nvidia@xavier:~$ sudo nv_update_engine -i [sudo] password for nvidia: Nvidia A/B-Redundancy Update tool Version 1.2 current slot 1 Start updating slot 0 Tegra User Block Device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel Tegra Boot Block Device: /dev/mmcblk0boot0 HEADER: MAGIC NVIDIA__BLOB__V2 HEX_VALUE 131072 BLOB_SIZE 47343672 HEADER_SIZE 48 NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS 18 HEADER_TYPE 0 UNCOMP_SIZE 47343672 MB1_RATCHET_LV 0 MTS_RATCHET_LV 0 ROLLBACK_FUSE_LV 0 Device TN Spec: 2888-400-0004-J.0-1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 Device is fused board. ENTRY_TABLE: PART POS LEN VER TNSPEC TYPE UPDATABLE spe-fw 2208 94960 2 0 1 mb2 97168 170048 2 0 1 cpu-bootloader 267216 420688 2 1 1 secure-os 687904 324608 2 1 1 bpmp-fw 1012512 853856 2 1 1 rce-fw 1866368 273168 2 1 1 mb1 2139536 250144 2 2 1 mts-preboot 2389680 23968 2 0 1 mts-mce 2413648 144144 2 1 1 mts-proper 2557792 3372048 2 1 1 sc7 5929840 65696 2 1 1 bpmp-fw-dtb 5995536 610048 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 1 0 bootloader-dtb 6605584 274608 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 1 0 BCT 6880192 2888 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 2 0 MB1_BCT 6883080 30848 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 0 0 MEM_BCT 6913928 198656 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 0 0 kernel 7112584 39956480 2 1 1 kernel-dtb 47069064 274608 2 2888-400---1-2-jetson-xavier-mmcblk0p1 1 0 Saving Entry table to /opt/ota_package/entry_table spe-fw write: slot = 0 offset = 1130496 bytes = 94960 mb2 write: slot = 0 offset = 1392640 bytes = 170048 Writing 420688 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/cpu-bootloader for cpu-bootloader Writing 324608 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/secure-os for secure-os Writing 853856 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/bpmp-fw for bpmp-fw Writing 273168 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/rce-fw for rce-fw mts-preboot write: slot = 0 offset = 1916928 bytes = 23968 Writing 144144 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/mts-mce for mts-mce Writing 3372048 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/mts-proper for mts-proper Writing 65696 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/sc7 for sc7 Writing 39956480 bytes to /dev/disk/by-partlabel/kernel for kernel GetEntryTable failed for BCT Skipping partition: BCT GetEntryTable failed for BCT Skipping partition: BCT Update successful Setting slot 0 as active boot slot Rebooting system....^C