3.93166 [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 3.30842 [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 3.30842 [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(90896,1:4,304,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:01] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 3.16984 [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 3.16984 [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 3.59794 [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 3.59794 [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(89401,89401:32,299,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:02] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_conv0_fwd...inception30_A1_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 3.44947 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 3.44947 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 2.55446 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.055036 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.055036 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.041872 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.018596 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.018596 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.042172 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.137788 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.042172 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.097572 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.070404 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.070404 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.062252 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.077124 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.062252 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.04708 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.026476 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1 Time: 0.066684 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.026476 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(143360,2240,64,1) -> Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.020488 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.051456 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.020488 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(143360,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.0307 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.030356 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.030356 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(143360,2240,64,1) -> Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(143360,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(215040,2240,64,1) -> Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.028184 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.074548 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.028184 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.044756 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.04074 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.04074 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.04534 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.029548 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.029548 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.044552 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.142856 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.044552 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.153836 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.055076 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.055076 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.07832 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.01934 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.01934 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.068204 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.140656 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.068204 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.100708 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.03792 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.03792 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.047164 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.021332 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.021332 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.098632 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.07112 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.07112 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.047148 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.02642 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1 Time: 0.06654 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.02642 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd (TiledPooling) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 6619393 Time: 0.05598 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 6816001 Time: 0.066012 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 8126721 Time: 3.49049 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 6619393 Time: 0.05598 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd (CudnnPooling) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: -1 Time: 0.193968 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: -1 Time: 0.193968 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chose Runner Type: TiledPooling Tactic: 6619393 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd (TiledPooling) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 6619393 Time: 0.039432 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 6816001 Time: 0.038828 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 8126721 Time: 0.619416 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 6816001 Time: 0.038828 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chose Runner Type: TiledPooling Tactic: 6816001 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: inception30_A1_pool0_fwd (TiledPooling) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] TiledPooling has no valid tactics for this config, skipping [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.149316 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.057856 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.057856 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.045684 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.028984 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.028984 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.044348 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.143044 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.044348 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.099904 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.037992 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.037992 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.074788 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.075276 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.074788 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.047248 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.021256 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.021256 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Float(235200,1225,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 2.58966 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.056676 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.056676 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Float(235200,1225,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(430080,2240,64,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.058132 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.071684 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.058132 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(58800,1225:4,35,1) -> Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(430080,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.147284 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.073156 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.073156 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(143360,2240,64,1) -> Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.028088 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.05138 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.028088 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(143360,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.059068 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.030796 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.030796 [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(143360,2240,64,1) -> Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(143360,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(215040,2240,64,1) -> Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:03] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.03858 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.074612 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.03858 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat:Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat (Reformat) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.083936 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 Time: 0.04112 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.04112 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(430080,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) -> Int8(573440,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 1.29722 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 1.29722 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(430080,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) -> Int8(9800,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 3 Time: 1.18411 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 3 Time: 1.18411 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Int8(7350,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(2450,1225:32,35,1), Int8(3675,1225:32,35,1) -> Int8(573440,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(143360,2240,64,1), Int8(215040,2240,64,1) *************** [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} (DLA) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Setting a default quantization params because quantization data is missing for {ForeignNode[inception30_A1_conv6_fwd...inception30_A2_relu5_fwd]} Module_id 33 Severity 2 : NVMEDIA_DLA 2493 Module_id 33 Severity 2 : Runtime: loadBare failed. error: 0x000004 [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [V] [TRT] Deleting timing cache: 40 entries, 10 hits [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [I] [TRT] [MemUsageChange] Init cuBLAS/cuBLASLt: CPU +0, GPU +0, now: CPU 1085, GPU 6817 (MiB) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [E] Error[1]: [nvdlaUtils.cpp::deserialize::164] Error Code 1: DLA (NvMediaDlaLoadLoadable : load loadable failed.) [12/07/2021-23:35:04] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::buildSerializedNetwork::417] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion enginePtr != nullptr failed.) Segmentation fault (core dumped)