2021-11-26 04:39:31,735 [MainThread ] [INFO ] [DicomIO.Writer] execute() is called. 2021-11-26 04:39:31,735 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Converting image files in /input to DICOM series in /output using original DICOM files in /dicom 2021-11-26 04:39:31,735 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Searching for series in directory '/dicom' 2021-11-26 04:39:31,882 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Found {''} series ids in "/dicom" 2021-11-26 04:39:31,968 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Searching for *.mhd in '/input' 2021-11-26 04:39:31,969 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Found the following mhd file '/input/' 2021-11-26 04:39:31,969 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Creating a series of dicom files in '/output' from '/input/' 2021-11-26 04:39:32,354 [MainThread ] [INFO ] Creating Dicom metadata for '/input/' 2021-11-26 04:39:33,079 [MainThread ] [ERROR] Exception caught and re-thrown: tuple index out of range {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043854.385Z"}, "message": "Dicom Writer"} [PERF] Dicom Writer Start Time: 1637901534385 Traceback (most recent call last): {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.735Z", "stage": "mhd to dicom"}, "message": "MHD to Dicom"} File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/nvidia_clara_pipeline_driver/driver.py", line 209, in nvidia_clara_python_cpd_execute_callback [PERF] MHD to Dicom Start Time: 1637901571735 success = driver.run_execute_handler(payload) {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.735Z", "stage": "find dicom series"}, "message": "Dicom IO Find Dicom Series"} File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/nvidia_clara_pipeline_driver/driver.py", line 154, in run_execute_handler [PERF] Dicom IO Find Dicom Series Start Time: 1637901571735 return self._execute_handler(self, payload) {"event": {"category": "operator","name":"processing_ended", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.883Z", "elapsed_time": 148, "stage": "find dicom series"},"message":"Dicom IO Find Dicom Series"} File "./write.py", line 33, in execute [PERF] Dicom IO Find Dicom Series End Time: 1637901571883 [PERF] Dicom IO Find Dicom Series Elapsed Time (ms): 148 mhd_to_dicom(envs.dcm_folder, envs.input_folder, envs.output_folder) {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.883Z", "stage": "parse image paths"}, "message": "Dicom IO Parse Image Paths"} File "/home/clara/dio/processor.py", line 122, in mhd_to_dicom [PERF] Dicom IO Parse Image Paths Start Time: 1637901571883 on_mhd_found {"event": {"category": "operator","name":"processing_ended", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.968Z", "elapsed_time": 86, "stage": "parse image paths"},"message":"Dicom IO Parse Image Paths"} File "/home/clara/dio/mhd.py", line 59, in find_mhds_by_series [PERF] Dicom IO Parse Image Paths End Time: 1637901571969 on_mhd_callback(series_id, mhd_path) [PERF] Dicom IO Parse Image Paths Elapsed Time (ms): 86 File "/home/clara/dio/processor.py", line 110, in on_mhd_found {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043931.969Z", "stage": "load mhd file"}, "message": "Dicom IO Load MHD File"} output_dir [PERF] Dicom IO Load MHD File Start Time: 1637901571969 File "/home/clara/dio/mhd.py", line 232, in mhd_to_dicom_series {"event": {"category": "operator","name":"processing_ended", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043932.354Z", "elapsed_time": 385, "stage": "load mhd file"},"message":"Dicom IO Load MHD File"} metadata = create_metadata_dict(dicom_image_paths, mhd_image) [PERF] Dicom IO Load MHD File End Time: 1637901572354 File "/home/clara/dio/mhd.py", line 146, in create_metadata_dict [PERF] Dicom IO Load MHD File Elapsed Time (ms): 385 image_orientation = (direction[0], direction[3], direction[6], {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_started", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043932.354Z", "stage": "creating dicom metadata"}, "message": "Dicom IO Creating Dicom Metadata"} IndexError: tuple index out of range [PERF] Dicom IO Creating Dicom Metadata Start Time: 1637901572354 [driver] Pipeline driver `execute` callback returned error code (1). (1, is_err=True) {"event": {"category": "operator","name":"processing_ended", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043933.079Z", "elapsed_time": 1345, "stage": "mhd to dicom"},"message":"MHD to Dicom"} [PERF] MHD to Dicom End Time: 1637901573080 [driver] Pipeline-driver execution completed with 1 error(s). (-1, is_err=True) [PERF] MHD to Dicom Elapsed Time (ms): 1345 [driver] nvidia_clara_cpd__wait_for_completion() is deprecated. {"event": {"category": "operator", "name":"processing_ended", "level": "info", "timestamp": "20211126T043933.227Z", "elapsed_time": 38842}, "message": "Dicom Writer"} Clara Pipeline Driver no longer expects applications to wait for completion. (0, is_err=True) [PERF] Dicom Writer End Time: 1637901573227 [PERF] Dicom Writer Elapsed Time (ms): 38842