I: 0 I: 1 I: 2 I: 3 I: 4 I: 5 I: 6 I: 7 I: 8 I: 9 I: 10 I: 11 I: 12 I: 13 I: 14 I: 15 I: 16 I: 17 I: 18 I: 19 I: 20 I: 21 I: 22 I: 23 I: 24 I: 25 I: 26 I: 27 I: 28 I: 29 I: 30 I: 31 I: 32 I: 33 I: 34 I: 35 I: 36 I: 37 I: 38 I: 39 I: 40 I: 41 I: 42 I: 43 I: 44 I: 45 I: 46 I: 47 I: 48 I: 49 I: 50 I: 51 I: 52 I: 53 I: 54 I: 55 I: 56 I: 57 I: 58 I: 59 I: 60 I: 61 I: 62 I: 63 I: 64 I: 65 I: 66 I: 67 I: 68 I: 69 I: 70 I: 71 I: 72 I: 73 I: 74 I: 75 I: 76 I: 77 I: 78 I: 79 I: 80 I: 81 I: 82 I: 83 I: 84 I: 85 I: 86 I: 87 I: 88 ========= CUDA-MEMCHECK ========= Error: process didn't terminate successfully ========= Program hit cudaErrorLaunchFailure (error 719) due to "unspecified launch failure" on CUDA API call to cudaDeviceSynchronize. ========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll (cuMemcpy2DAsync + 0x2fa194) [0x3088cb] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudaDeviceSynchronize + 0xf8) [0x3ce88] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (newBI_testing + 0x1a8) [0x9bf08] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (main + 0x5b) [0xa082b] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (invoke_main + 0x39) [0xa1e69] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x12e) [0xa1d4e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main + 0xe) [0xa1c0e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (mainCRTStartup + 0x9) [0xa1ef9] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL (BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14) [0x17bd4] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21) [0x6ce51] ========= ========= Program hit cudaErrorLaunchFailure (error 719) due to "unspecified launch failure" on CUDA API call to cudaGetLastError. ========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll (cuMemcpy2DAsync + 0x2fa194) [0x3088cb] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudaGetLastError + 0xf1) [0x3f7a1] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (newBI_testing + 0x1c1) [0x9bf21] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (main + 0x5b) [0xa082b] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (invoke_main + 0x39) [0xa1e69] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x12e) [0xa1d4e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main + 0xe) [0xa1c0e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (mainCRTStartup + 0x9) [0xa1ef9] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL (BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14) [0x17bd4] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21) [0x6ce51] ========= ========= Program hit cudaErrorLaunchFailure (error 719) due to "unspecified launch failure" on CUDA API call to cudaMemcpy. ========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll (cuMemcpy2DAsync + 0x2fa194) [0x3088cb] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudaMemcpy + 0x130) [0x48da0] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (newBI_testing + 0x208) [0x9bf68] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (main + 0x5b) [0xa082b] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (invoke_main + 0x39) [0xa1e69] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x12e) [0xa1d4e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main + 0xe) [0xa1c0e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (mainCRTStartup + 0x9) [0xa1ef9] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL (BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14) [0x17bd4] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21) [0x6ce51] ========= ========= Program hit CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_FAILED (error 719) due to "unspecified launch failure" on CUDA API call to cuModuleUnload. ========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll (cuMemcpy2DAsync + 0x1cb1d7) [0x1d990e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudart::module::unload + 0x115) [0x7b315] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudart::contextState::unloadAllModules + 0x196) [0x7ba76] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudart::contextStateManager::destroyAllContextStatesOnRuntimeUnload + 0x78) [0x800e8] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudart::globalState::~globalState + 0x3d) [0x67e3d] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (cudart::set::rehash + 0x136) [0x70a96] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (initterm_e + 0x6a7) [0x75107] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (initterm_e + 0xb5) [0x74b15] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (initterm_e + 0x1ea) [0x74c4a] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (execute_onexit_table + 0x31) [0x752b1] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (wassert + 0x2e1) [0x74481] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (wassert + 0x18d) [0x7432d] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (wassert + 0x1fa) [0x7439a] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (wassert + 0x474) [0x74614] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ucrtbased.dll (exit + 0x16) [0x749a6] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x147) [0xa1d67] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (__scrt_common_main + 0xe) [0xa1c0e] ========= Host Frame:C:\Users\dosca\source\repos\BigInteger - CUDA Mode - Testing\x64\Debug\cuda-10.1-template-2019.exe (mainCRTStartup + 0x9) [0xa1ef9] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL (BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14) [0x17bd4] ========= Host Frame:C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21) [0x6ce51] ========= ========= No CUDA-MEMCHECK results found