/* * Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "NvUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "video_encode.h" #define TEST_ERROR(cond, str, label) if(cond) { \ cerr << str << endl; \ error = 1; \ goto label; } #define TEST_PARSE_ERROR(cond, label) if(cond) { \ cerr << "Error parsing runtime parameter changes string" << endl; \ goto label; } #define IS_DIGIT(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9') using namespace std; static void abort(context_t *ctx) { ctx->got_error = true; ctx->enc->abort(); } //Initialise CRC Rec and creates CRC Table based on the polynomial. static Crc* InitCrc(unsigned int CrcPolynomial) { unsigned short int i; unsigned short int j; unsigned int tempcrc; Crc *phCrc; phCrc = (Crc*) malloc (sizeof(Crc)); if (phCrc == NULL) { cerr << "Mem allocation failed for Init CRC" < 0; j--) { if (tempcrc & 1) { tempcrc = (tempcrc >> 1) ^ CrcPolynomial; } else { tempcrc >>= 1; } } phCrc->CRCTable[i] = tempcrc; } phCrc->CrcValue = 0; return phCrc; } //Calculates CRC of data provided in by buffer. static void CalculateCrc(Crc *phCrc, unsigned char *buffer, uint32_t count) { unsigned char *p; unsigned int temp1; unsigned int temp2; unsigned int crc = phCrc->CrcValue; unsigned int *CRCTable = phCrc->CRCTable; if(!count) return; p = (unsigned char *) buffer; while (count-- != 0) { temp1 = (crc >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFFL; temp2 = CRCTable[((unsigned int) crc ^ *p++) & 0xFF]; crc = temp1 ^ temp2; } phCrc->CrcValue = crc; } //Closes CRC related handles. static void CloseCrc(Crc **phCrc) { if (*phCrc) free (*phCrc); } static int write_encoder_output_frame(ofstream * stream, NvBuffer * buffer) { // stream->write((char *) buffer->planes[0].data, buffer->planes[0].bytesused); return 0; } static bool encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback(struct v4l2_buffer *v4l2_buf, NvBuffer * buffer, NvBuffer * shared_buffer, void *arg) { context_t *ctx = (context_t *) arg; NvVideoEncoder *enc = ctx->enc; uint32_t frame_num = ctx->enc->capture_plane.getTotalDequeuedBuffers() - 1; uint32_t ReconRef_Y_CRC = 0; uint32_t ReconRef_U_CRC = 0; uint32_t ReconRef_V_CRC = 0; if (v4l2_buf == NULL) { cout << "Error while dequeing buffer from output plane" << endl; abort(ctx); return false; } // GOT EOS from encoder. Stop dqthread. if (buffer->planes[0].bytesused == 0) { return false; } // Computing CRC with each frame if(ctx->pBitStreamCrc) CalculateCrc (ctx->pBitStreamCrc, buffer->planes[0].data, buffer->planes[0].bytesused); write_encoder_output_frame(ctx->out_file, buffer); if (ctx->report_metadata) { v4l2_ctrl_videoenc_outputbuf_metadata enc_metadata; if (ctx->enc->getMetadata(v4l2_buf->index, enc_metadata) == 0) { if (ctx->bReconCrc && enc_metadata.bValidReconCRC) { // CRC for Recon frame cout << "Frame: " << frame_num << endl; cout << "ReconFrame_Y_CRC " << enc_metadata.ReconFrame_Y_CRC << " ReconFrame_U_CRC " << enc_metadata.ReconFrame_U_CRC << " ReconFrame_V_CRC " << enc_metadata.ReconFrame_V_CRC << endl; if (!ctx->recon_Ref_file->eof()) { *ctx->recon_Ref_file >> ReconRef_Y_CRC; *ctx->recon_Ref_file >> ReconRef_U_CRC; *ctx->recon_Ref_file >> ReconRef_V_CRC; } if ((ReconRef_Y_CRC != enc_metadata.ReconFrame_Y_CRC) || (ReconRef_U_CRC != enc_metadata.ReconFrame_U_CRC) || (ReconRef_V_CRC != enc_metadata.ReconFrame_V_CRC)) { cout << "Recon CRC FAIL" << endl; cout << "ReconRef_Y_CRC " << ReconRef_Y_CRC << " ReconRef_U_CRC " << ReconRef_U_CRC << " ReconRef_V_CRC " << ReconRef_V_CRC << endl; abort(ctx); return false; } cout << "Recon CRC PASS for frame : " << frame_num << endl; } else if (ctx->externalRPS && enc_metadata.bRPSFeedback_status) { // RPS Feedback cout << "Frame: " << frame_num << endl; cout << "nCurrentRefFrameId " << enc_metadata.nCurrentRefFrameId << " nActiveRefFrames " << enc_metadata.nActiveRefFrames << endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < enc_metadata.nActiveRefFrames; i++) { cout << "FrameId " << enc_metadata.RPSList[i].nFrameId << " IdrFrame " << (int) enc_metadata.RPSList[i].bIdrFrame << " LTRefFrame " << (int) enc_metadata.RPSList[i].bLTRefFrame << " PictureOrderCnt " << enc_metadata.RPSList[i].nPictureOrderCnt << " FrameNum " << enc_metadata.RPSList[i].nFrameNum << " LTFrameIdx " << enc_metadata.RPSList[i].nLTRFrameIdx << endl; } } else if (ctx->externalRCHints) { // Rate Control Feedback cout << "Frame: " << frame_num << endl; cout << "EncodedBits " << enc_metadata.EncodedFrameBits << " MinQP " << enc_metadata.FrameMinQP << " MaxQP " << enc_metadata.FrameMaxQP << endl; } else { cout << "Frame " << frame_num << ": isKeyFrame=" << (int) enc_metadata.KeyFrame << " AvgQP=" << enc_metadata.AvgQP << " MinQP=" << enc_metadata.FrameMinQP << " MaxQP=" << enc_metadata.FrameMaxQP << " EncodedBits=" << enc_metadata.EncodedFrameBits << endl; } } } if (ctx->dump_mv) { v4l2_ctrl_videoenc_outputbuf_metadata_MV enc_mv_metadata; if (ctx->enc->getMotionVectors(v4l2_buf->index, enc_mv_metadata) == 0) { uint32_t numMVs = enc_mv_metadata.bufSize / sizeof(MVInfo); MVInfo *pInfo = enc_mv_metadata.pMVInfo; cout << "Frame " << frame_num << ": Num MVs=" << numMVs << endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numMVs; i++, pInfo++) { cout << i << ": mv_x=" << pInfo->mv_x << " mv_y=" << pInfo->mv_y << " weight=" << pInfo->weight << endl; } } } if (enc->capture_plane.qBuffer(*v4l2_buf, NULL) < 0) { cerr << "Error while Qing buffer at capture plane" << endl; abort(ctx); return false; } return true; } static int get_next_parsed_pair(context_t *ctx, char *id, uint32_t *value) { char charval; *ctx->runtime_params_str >> *id; if (ctx->runtime_params_str->eof()) { return -1; } charval = ctx->runtime_params_str->peek(); if (!IS_DIGIT(charval)) { return -1; } *ctx->runtime_params_str >> *value; *ctx->runtime_params_str >> charval; if (ctx->runtime_params_str->eof()) { return 0; } return charval; } static int set_runtime_params(context_t *ctx) { char charval; uint32_t intval; int ret; cout << "Frame " << ctx->next_param_change_frame << ": Changing parameters" << endl; while (!ctx->runtime_params_str->eof()) { ret = get_next_parsed_pair(ctx, &charval, &intval); TEST_PARSE_ERROR(ret < 0, err); switch (charval) { case 'b': ctx->enc->setBitrate(intval); cout << "Bitrate = " << intval << endl; break; case 'r': { int fps_num = intval; TEST_PARSE_ERROR(ret != '/', err); ctx->runtime_params_str->seekg(-1, ios::cur); ret = get_next_parsed_pair(ctx, &charval, &intval); TEST_PARSE_ERROR(ret < 0, err); cout << "Framerate = " << fps_num << "/" << intval << endl; ctx->enc->setFrameRate(fps_num, intval); break; } case 'i': if (intval > 0) { ctx->enc->forceIDR(); cout << "Forcing IDR" << endl; } break; default: TEST_PARSE_ERROR(true, err); } switch (ret) { case 0: delete ctx->runtime_params_str; ctx->runtime_params_str = NULL; return 0; case ';': return 0; case ',': break; default: break; } } return 0; err: cerr << "Skipping further runtime parameter changes" <runtime_params_str; ctx->runtime_params_str = NULL; return -1; } static int get_next_runtime_param_change_frame(context_t *ctx) { char charval; int ret; ret = get_next_parsed_pair(ctx, &charval, &ctx->next_param_change_frame); if(ret == 0) { return 0; } TEST_PARSE_ERROR((ret != ';' && ret != ',') || charval != 'f', err); return 0; err: cerr << "Skipping further runtime parameter changes" <runtime_params_str; ctx->runtime_params_str = NULL; return -1; } static void set_defaults(context_t * ctx) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(context_t)); ctx->bitrate = 4 * 1024 * 1024; ctx->profile = V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_BASELINE; ctx->ratecontrol = V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_CBR; ctx->iframe_interval = 30; ctx->externalRPS = false; ctx->enableROI = false; ctx->bnoIframe = false; ctx->bGapsInFrameNumAllowed = false; ctx->bReconCrc = false; ctx->nH264FrameNumBits = 0; ctx->nH265PocLsbBits = 0; ctx->idr_interval = 256; ctx->level = V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_LEVEL_5_1; ctx->fps_n = 30; ctx->fps_d = 1; ctx->num_b_frames = (uint32_t) -1; ctx->nMinQpI = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->nMaxQpI = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->nMinQpP = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->nMaxQpP = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->nMinQpB = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->nMaxQpB = (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL; ctx->use_gold_crc = false; ctx->pBitStreamCrc = NULL; ctx->externalRCHints = false; ctx->input_metadata = false; ctx->sMaxQp = 51; } static void populate_roi_Param(std::ifstream * stream, v4l2_enc_frame_ROI_params *VEnc_ROI_params) { unsigned int ROIIndex = 0; if (!stream->eof()) { *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->num_ROI_regions; while (ROIIndex < VEnc_ROI_params->num_ROI_regions) { *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->ROI_params[ROIIndex].QPdelta; *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->ROI_params[ROIIndex].ROIRect.left; *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->ROI_params[ROIIndex].ROIRect.top; *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->ROI_params[ROIIndex].ROIRect.width; *stream >> VEnc_ROI_params->ROI_params[ROIIndex].ROIRect.height; ROIIndex++; } } else { cout << "EOF of ROI_param_file & rewind" << endl; stream->clear(); stream->seekg(0); } } static void populate_ext_rps_ctrl_Param (std::ifstream * stream, v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rps_ctrl_params *VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params) { unsigned int RPSIndex = 0; unsigned int temp = 0; stream->peek(); restart : if (stream->eof()) { cout << "EOF of rps_param_file & rewind" << endl; stream->clear(); stream->seekg(0); } if (!stream->eof()) { *stream >> VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->nFrameId; if (stream->eof()) goto restart; *stream >> temp; VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->bRefFrame = ((temp)?true:false); *stream >> temp; VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->bLTRefFrame = ((temp)?true:false); *stream >> VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->nMaxRefFrames; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->nActiveRefFrames; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->nCurrentRefFrameId; while (RPSIndex < VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->nActiveRefFrames) { *stream >> VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->RPSList[RPSIndex].nFrameId; *stream >> temp; VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params->RPSList[RPSIndex].bLTRefFrame = ((temp)?true:false); RPSIndex++; } } } static void populate_ext_rate_ctrl_Param(std::ifstream * stream, v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rate_ctrl_params *VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params) { stream->peek(); restart: if (stream->eof()) { cout << "EOF of hints_param_file & rewind" << endl; stream->clear(); stream->seekg(0); } if (!stream->eof()) { *stream >> VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params->nTargetFrameBits; if (stream->eof()) goto restart; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params->nFrameQP; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params->nFrameMinQp; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params->nFrameMaxQp; *stream >> VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params->nMaxQPDeviation; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { context_t ctx; int ret = 0; int error = 0; bool eos = false; uint32_t size = 0; int count = 0; int encode_frames = 3000; set_defaults(&ctx); ret = parse_csv_args(&ctx, argc, argv); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Error parsing commandline arguments", cleanup); if (ctx.runtime_params_str) { get_next_runtime_param_change_frame(&ctx); } if (ctx.encoder_pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H265) { TEST_ERROR(ctx.width < 144 || ctx.height < 144, "Height/Width should be" " > 144 for H.265", cleanup); } if (ctx.use_gold_crc) { ctx.pBitStreamCrc = InitCrc(CRC32_POLYNOMIAL); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.pBitStreamCrc, "InitCrc failed", cleanup); } ctx.in_file = new ifstream(ctx.in_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.in_file->is_open(), "Could not open input file", cleanup); ctx.out_file = new ofstream(ctx.out_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.out_file->is_open(), "Could not open output file", cleanup); if (ctx.ROI_Param_file_path) { ctx.roi_Param_file = new ifstream(ctx.ROI_Param_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.roi_Param_file->is_open(), "Could not open roi param file", cleanup); } if (ctx.Recon_Ref_file_path) { ctx.recon_Ref_file = new ifstream(ctx.Recon_Ref_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.recon_Ref_file->is_open(), "Could not open recon crc reference file", cleanup); } if (ctx.RPS_Param_file_path) { ctx.rps_Param_file = new ifstream(ctx.RPS_Param_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.rps_Param_file->is_open(), "Could not open rps param file", cleanup); } if (ctx.hints_Param_file_path) { ctx.hints_Param_file = new ifstream(ctx.hints_Param_file_path); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.hints_Param_file->is_open(), "Could not open hints param file", cleanup); } ctx.enc = NvVideoEncoder::createVideoEncoder("enc0"); TEST_ERROR(!ctx.enc, "Could not create encoder", cleanup); ctx.enc->enableProfiling(); // It is necessary that Capture Plane format be set before Output Plane // format. // Set encoder capture plane format. It is necessary to set width and // height on thr capture plane as well ret = ctx.enc->setCapturePlaneFormat(ctx.encoder_pixfmt, ctx.width, ctx.height, 2 * 1024 * 1024); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set output plane format", cleanup); // Set encoder output plane format ret = ctx.enc->setOutputPlaneFormat(V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420M, ctx.width, ctx.height); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set output plane format", cleanup); ret = ctx.enc->setBitrate(ctx.bitrate); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder bitrate", cleanup); ret = ctx.enc->setProfile(ctx.profile); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder profile", cleanup); if (ctx.encoder_pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264) { ret = ctx.enc->setLevel(ctx.level); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder level", cleanup); } ret = ctx.enc->setRateControlMode(ctx.ratecontrol); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder rate control mode", cleanup); ret = ctx.enc->setIDRInterval(ctx.idr_interval); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder IDR interval", cleanup); ret = ctx.enc->setIFrameInterval(ctx.iframe_interval); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder I-Frame interval", cleanup); ret = ctx.enc->setFrameRate(ctx.fps_n, ctx.fps_d); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set framerate", cleanup); if (ctx.temporal_tradeoff_level) { ret = ctx.enc->setTemporalTradeoff(ctx.temporal_tradeoff_level); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set temporal tradeoff level", cleanup); } if (ctx.slice_length) { ret = ctx.enc->setSliceLength(ctx.slice_length_type, ctx.slice_length); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set slice length params", cleanup); } if (ctx.hw_preset_type) { ret = ctx.enc->setHWPresetType(ctx.hw_preset_type); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder HW Preset Type", cleanup); } if (ctx.virtual_buffer_size) { ret = ctx.enc->setVirtualBufferSize(ctx.virtual_buffer_size); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set virtual buffer size", cleanup); } if (ctx.num_reference_frames) { ret = ctx.enc->setNumReferenceFrames(ctx.num_reference_frames); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set num reference frames", cleanup); } if (ctx.slice_intrarefresh_interval) { ret = ctx.enc->setSliceIntrarefresh(ctx.slice_intrarefresh_interval); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set slice intrarefresh interval", cleanup); } if (ctx.insert_sps_pps_at_idr) { ret = ctx.enc->setInsertSpsPpsAtIdrEnabled(true); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set insertSPSPPSAtIDR", cleanup); } if (ctx.num_b_frames != (uint32_t) -1) { ret = ctx.enc->setNumBFrames(ctx.num_b_frames); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set number of B Frames", cleanup); } if ((ctx.nMinQpI != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL) || (ctx.nMaxQpI != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL) || (ctx.nMinQpP != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL) || (ctx.nMaxQpP != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL) || (ctx.nMinQpB != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL) || (ctx.nMaxQpB != (uint32_t)QP_RETAIN_VAL)) { ret = ctx.enc->setQpRange(ctx.nMinQpI, ctx.nMaxQpI, ctx.nMinQpP, ctx.nMaxQpP, ctx.nMinQpB, ctx.nMaxQpB); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set quantization parameters", cleanup); } if (ctx.dump_mv) { ret = ctx.enc->enableMotionVectorReporting(); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not enable motion vector reporting", cleanup); } if (ctx.bnoIframe) { ctx.iframe_interval = ((1<<31) + 1); /* TODO: how can we do this properly */ ret = ctx.enc->setIFrameInterval(ctx.iframe_interval); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not set encoder I-Frame interval", cleanup); } if (ctx.enableROI) { v4l2_enc_enable_roi_param VEnc_enable_ext_roi_ctrl; VEnc_enable_ext_roi_ctrl.bEnableROI = ctx.enableROI; ret = ctx.enc->enableROI(VEnc_enable_ext_roi_ctrl); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not enable ROI", cleanup); } if (ctx.bReconCrc) { v4l2_enc_enable_reconcrc_param VEnc_enable_recon_crc_ctrl; VEnc_enable_recon_crc_ctrl.bEnableReconCRC = ctx.bReconCrc; ret = ctx.enc->enableReconCRC(VEnc_enable_recon_crc_ctrl); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not enable Recon CRC", cleanup); } if (ctx.externalRPS) { v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctr VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl; VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl.bEnableExternalRPS = ctx.externalRPS; if (ctx.encoder_pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264) { VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl.bGapsInFrameNumAllowed = ctx.bGapsInFrameNumAllowed; VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl.nH264FrameNumBits = ctx.nH264FrameNumBits; } if (ctx.encoder_pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H265) { VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl.nH265PocLsbBits = ctx.nH265PocLsbBits; } ret = ctx.enc->enableExternalRPS(VEnc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not enable external RPS", cleanup); } if (ctx.externalRCHints) { v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rate_ctr VEnc_enable_ext_rate_ctrl; VEnc_enable_ext_rate_ctrl.bEnableExternalPictureRC = ctx.externalRCHints; VEnc_enable_ext_rate_ctrl.nsessionMaxQP = ctx.sMaxQp; ret = ctx.enc->enableExternalRC(VEnc_enable_ext_rate_ctrl); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not enable external RC", cleanup); } // Query, Export and Map the output plane buffers so that we can read // raw data into the buffers ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 10, true, false); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not setup output plane", cleanup); // Query, Export and Map the output plane buffers so that we can write // encoded data from the buffers ret = ctx.enc->capture_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 10, true, false); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not setup capture plane", cleanup); // output plane STREAMON ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.setStreamStatus(true); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Error in output plane streamon", cleanup); // capture plane STREAMON ret = ctx.enc->capture_plane.setStreamStatus(true); TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Error in capture plane streamon", cleanup); ctx.enc->capture_plane. setDQThreadCallback(encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback); // startDQThread starts a thread internally which calls the // encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback whenever a buffer is dequeued // on the plane ctx.enc->capture_plane.startDQThread(&ctx); // Enqueue all the empty capture plane buffers for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx.enc->capture_plane.getNumBuffers(); i++) { struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf; struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES]; memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf)); memset(planes, 0, MAX_PLANES * sizeof(struct v4l2_plane)); v4l2_buf.index = i; v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes; ret = ctx.enc->capture_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL); if (ret < 0) { cerr << "Error while queueing buffer at capture plane" << endl; abort(&ctx); goto cleanup; } } // Read video frame and queue all the output plane buffers for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ctx.enc->output_plane.getNumBuffers(); i++) { struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf; struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES]; NvBuffer *buffer = ctx.enc->output_plane.getNthBuffer(i); memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf)); memset(planes, 0, MAX_PLANES * sizeof(struct v4l2_plane)); v4l2_buf.index = i; v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes; if (read_video_frame(ctx.in_file, *buffer) < 0) { cerr << "Could not read complete frame from input file" << endl; v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused = 0; } if (ctx.runtime_params_str && (ctx.enc->output_plane.getTotalQueuedBuffers() == ctx.next_param_change_frame)) { set_runtime_params(&ctx); if (ctx.runtime_params_str) get_next_runtime_param_change_frame(&ctx); } if (ctx.input_metadata) { v4l2_ctrl_videoenc_input_metadata VEnc_imeta_param; v4l2_enc_frame_ROI_params VEnc_ROI_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ReconCRC_params VEnc_ReconCRC_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rps_ctrl_params VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rate_ctrl_params VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params; VEnc_imeta_param.flag = 0; if (ctx.ROI_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.enableROI) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_ROI_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncROIParams = &VEnc_ROI_params; populate_roi_Param(ctx.roi_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncROIParams); } } if (ctx.bReconCrc) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RECONCRC_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.left = ctx.rl; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.top = ctx.rt; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.width = ctx.rw; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.height = ctx.rh; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoReconCRCParams = &VEnc_ReconCRC_params; } if (ctx.RPS_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.externalRPS) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RPS_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncRPSParams = &VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params; populate_ext_rps_ctrl_Param(ctx.rps_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncRPSParams); } } if (ctx.hints_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.externalRCHints) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RC_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncExtRCParams = &VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params; populate_ext_rate_ctrl_Param(ctx.hints_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncExtRCParams); } } if (VEnc_imeta_param.flag) { ctx.enc->SetInputMetaParams(v4l2_buf.index, VEnc_imeta_param); v4l2_buf.reserved2 = v4l2_buf.index; } } ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL); if (ret < 0) { cerr << "Error while queueing buffer at output plane" << endl; abort(&ctx); goto cleanup; } if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0) { cerr << "File read complete." << endl; eos = true; break; } } // Keep reading input till EOS is reached while (!ctx.got_error && !ctx.enc->isInError() && !eos) { struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf; struct v4l2_plane planes[MAX_PLANES]; NvBuffer *buffer; memset(&v4l2_buf, 0, sizeof(v4l2_buf)); memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes)); v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes; if (ctx.enc->output_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, &buffer, NULL, 10) < 0) { cerr << "ERROR while DQing buffer at output plane" << endl; abort(&ctx); goto cleanup; } if (ctx.runtime_params_str && (ctx.enc->output_plane.getTotalQueuedBuffers() == ctx.next_param_change_frame)) { set_runtime_params(&ctx); if (ctx.runtime_params_str) get_next_runtime_param_change_frame(&ctx); } if (read_video_frame(ctx.in_file, *buffer) < 0) { if (count < encode_frames) { count++; buffer->planes[0].bytesused = size; } else { cerr << "Could not read complete frame from input file" << endl; v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused = 0; } } else { if (buffer->planes[0].bytesused) { size = buffer->planes[0].bytesused; } else if (count < encode_frames) { count++; buffer->planes[0].bytesused = size; } } if (ctx.input_metadata) { v4l2_ctrl_videoenc_input_metadata VEnc_imeta_param; v4l2_enc_frame_ROI_params VEnc_ROI_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ReconCRC_params VEnc_ReconCRC_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rps_ctrl_params VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params; v4l2_enc_frame_ext_rate_ctrl_params VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params; VEnc_imeta_param.flag = 0; if (ctx.ROI_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.enableROI) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_ROI_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncROIParams = &VEnc_ROI_params; populate_roi_Param(ctx.roi_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncROIParams); } } if (ctx.bReconCrc) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RECONCRC_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.left = ctx.rl; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.top = ctx.rt; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.width = ctx.rw; VEnc_ReconCRC_params.ReconCRCRect.height = ctx.rh; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoReconCRCParams = &VEnc_ReconCRC_params; } if (ctx.RPS_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.externalRPS) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RPS_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncRPSParams = &VEnc_ext_rps_ctrl_params; populate_ext_rps_ctrl_Param(ctx.rps_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncRPSParams); } } if (ctx.hints_Param_file_path) { if (ctx.externalRCHints) { VEnc_imeta_param.flag |= V4L2_ENC_INPUT_RC_PARAM_FLAG; VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncExtRCParams = &VEnc_ext_rate_ctrl_params; populate_ext_rate_ctrl_Param(ctx.hints_Param_file, VEnc_imeta_param.VideoEncExtRCParams); } } if (VEnc_imeta_param.flag) { ctx.enc->SetInputMetaParams(v4l2_buf.index, VEnc_imeta_param); v4l2_buf.reserved2 = v4l2_buf.index; } } ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL); if (ret < 0) { cerr << "Error while queueing buffer at output plane" << endl; abort(&ctx); goto cleanup; } if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0) { cerr << "File read complete." << endl; eos = true; break; } } // Wait till capture plane DQ Thread finishes // i.e. all the capture plane buffers are dequeued ctx.enc->capture_plane.waitForDQThread(-1); cleanup: if (ctx.enc && ctx.enc->isInError()) { cerr << "Encoder is in error" << endl; error = 1; } if (ctx.got_error) { error = 1; } if (ctx.pBitStreamCrc) { char *pgold_crc = ctx.gold_crc; Crc *pout_crc= ctx.pBitStreamCrc; char StrCrcValue[20]; snprintf (StrCrcValue, 20, "%u", pout_crc->CrcValue); // Remove CRLF from end of CRC, if present do { unsigned int len = strlen(pgold_crc); if (len == 0) break; if (pgold_crc[len-1] == '\n') pgold_crc[len-1] = '\0'; else if (pgold_crc[len-1] == '\r') pgold_crc[len-1] = '\0'; else break; } while(1); if (strcmp (StrCrcValue, pgold_crc)) { cout << "======================" << endl; cout << "video_encode: CRC FAILED" << endl; cout << "======================" << endl; cout << "Encoded CRC: " << StrCrcValue << " Gold CRC: " << pgold_crc << endl; error = 1; } else { cout << "======================" << endl; cout << "video_encode: CRC PASSED" << endl; cout << "======================" << endl; } CloseCrc(&ctx.pBitStreamCrc); } ctx.enc->printProfilingStats(std::cout); delete ctx.enc; delete ctx.in_file; delete ctx.out_file; delete ctx.roi_Param_file; delete ctx.recon_Ref_file; delete ctx.rps_Param_file; delete ctx.hints_Param_file; free(ctx.in_file_path); free(ctx.out_file_path); free(ctx.ROI_Param_file_path); free(ctx.Recon_Ref_file_path); free(ctx.RPS_Param_file_path); free(ctx.hints_Param_file_path); delete ctx.runtime_params_str; if (error) { cout << "App run failed" << endl; } else { cout << "App run was successful" << endl; } return -error; }