CUDA Profiler Published by NVIDIA Corporation 2701 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95050 Notice ALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, "MATERIALS") ARE BEING PROVIDED "AS IS". NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation. Trademarks NVIDIA, CUDA, and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. The CUDA Profiler ================= This release of Cuda comes with a simple profiler that allows users to gather timing information about kernel execution and memory transfer operations. The profiler can be used to identify performance bottlenecks in multi-kernel applications or to quantify the benefit of optimizing a single kernel. Profiler Control ---------------- The Cuda profiler is controlled using the following environment variables: CUDA_PROFILE is set to either 1 or 0 (or unset) to enable or disable profiling. CUDA_PROFILE_LOG is set to the desired file path for profiling output. If there is no log path specified, the profiler will log data to ./cuda_profile.log. In case of multiple devices you can add '%d' in the CUDA_PROFILE_LOG name. This will generate separate profiler output files for each device - with '%d' substituted by the device number. CUDA_PROFILE_CSV is set to either 1 or 0 (or unset) to enable or disable a comma separated version of the log output. CUDA_PROFILE_CONFIG is used to specify a config file for enabling performance counters in the GPU. See the next section for configuration details. Profiler Configuration ---------------------- This version of the Cuda profiler supports configuration options that allow users to gather statistics about various events occurring in the GPU during execution. These events are tracked with hardware counters on signals in the chip. The profiler supports the following options: timestamp : Time stamps for kernel launches and memory transfers. This can be used for timeline analysis. gridsize : Number of blocks in a grid along the X and Y dimensions for a kernel launch threadblocksize : Number of threads in a block along the X, Y and Z dimensions for a kernel launch dynsmemperblock : Size of dynamically allocated shared memory per block in bytes for a kernel launch stasmemperblock : Size of statically allocated shared memory per block in bytes for a kernel launch regperthread : Number of registers used per thread for a kernel launch. memtransferdir : Memory transfer direction, a direction value of 0 is used for host->device memory copies and a value of 1 is used for device->host memory copies. memtransfersize : Memory copy size in bytes streamid : Stream Id for a kernel launch The profiler supports logging of following counters during kernel execution: gld_incoherent : Non-coalesced (incoherent) global memory loads gld_coherent : Coalesced (coherent) global memory loads gld_32b : 32-byte global memory load transactions gld_64b : 64-byte global memory load transactions gld_128b : 128-byte global memory load transactions gld_request : Global memory loads gst_incoherent : Non-coalesced (incoherent) global memory stores gst_coherent : Coalesced (coherent) global memory stores gst_32b : 32-byte global memory store transactions gst_64b : 64-byte global memory store transactions gst_128b : 128-byte global memory store transactions gst_request : Global memory stores local_load : Local memory loads local_store : Local memory stores branch : Branches taken by threads executing a kernel divergent_branch : Divergent branches taken by threads executing a kernel instructions : Instructions executed warp_serialize : Number of thread warps that serialize on address conflicts to either shared or constant memory cta_launched : Number of threads blocks executed There is a limit of 4 profiler counters. Options can be commented out using the '#' character at the start of a line. Profiler Output --------------- While CUDA_PROFILE is set, the profiler log records timing information for every kernel launch and memory operation performed by the driver. The default log syntax follows a simple form: id=[ value ] For example, here is part of the log from a test of the haar1dwt application (without any counters enabled): # CUDA_PROFILE_LOG_VERSION 1.4 # CUDA_DEVICE_NAME 0 GeForce GTX 280 timestamp,method,gputime,cputime,occupancy timestamp=[ 2155.302 ] method=[ _Z10fhaar1dwtdiPf ] gputime=[ 7.808 ] cputime=[ 74.730 ] occupancy=[ 1.000 ] timestamp=[ 2421.886 ] method=[ memcopy ] gputime=[ 4.864 ] cputime=[ 238.159 ] timestamp=[ 2706.140 ] method=[ _Z10ihaar1dwtdiPf ] gputime=[ 7.296 ] cputime=[ 59.295 ] occupancy=[ 1.000 ] timestamp=[ 2876.413 ] method=[ memcopy ] gputime=[ 4.608 ] cputime=[ 224.679 ] This log shows data for memory copies and a few different kernel launches. The 'method' label specifies which GPU function was executed by the driver. The 'gputime' and 'cputime' labels specify the actual chip execution time and the driver execution time (including gputime), respectively. Note that all times are in microseconds. The 'occupancy' label gives the warp occupancy - percentage of the maximum warp count in the GPU - for a particular method launch. An occupancy of 1.000 means the chip is completely full. Another example shows the profiler log of matrix multiplication app. There are few counters enabled in this example. This example includes the new options for memcopy method: # CUDA_PROFILE_LOG_VERSION 1.4 # CUDA_DEVICE_NAME 0 GeForce GTX 280 timestamp,method,gputime,cputime,gridSizeX,gridSizeY,blockSizeX,blockSizeY,blockSizeZ,occupancy,instructions,branch, cta_launched,memTransferSize,memTransferDir timestamp=[ 6492.515 ] method=[ _Z10dmatrixmulPfiiS_iiS_ ] gputime=[ 25.472 ] cputime=[ 203.797 ] gridSize=[ 2, 1 ] threadCountPerBlock=[ 32, 8, 8 ] occupancy=[ 0.333 ] instructions=[ 2261 ] branch=[ 312 ] cta_launched=[ 2 ] timestamp=[ 7031.061 ] method=[ memcopy ] gputime=[ 8.896 ] cputime=[ 230.686 ] memtransfersize=[ 8192 ] memtransferdir=[ 1 ] This log shows some of the new fields added: gridSize shows the number of blocks in x and y direction, and threadCountPerBlock shows the number of threads in a block in x, y and z directions. The profiler will now show the cputime, transfer size,and direction of pageable memcopys. The default log syntax is easy to parse with a script, but for spreadsheet analysis it might be easier to use the comma separated version. When CUDA_PROFILE_CSV is set to 1, this same test produces the following output: # CUDA_PROFILE_LOG_VERSION 1.4 # CUDA_PROFILE_CSV 1 # CUDA_DEVICE_NAME 0 GeForce GTX 280 timestamp,method,gputime,cputime,gridSizeX,gridSizeY,blockSizeX,blockSizeY,blockSizeZ,occupancy,cta_launched,branch, instructions,memTransferSize,memTransferDir 6390.687,_Z10dmatrixmulPfiiS_iiS_,25.184,203.168,2,1,32,8,8,0.333,312,312,2261 6946.483,memcopy,8.928,240.673,,,,,,,,,,8192,1 Interpreting Profiler Counters ------------------------------ The performance counter values do not correspond to individual thread activity. Instead, these values represent events within a thread warp. For example, a divergent branch within a thread warp will increment the divergent_branch counter by one. So the final counter value stores information for all divergent branches in all warps. In addition, the profiler can only target one of the multiprocessors in the GPU, so the counter values will not correspond to the total number of warps launched for a particular kernel. For this reason, when using the performance counter options in the profiler the user should always launch enough threads blocks to ensure that the target multiprocessor is given a consistent percentage of the total work. In practice, it is best to launch at least around 100 blocks for consistent results. For the reasons listed above, users should not expect the counter values to match the numbers one would get by inspecting kernel code. The values are best used to identify relative performance differences between unoptimized and optimized code. For example, if for the initial version of the program the profiler reports N non-coalesced global loads, it is easy to see if the optimized code produces less than N non-coalesced loads. In most cases, the goal is to make N go to 0, so the counter value is useful for tracking progress toward this goal. Known Issues ------------ 1. Due to improved memory coalescing hardware, the gld_incoherent and gst_incoherent signals will always be zero on GTX 280 and GTX 260. 2. Certain memory copy procedures are not included in profiler output.