(base) C:\Users\khana>docker run --ipc=host -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 -p8002:8002 -v //c/Users/khana/Accounts/model_repository_path:/models nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:21.06.1-py3 tritonserver --model-repository=/models --log-verbose=1 --exit-timeout-secs=86400 ============================= == Triton Inference Server == ============================= NVIDIA Release 21.06 (build 24449615) Copyright (c) 2018-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Various files include modifications (c) NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. This container image and its contents are governed by the NVIDIA Deep Learning Container License. By pulling and using the container, you accept the terms and conditions of this license: https://developer.nvidia.com/ngc/nvidia-deep-learning-container-license WARNING: The NVIDIA Driver was not detected. GPU functionality will not be available. Use Docker with NVIDIA Container Toolkit to start this container; see https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker. I0730 06:03:20.474941 1 shared_library.cc:108] OpenLibraryHandle: /opt/tritonserver/backends/pytorch/libtriton_pytorch.so I0730 06:03:21.142946 1 libtorch.cc:987] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: pytorch I0730 06:03:21.142987 1 libtorch.cc:997] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.142992 1 libtorch.cc:1003] 'pytorch' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.143027 1 shared_library.cc:108] OpenLibraryHandle: /opt/tritonserver/backends/tensorflow1/libtriton_tensorflow1.so 2021-07-30 06:03:21.434588: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:49] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.11.0 I0730 06:03:21.640035 1 tensorflow.cc:2165] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: tensorflow I0730 06:03:21.640074 1 tensorflow.cc:2175] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.640079 1 tensorflow.cc:2181] 'tensorflow' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.640082 1 tensorflow.cc:2205] backend configuration: {} I0730 06:03:21.640113 1 shared_library.cc:108] OpenLibraryHandle: /opt/tritonserver/backends/onnxruntime/libtriton_onnxruntime.so I0730 06:03:21.662429 1 onnxruntime.cc:1969] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: onnxruntime I0730 06:03:21.662471 1 onnxruntime.cc:1979] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.662475 1 onnxruntime.cc:1985] 'onnxruntime' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.680117 1 shared_library.cc:108] OpenLibraryHandle: /opt/tritonserver/backends/openvino/libtriton_openvino.so I0730 06:03:21.717513 1 openvino.cc:1188] TRITONBACKEND_Initialize: openvino I0730 06:03:21.717624 1 openvino.cc:1198] Triton TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 I0730 06:03:21.717628 1 openvino.cc:1204] 'openvino' TRITONBACKEND API version: 1.4 W0730 06:03:21.718779 1 pinned_memory_manager.cc:236] Unable to allocate pinned system memory, pinned memory pool will not be available: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version I0730 06:03:21.719640 1 cuda_memory_manager.cc:115] CUDA memory pool disabled I0730 06:03:21.721143 1 backend_factory.h:45] Create TritonBackendFactory I0730 06:03:21.721744 1 plan_backend_factory.cc:49] Create PlanBackendFactory I0730 06:03:21.721790 1 plan_backend_factory.cc:56] Registering TensorRT Plugins I0730 06:03:21.721866 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721875 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721881 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721886 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::CoordConvAC version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721892 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721915 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721919 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721924 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721929 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721936 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.721988 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722034 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722088 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722126 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722155 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722167 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722194 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722201 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722228 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722234 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722270 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722297 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalDynamic version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722310 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722339 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722348 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722358 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722379 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722386 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722391 1 logging.cc:52] Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1 I0730 06:03:21.722397 1 ensemble_backend_factory.cc:47] Create EnsembleBackendFactory I0730 06:03:21.758389 1 model_repository_manager.cc:749] AsyncLoad() 'tokenmodel.onnx' I0730 06:03:21.763273 1 model_repository_manager.cc:988] TriggerNextAction() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version 1: 1 I0730 06:03:21.763312 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1026] Load() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version 1 I0730 06:03:21.763316 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1045] loading: tokenmodel.onnx:1 I0730 06:03:21.864068 1 model_repository_manager.cc:749] AsyncLoad() 'textmodel.onnx' I0730 06:03:21.864238 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1105] CreateInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version 1 I0730 06:03:21.882107 1 onnxruntime.cc:2028] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInitialize: tokenmodel.onnx (version 1) I0730 06:03:21.886073 1 model_repository_manager.cc:988] TriggerNextAction() 'textmodel.onnx' version 1: 1 I0730 06:03:21.886105 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1026] Load() 'textmodel.onnx' version 1 I0730 06:03:21.886109 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1045] loading: textmodel.onnx:1 I0730 06:03:21.886861 1 model_config_utils.cc:1521] ModelConfig 64-bit fields: I0730 06:03:21.886891 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::dynamic_batching::default_queue_policy::default_timeout_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.886896 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::dynamic_batching::max_queue_delay_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.886927 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::dynamic_batching::priority_queue_policy::value::default_timeout_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.886984 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::ensemble_scheduling::step::model_version I0730 06:03:21.886987 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::input::dims I0730 06:03:21.886989 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::input::reshape::shape I0730 06:03:21.886992 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::instance_group::secondary_devices::device_id I0730 06:03:21.886994 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::model_warmup::inputs::value::dims I0730 06:03:21.886996 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::optimization::cuda::graph_spec::graph_lower_bound::input::value::dim I0730 06:03:21.887016 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::optimization::cuda::graph_spec::input::value::dim I0730 06:03:21.887020 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::output::dims I0730 06:03:21.887023 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::output::reshape::shape I0730 06:03:21.887025 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::sequence_batching::direct::max_queue_delay_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.887029 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::sequence_batching::max_sequence_idle_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.887031 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::sequence_batching::oldest::max_queue_delay_microseconds I0730 06:03:21.887033 1 model_config_utils.cc:1523] ModelConfig::version_policy::specific::versions I0730 06:03:21.887293 1 onnxruntime.cc:2071] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInstanceInitialize: tokenmodel.onnx (CPU device 0) I0730 06:03:21.887322 1 backend_model_instance.cc:68] Creating instance tokenmodel.onnx on CPU using artifact 'model.onnx' WARNING: Since openmp is enabled in this build, this API cannot be used to configure intra op num threads. Please use the openmp environment variables to control the number of threads. 2021-07-30 06:03:21.894420500 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:230 operator()] Flush-to-zero and denormal-as-zero are off 2021-07-30 06:03:21.894447600 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:237 ConstructorCommon] Creating and using per session threadpools since use_per_session_threads_ is true I0730 06:03:21.986382 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1105] CreateInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version 1 2021-07-30 06:03:22.454942900 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1141 Initialize] Initializing session. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.454980800 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1178 Initialize] Adding default CPU execution provider. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.454992000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:25 BFCArena] Creating BFCArena for Cpu with following configs: initial_chunk_size_bytes: 1048576 max_dead_bytes_per_chunk: 134217728 initial_growth_chunk_size_bytes: 2097152 memory limit: 18446744073709551615 arena_extend_strategy: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:22.454995900 [V:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:61 BFCArena] Creating 21 bins of max chunk size 256 to 268435456 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483395300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 276 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483448700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 259 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483462500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 291 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483473100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 312 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483484700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 390 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483494100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 373 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483507600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 405 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483537100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 426 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483551300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 504 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483561900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 487 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483571600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 519 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483581100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 540 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483611900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 618 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483628100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 601 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483656600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 633 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483669600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 654 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483708400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 732 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483734200 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 715 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483743700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 747 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483753100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 768 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483763600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 846 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483773000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 829 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483782800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 861 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483791900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 882 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483822600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 960 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483836100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 943 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483876000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 975 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483885800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 996 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483913300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1074 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483964200 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1057 2021-07-30 06:03:22.483993600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1089 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484050000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1110 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484103400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1188 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484118900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1171 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484130500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1203 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484169700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1224 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484262800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1302 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484291100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1285 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484330200 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1317 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484371600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1338 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484428400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1416 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484461700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1399 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484495500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1431 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484513600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1452 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484537100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1530 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484548300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1513 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484574200 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1545 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484636000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1566 2021-07-30 06:03:22.484683200 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 48 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493827200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1556'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493880700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1536'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493887500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1533'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493891100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1518'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493893900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1501'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493897200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1445'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493900600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1442'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493903400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1419'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493906500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1407'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493909500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1404'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493912500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1390'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493915300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1387'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493918600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1328'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493922200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1308'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493925300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1276'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493928000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1273'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493931300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1217'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493934600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1214'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493937500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1194'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493940400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1191'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493943400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1176'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493973300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1504'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493979600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1100'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493983000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1065'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493986000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1062'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493989000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1048'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493992000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1045'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.493995400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '989'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494000900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '986'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494004200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '966'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494007400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '963'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494011000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '951'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494031300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '934'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494040600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1708'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494045300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1635'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494048800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1764'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494052300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1761'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494055300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1754'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494060400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1751'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494064100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1739'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494084000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1734'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494093100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1760'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494098500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1709'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494103100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1701'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494106300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1698'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494125000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1724'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494133000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1689'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494158300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1687'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494167700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1685'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494173100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '378'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494177700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1682'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494182100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1675'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494187000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1674'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494191600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1672'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494196600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1669'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494201400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '606'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494205600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1741'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494209800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1662'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494214700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1699'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494221700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1659'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494226800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1657'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494250200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1656'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494260200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1702'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494286700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1643'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494296500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1725'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494302500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1636'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494308100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1634'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494332900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1620'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494360500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '530'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494366700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1722'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494370100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1660'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494373500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1631'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494379100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1721'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494382300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1623'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494386600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1621'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494389900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1618'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494394000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1617'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494398900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1331'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494422900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '931'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494431000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1683'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494438800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1648'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494444100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '492'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494451000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1647'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494483900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1422'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494513100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1713'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494523300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1765'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494529400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1622'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494534400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '533'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494537200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '872'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494541200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1644'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494544100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1766'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494548700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1750'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494557800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '875'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494581800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1763'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494591700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1753'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494598200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1726'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494604400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1715'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494610500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1633'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494615500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1649'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494620100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1752'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494625400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '495'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494635900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1559'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494641200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '478'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494665400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '738'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494668800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1688'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494672800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1735'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494677100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1737'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494681900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1305'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494689300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '381'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494698500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '624'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494704100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1080'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494708600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1748'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494713900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '644'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494721300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1686'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494726800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1738'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494731700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1711'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494740700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1696'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494769900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1695'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494779400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1747'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494786600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '758'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494792000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1661'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494797200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1630'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494802200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '837'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494806500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1712'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494813100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1714'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494819800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1700'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494823900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1767'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494827000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1728'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494830500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1293'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494839600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1646'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494842900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '621'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494847300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '247'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494851900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '510'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494857000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '948'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494865400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1103'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494893600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1159'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494920600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1670'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494927900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1676'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494933500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1727'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494940200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1162'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494944900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '250'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494948200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1077'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494962100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1663'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494979500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1740'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494982800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '264'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494985800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '267'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494989400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '279'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494992600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1650'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.494995600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '282'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495000600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '361'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495004200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '364'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495084600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '393'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495091800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '396'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495095500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '416'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495098600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1290'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495120400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '419'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495154800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1673'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495157900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '302'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495161500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '475'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495166600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '852'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495171600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '507'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495177100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1179'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495181900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1624'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495187400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '589'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495192200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '592'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495196600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '609'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495199900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '647'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495203700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '703'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495210500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '706'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495213600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '720'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495217800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1521'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495221300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '723'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495243400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '735'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495251400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '761'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495321000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1637'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495328200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '305'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495333500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '817'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495338500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '820'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495342000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '834'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.495346200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '849'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.506689500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '215'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.510015100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:22.516140900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542371900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1591'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542431600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1585'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542438500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1477'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542441800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1363'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542444500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1360'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542447200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1357'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542450000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1249'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542452900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1135'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542455700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1129'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542458600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1021'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542461400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1018'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542464100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1015'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542468400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '334'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542472200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '901'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542476800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1588'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542480300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1243'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542486000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '448'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542489500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '673'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542492400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '904'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542495700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1246'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542500800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '451'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542503500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '679'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542508900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1471'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542512500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '331'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542515700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1474'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542518900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1132'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542523900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '907'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542528700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '337'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542533800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '445'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542536800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '559'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542539600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '562'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542542400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '565'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542562400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '676'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542569200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '787'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542572500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '790'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.542575300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '793'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549159100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1602'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549204600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1573'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549211500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1488'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549214800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1459'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549217500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1374'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549220200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1345'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549222900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1260'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549225500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1231'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549228400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1143'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549231300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1120'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549234200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1117'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549236900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1029'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549239400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1006'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549246100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '436'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549248800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '889'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549251700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1599'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549267500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '348'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549272000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '462'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549276800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1485'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549280200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '801'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549313200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1371'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549319100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1146'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549322100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '345'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549325000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '433'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549328000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '661'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549332500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '915'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549335900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1003'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549338900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1234'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549365400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '918'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549369000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '687'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549372400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '550'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549376000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '664'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549380400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1576'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549384300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '322'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549388600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '690'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549391900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '547'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549398300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1462'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549401400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1257'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549404400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '576'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549410900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1348'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549414900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '804'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549436800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '231'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549443200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '234'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549446900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1032'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549450000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '319'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549453700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '892'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549458900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '459'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549462100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '573'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549482200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '775'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.549489200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '778'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.577835500 [V:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:909 TransformGraph] Node placements 2021-07-30 06:03:22.577920500 [V:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:911 TransformGraph] All nodes have been placed on [CPUExecutionProvider]. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.578873100 [V:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:77 CreateGraphInfo] SaveMLValueNameIndexMapping 2021-07-30 06:03:22.579502500 [V:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:123 CreateGraphInfo] Done saving OrtValue mappings. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588005200 [I:onnxruntime:, session_state_utils.cc:142 SaveInitializedTensors] Saving initialized tensors. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588348500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:5 (requested) num_bytes: 12288 (actual) rounded_bytes:12288 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588411800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 1048576 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588440400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 1048576 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588445200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa39cc22ba0 to 0x7fa39cd22ba0 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588897400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 4 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588957700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 2097152 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588963900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 3145728 2021-07-30 06:03:22.588967200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa39cd22c00 to 0x7fa39cf22c00 2021-07-30 06:03:22.590553500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 32 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:22.590588500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 4194304 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.590595400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 7340032 2021-07-30 06:03:22.590598800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa39cf22c40 to 0x7fa39d322c40 2021-07-30 06:03:22.591607900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:11 (requested) num_bytes: 589824 (actual) rounded_bytes:589824 2021-07-30 06:03:22.591649800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 8388608 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.591656900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 15728640 2021-07-30 06:03:22.591660500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa38907d040 to 0x7fa38987d040 2021-07-30 06:03:22.595719200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 4 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:22.595937900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 16777216 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.595977100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 32505856 2021-07-30 06:03:22.595983200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa38807c040 to 0x7fa38907c040 2021-07-30 06:03:22.603044300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:13 (requested) num_bytes: 2359296 (actual) rounded_bytes:2359296 2021-07-30 06:03:22.603134600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 33554432 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.603142900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 66060288 2021-07-30 06:03:22.603146800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa38607b040 to 0x7fa38807b040 2021-07-30 06:03:22.617563000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 24 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:22.617643200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 67108864 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.617652600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 133169152 2021-07-30 06:03:22.617657200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa38207a040 to 0x7fa38607a040 2021-07-30 06:03:22.637227600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:3 (requested) num_bytes: 3072 (actual) rounded_bytes:3072 2021-07-30 06:03:22.637290700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 134217728 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:22.637297300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 267386880 2021-07-30 06:03:22.637300900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa37a079040 to 0x7fa382079040 2021-07-30 06:03:22.640123900 [I:onnxruntime:, session_state_utils.cc:263 SaveInitializedTensors] Done saving initialized tensors 2021-07-30 06:03:22.673183800 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1329 Initialize] Session successfully initialized. I0730 06:03:22.673377 1 onnxruntime.cc:2028] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInitialize: textmodel.onnx (version 1) I0730 06:03:22.673748 1 dynamic_batch_scheduler.cc:230] Starting dynamic-batch scheduler thread 0 at nice 5... I0730 06:03:22.673875 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1212] successfully loaded 'tokenmodel.onnx' version 1 I0730 06:03:22.673886 1 model_repository_manager.cc:988] TriggerNextAction() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version 1: 0 I0730 06:03:22.673891 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1003] no next action, trigger OnComplete() I0730 06:03:22.674017 1 model_repository_manager.cc:594] VersionStates() 'tokenmodel.onnx' WARNING: Since openmp is enabled in this build, this API cannot be used to configure intra op num threads. Please use the openmp environment variables to control the number of threads. I0730 06:03:22.674438 1 onnxruntime.cc:2071] TRITONBACKEND_ModelInstanceInitialize: textmodel.onnx (CPU device 0) I0730 06:03:22.674473 1 backend_model_instance.cc:68] Creating instance textmodel.onnx on CPU using artifact 'model.onnx' 2021-07-30 06:03:22.679640600 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:237 ConstructorCommon] Creating and using per session threadpools since use_per_session_threads_ is true 2021-07-30 06:03:23.282379100 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1141 Initialize] Initializing session. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.282416100 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1178 Initialize] Adding default CPU execution provider. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.282483900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:25 BFCArena] Creating BFCArena for Cpu with following configs: initial_chunk_size_bytes: 1048576 max_dead_bytes_per_chunk: 134217728 initial_growth_chunk_size_bytes: 2097152 memory limit: 18446744073709551615 arena_extend_strategy: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:23.282506000 [V:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:61 BFCArena] Creating 21 bins of max chunk size 256 to 268435456 2021-07-30 06:03:23.295920100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 276 2021-07-30 06:03:23.295983600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 259 2021-07-30 06:03:23.295999400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 291 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296012400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 312 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296024700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 390 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296036600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 373 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296070100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 405 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296103100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 426 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296136800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 504 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296150800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 487 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296162400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 519 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296173900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 540 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296207100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 618 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296223000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 601 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296258500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 633 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296280300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 654 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296315100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 732 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296349500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 715 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296381100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 747 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296393300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 768 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296427400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 846 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296442700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 829 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296497100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 861 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296510500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 882 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296542900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 960 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296600900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 943 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296670700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 975 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296706300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 996 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296786800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1074 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296883800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1057 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296915400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1089 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296940300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1110 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296972100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1188 2021-07-30 06:03:23.296993800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1171 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297038700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1203 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297078500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1224 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297129300 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1302 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297189100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1285 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297239800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1317 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297294100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1338 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297356000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1416 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297407700 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1399 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297498800 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1431 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297518400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1452 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297537100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1530 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297572900 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1513 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297712100 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1545 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297774400 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:38 ApplyImpl] Fused reshape node: 1566 2021-07-30 06:03:23.297866500 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 48 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307177300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1556'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307208500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1536'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307214900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1533'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307218000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1518'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307220700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1501'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307223800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1445'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307226500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1442'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307229400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1419'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307232400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1407'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307235400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1404'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307238200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1390'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307240900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1387'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307244000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1328'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307246900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1308'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307274200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1276'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307277200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1273'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307281700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1217'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307285100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1214'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307304700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1194'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307310900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1191'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307330600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1176'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307337400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1504'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307340800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1100'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307343700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1065'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307346600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1062'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307349400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1048'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307352300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1045'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307355800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '989'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307359100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '986'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307364200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '966'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307367500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '963'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307386400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '951'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307393600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '934'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307399900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1708'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307406900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1635'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307410100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1764'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307413200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1761'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307416000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1754'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307419000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1751'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307422200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1739'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307425300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1734'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307428400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1760'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307431600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1709'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307475600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1701'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307482700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1698'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307486400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1724'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307489500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1689'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307492500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1687'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307495500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1685'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307498400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '378'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307501600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1682'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307504600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1675'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307507500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1674'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307510700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1672'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307515600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1669'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307519200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '606'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307544100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1741'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307569300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1662'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307616500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1699'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307645300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1659'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307654400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1657'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307662700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1656'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307666800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1702'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307671000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1643'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307674100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1725'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307677900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1636'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307681500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1634'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307684700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1620'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307687900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '530'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307691000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1722'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307695700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1660'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307698700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1631'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307717700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1721'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307722500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1623'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307727600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1621'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307732700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1618'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307738000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1617'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307743700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1331'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307749400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '931'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307754600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1683'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307760500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1648'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307765400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '492'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307770600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1647'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307777600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1422'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307783100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1713'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307806500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1765'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307817900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1622'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307861800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '533'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307891800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '872'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307916100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1644'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307925100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1766'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307929400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1750'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307933700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '875'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307937100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1763'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307940100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1753'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307943200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1726'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307946500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1715'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307949800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1633'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.307969300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1649'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308006500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1752'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308034700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '495'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308044500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1559'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308070200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '478'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308080300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '738'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308088200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1688'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308095900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1735'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308101200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1737'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308106200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1305'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308111100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '381'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308117300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '624'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308124000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1080'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308129400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1748'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308150200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '644'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308158600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1686'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308163200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1738'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308169200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1711'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308231300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1696'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308241800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1695'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308249800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1747'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308255400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '758'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308277500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1661'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308306800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1630'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308331400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '837'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308359300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1712'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308365600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1714'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308372000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1700'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308377400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1767'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308385600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1728'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308390900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1293'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308398400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1646'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308404100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '621'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308409700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '247'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308434000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '510'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308445600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '948'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308474400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1103'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308487800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1159'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308495000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1670'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308516400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1676'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308554800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1727'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308600200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1162'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308607300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '250'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308611100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1077'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308616900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1663'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308621600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1740'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308624700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '264'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308627500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '267'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308630700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '279'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308633700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1650'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308636600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '282'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308640100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '361'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308643200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '364'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308649100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '393'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308652300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '396'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308655300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '416'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308659400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1290'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308662700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '419'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308667700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1673'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308691600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '302'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308756000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '475'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308783900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '852'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308793300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '507'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308799100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1179'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308804400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1624'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308809500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '589'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308814500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '592'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308819300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '609'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308838600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '647'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308842600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '703'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308845900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '706'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308848900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '720'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308851800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1521'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308854700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '723'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308857800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '735'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308863500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '761'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308867300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1637'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308887200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '305'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308890200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '817'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308893100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '820'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308917500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '834'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.308920600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '849'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.318115600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '215'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.321788000 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:23.326670600 [I:onnxruntime:, reshape_fusion.cc:42 ApplyImpl] Total fused reshape node count: 0 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353863600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1591'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353907400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1585'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353913800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1477'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353917000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1363'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353919600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1360'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353922400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1357'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353925200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1249'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353928100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1135'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353931100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1129'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353934200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1021'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353936800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1018'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353939400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1015'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353943800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '334'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353947600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '901'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353952400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1588'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353955800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1243'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353961500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '448'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353965100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '673'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353968300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '904'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353971600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1246'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353975600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '451'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353979100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '679'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353984500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1471'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353988200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '331'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353991400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1474'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353994700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1132'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.353999400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '907'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354004200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '337'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354007300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '445'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354010400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '559'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354013200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '562'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354019100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '565'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354022700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '676'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354044100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '787'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354050400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '790'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.354053900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '793'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358860300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1602'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358888700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1573'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358895200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1488'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358898300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1459'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358901000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1374'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358904400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1345'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358907100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1260'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358910700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1231'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358913700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1143'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358916600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1120'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358919200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1117'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358921700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1029'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358924300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1006'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358928600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '436'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358933700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '889'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358936800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1599'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358940900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '348'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358944100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '462'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358948700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1485'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358953700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '801'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.358958800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1371'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359007100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1146'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359014000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '345'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359017800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '433'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359021100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '661'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359041400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '915'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359044800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1003'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359048000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1234'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359051000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '918'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359079600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '687'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359082900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '550'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359086100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '664'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359112000 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1576'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359115800 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '322'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359132500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '690'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359136100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '547'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359140400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1462'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359143600 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1257'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359162700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '576'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359165500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1348'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359168700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '804'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359171700 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '231'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359174400 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '234'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359177100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '1032'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359180100 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '319'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359212300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '892'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359215300 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '459'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359218500 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '573'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359221900 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '775'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.359225200 [I:onnxruntime:, graph.cc:3214 CleanUnusedInitializers] Removing initializer '778'. It is no longer used by any node. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.387381800 [V:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:909 TransformGraph] Node placements 2021-07-30 06:03:23.387463900 [V:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:911 TransformGraph] All nodes have been placed on [CPUExecutionProvider]. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.388074000 [V:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:77 CreateGraphInfo] SaveMLValueNameIndexMapping 2021-07-30 06:03:23.388649700 [V:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:123 CreateGraphInfo] Done saving OrtValue mappings. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.396967200 [I:onnxruntime:, session_state_utils.cc:142 SaveInitializedTensors] Saving initialized tensors. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397180400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:5 (requested) num_bytes: 12288 (actual) rounded_bytes:12288 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397224400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 1048576 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397246100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 1048576 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397252300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa35392e560 to 0x7fa353a2e560 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397688800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 4 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397719500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 2097152 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397725700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 3145728 2021-07-30 06:03:23.397728900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa353a2e5c0 to 0x7fa353c2e5c0 2021-07-30 06:03:23.399424500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 32 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:23.400266700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 4194304 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.400332700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 7340032 2021-07-30 06:03:23.400340200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa344000060 to 0x7fa344400060 2021-07-30 06:03:23.401504600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:11 (requested) num_bytes: 589824 (actual) rounded_bytes:589824 2021-07-30 06:03:23.401544800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 8388608 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.401551200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 15728640 2021-07-30 06:03:23.401554900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa3444000c0 to 0x7fa344c000c0 2021-07-30 06:03:23.405186600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 4 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:23.405238400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 16777216 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.405245500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 32505856 2021-07-30 06:03:23.405249300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa344c00120 to 0x7fa345c00120 2021-07-30 06:03:23.412973700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:13 (requested) num_bytes: 2359296 (actual) rounded_bytes:2359296 2021-07-30 06:03:23.413080200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 33554432 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.413088200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 66060288 2021-07-30 06:03:23.413093000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa399fff040 to 0x7fa39bfff040 2021-07-30 06:03:23.425982000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:0 (requested) num_bytes: 24 (actual) rounded_bytes:256 2021-07-30 06:03:23.426056400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 67108864 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.426063300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 133169152 2021-07-30 06:03:23.426067300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa33ffff040 to 0x7fa343fff040 2021-07-30 06:03:23.447128600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:3 (requested) num_bytes: 3072 (actual) rounded_bytes:3072 2021-07-30 06:03:23.447192100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 134217728 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:23.447200000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 267386880 2021-07-30 06:03:23.447204300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa337ffe040 to 0x7fa33fffe040 2021-07-30 06:03:23.449876600 [I:onnxruntime:, session_state_utils.cc:263 SaveInitializedTensors] Done saving initialized tensors 2021-07-30 06:03:23.488824900 [I:onnxruntime:, inference_session.cc:1329 Initialize] Session successfully initialized. I0730 06:03:23.489196 1 dynamic_batch_scheduler.cc:230] Starting dynamic-batch scheduler thread 0 at nice 5... I0730 06:03:23.489343 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1212] successfully loaded 'textmodel.onnx' version 1 I0730 06:03:23.489377 1 model_repository_manager.cc:988] TriggerNextAction() 'textmodel.onnx' version 1: 0 I0730 06:03:23.489385 1 model_repository_manager.cc:1003] no next action, trigger OnComplete() I0730 06:03:23.489498 1 model_repository_manager.cc:594] VersionStates() 'textmodel.onnx' I0730 06:03:23.489519 1 model_repository_manager.cc:594] VersionStates() 'tokenmodel.onnx' I0730 06:03:23.489522 1 model_repository_manager.cc:594] VersionStates() 'textmodel.onnx' I0730 06:03:23.489563 1 server.cc:504] +------------------+------+ | Repository Agent | Path | +------------------+------+ +------------------+------+ I0730 06:03:23.489617 1 server.cc:543] +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | Backend | Path | Config | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | tensorrt | | {} | | pytorch | /opt/tritonserver/backends/pytorch/libtriton_pytorch.so | {} | | tensorflow | /opt/tritonserver/backends/tensorflow1/libtriton_tensorflow1.so | {} | | onnxruntime | /opt/tritonserver/backends/onnxruntime/libtriton_onnxruntime.so | {} | | openvino | /opt/tritonserver/backends/openvino/libtriton_openvino.so | {} | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ I0730 06:03:23.489646 1 model_repository_manager.cc:570] BackendStates() I0730 06:03:23.489683 1 server.cc:586] +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Model | Version | Status | +-----------------+---------+--------+ | textmodel.onnx | 1 | READY | | tokenmodel.onnx | 1 | READY | +-----------------+---------+--------+ I0730 06:03:23.489764 1 tritonserver.cc:1718] +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Value | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | server_id | triton | | server_version | 2.11.0 | | server_extensions | classification sequence model_repository model_repository(unload_dependents) schedule_policy model_configuration system_shared_memory cuda_shared_memory binary_tensor_data statistics | | model_repository_path[0] | /models | | model_control_mode | MODE_NONE | | strict_model_config | 1 | | pinned_memory_pool_byte_size | 268435456 | | min_supported_compute_capability | 6.0 | | strict_readiness | 1 | | exit_timeout | 86400 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I0730 06:03:23.504244 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ServerLive', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504290 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ServerReady', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504300 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ModelReady', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504304 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ServerMetadata', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504308 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ModelMetadata', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504313 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ModelConfig', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504318 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'ModelStatistics', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504324 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'SystemSharedMemoryStatus', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504330 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'SystemSharedMemoryRegister', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504335 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'SystemSharedMemoryUnregister', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504338 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'CudaSharedMemoryStatus', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504343 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'CudaSharedMemoryRegister', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504348 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'CudaSharedMemoryUnregister', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504353 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'RepositoryIndex', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504357 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'RepositoryModelLoad', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504365 1 grpc_server.cc:225] Ready for RPC 'RepositoryModelUnload', 0 I0730 06:03:23.504397 1 grpc_server.cc:416] Thread started for CommonHandler I0730 06:03:23.504546 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 1 I0730 06:03:23.504656 1 grpc_server.cc:2202] Thread started for ModelInferHandler I0730 06:03:23.504841 1 grpc_server.cc:3497] New request handler for ModelStreamInferHandler, 3 I0730 06:03:23.504910 1 grpc_server.cc:2202] Thread started for ModelStreamInferHandler I0730 06:03:23.504921 1 grpc_server.cc:4062] Started GRPCInferenceService at I0730 06:03:23.506584 1 http_server.cc:2795] Started HTTPService at I0730 06:03:23.550107 1 sagemaker_server.cc:134] Started Sagemaker HTTPService at I0730 06:03:23.593187 1 http_server.cc:162] Started Metrics Service at I0730 06:03:56.744810 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 1 step START I0730 06:03:56.744863 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 4 I0730 06:03:56.744873 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:03:56.744883 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:03:56.744903 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201f1180] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f16c8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f1548] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f1408] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f1408] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f1548] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f16c8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:03:56.745029 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model textmodel.onnx, instance textmodel.onnx, executing 1 requests I0730 06:03:56.745063 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running textmodel.onnx with 1 requests 2021-07-30 06:03:56.745243300 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution 2021-07-30 06:03:56.745345400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:18 (requested) num_bytes: 92160000 (actual) rounded_bytes:92160000 2021-07-30 06:03:56.745385200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 268435456 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:56.745407600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 535822336 2021-07-30 06:03:56.745415500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa2c7fff040 to 0x7fa2d7fff040 2021-07-30 06:03:56.784828900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 368640000 (actual) rounded_bytes:368640000 2021-07-30 06:03:56.785034200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 536870912 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:56.785085200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 1072693248 2021-07-30 06:03:56.785122000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa29ffff040 to 0x7fa2bffff040 2021-07-30 06:03:56.916477300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 368640000 (actual) rounded_bytes:368640000 2021-07-30 06:03:56.916544200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 1073741824 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:56.916553100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 2146435072 2021-07-30 06:03:56.916559200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa25fffe040 to 0x7fa29fffe040 2021-07-30 06:03:59.267512100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 1474560000 (actual) rounded_bytes:1474560000 2021-07-30 06:03:59.267669900 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 2147483648 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:03:59.267687600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 4293918720 2021-07-30 06:03:59.267695600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa167fff040 to 0x7fa1e7fff040 2021-07-30 06:04:00.164662600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 1474560000 (actual) rounded_bytes:1474560000 2021-07-30 06:04:00.164762500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 4294967296 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:04:00.164772700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 8588886016 2021-07-30 06:04:00.164778800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa063ffd040 to 0x7fa163ffd040 I0730 06:04:27.279916 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 4 step START I0730 06:04:27.279973 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 5 I0730 06:04:27.279985 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:04:27.279995 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:04:27.280019 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201f5d50] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f6298] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201f6118] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201f5fd8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f5fd8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201f6118] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201f6298] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,36], batch + shape: [4000,36], shape: [36] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 2021-07-30 06:04:46.940625300 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:486 Execute] [Memory] ExecutionFrame dynamically allocates 110895526400 bytes for Cpu I0730 06:04:46.942250 1 infer_response.cc:165] add response output: output: output_0, type: FP32, shape: [4000,86] I0730 06:04:46.942851 1 grpc_server.cc:2286] GRPC: using buffer for 'output_0', size: 1376000, addr: 0x7fa34981f790 I0730 06:04:46.943773 1 grpc_server.cc:3304] ModelInferHandler::InferResponseComplete, 1 step ISSUED I0730 06:04:46.943978 1 grpc_server.cc:2321] GRPC free: size 1376000, addr 0x7fa34981f790 I0730 06:04:46.950533 1 grpc_server.cc:2873] ModelInferHandler::InferRequestComplete I0730 06:04:46.950558 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 1 step COMPLETE I0730 06:04:46.950611 1 grpc_server.cc:2195] Done for ModelInferHandler, 1 I0730 06:04:46.950677 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model textmodel.onnx, instance textmodel.onnx, executing 1 requests I0730 06:04:46.950717 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running textmodel.onnx with 1 requests 2021-07-30 06:04:46.950897300 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution I0730 06:04:56.113329 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 5 step START I0730 06:04:56.113818 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 6 I0730 06:04:56.113923 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:04:56.114009 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:04:56.114316 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa320241280] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3202417a8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320241628] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320241508] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa320241508] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320241628] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa3202417a8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:05.109594 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 6 step START I0730 06:05:05.109663 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 7 I0730 06:05:05.109681 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:05.109694 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:05.109726 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa320242a80] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa320242fc8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320242e48] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320242d08] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa320242d08] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320242e48] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] [0x0x7fa320242fc8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,34], batch + shape: [4000,34], shape: [34] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:15.626407 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 7 step START I0730 06:05:15.626636 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 8 I0730 06:05:15.626673 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:15.626712 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:15.626816 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201fa440] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201fa988] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] [0x0x7fa3201fa808] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] [0x0x7fa3201fa6c8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201fa6c8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] [0x0x7fa3201fa808] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] [0x0x7fa3201fa988] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,33], batch + shape: [4000,33], shape: [33] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:29.442097 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 8 step START I0730 06:05:29.442182 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 9 I0730 06:05:29.442197 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:29.442210 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:29.442239 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201fc500] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201fca48] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] [0x0x7fa3201fc8c8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] [0x0x7fa3201fc788] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201fc788] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] [0x0x7fa3201fc8c8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] [0x0x7fa3201fca48] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,35], batch + shape: [4000,35], shape: [35] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:41.514872 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 9 step START I0730 06:05:41.515019 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 10 I0730 06:05:41.515043 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:41.515061 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:41.515094 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201fe5c0] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 228, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201feb08] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201fe988] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201fe848] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201fe848] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201fe988] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] [0x0x7fa3201feb08] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [228,36], batch + shape: [228,36], shape: [36] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:50.913300 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 10 step START I0730 06:05:50.913387 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 11 I0730 06:05:50.913400 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:50.913416 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:05:50.913449 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa320236800] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa320236d48] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320236bc8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320236a88] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa320236a88] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320236bc8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320236d48] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:05:50.913561 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model tokenmodel.onnx, instance tokenmodel.onnx, executing 1 requests I0730 06:05:50.913574 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running tokenmodel.onnx with 1 requests 2021-07-30 06:05:50.913842100 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution 2021-07-30 06:05:50.959563700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:18 (requested) num_bytes: 122880000 (actual) rounded_bytes:122880000 2021-07-30 06:05:50.959795400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 268435456 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:05:50.959834100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 535822336 2021-07-30 06:05:50.959877600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa04bffb040 to 0x7fa05bffb040 2021-07-30 06:05:51.438873400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:18 (requested) num_bytes: 122880000 (actual) rounded_bytes:122880000 2021-07-30 06:05:51.439235200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 536870912 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:05:51.439253800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 1072693248 2021-07-30 06:05:51.439289400 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7fa02bffa040 to 0x7fa04bffa040 2021-07-30 06:05:54.021169300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 491520000 (actual) rounded_bytes:491520000 2021-07-30 06:05:54.021413500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 1073741824 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:05:54.021428300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 2146435072 2021-07-30 06:05:54.021437000 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7f9f9bfff040 to 0x7f9fdbfff040 2021-07-30 06:06:12.430053300 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:486 Execute] [Memory] ExecutionFrame dynamically allocates 135060093696 bytes for Cpu I0730 06:06:12.430213 1 infer_response.cc:165] add response output: output: output_0, type: FP32, shape: [4000,86] I0730 06:06:12.430599 1 grpc_server.cc:2286] GRPC: using buffer for 'output_0', size: 1376000, addr: 0x7fa349975800 I0730 06:06:12.431142 1 grpc_server.cc:3304] ModelInferHandler::InferResponseComplete, 4 step ISSUED I0730 06:06:12.431213 1 grpc_server.cc:2321] GRPC free: size 1376000, addr 0x7fa349975800 I0730 06:06:12.444023 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 4 step COMPLETE I0730 06:06:12.444091 1 grpc_server.cc:2195] Done for ModelInferHandler, 4 I0730 06:06:12.443917 1 grpc_server.cc:2873] ModelInferHandler::InferRequestComplete I0730 06:06:12.444318 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model textmodel.onnx, instance textmodel.onnx, executing 2 requests I0730 06:06:12.444338 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running textmodel.onnx with 2 requests I0730 06:06:12.446740 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool I0730 06:06:12.447934 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool I0730 06:06:12.449077 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool 2021-07-30 06:06:12.457038700 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution I0730 06:06:21.412975 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 11 step START I0730 06:06:21.413029 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 12 I0730 06:06:21.413063 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:21.413078 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:21.413146 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa32055b6a0] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa32055bb68] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055ba28] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055b928] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa32055b928] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055ba28] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055bb68] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 2021-07-30 06:06:27.959355200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 3342336000 (actual) rounded_bytes:3342336000 2021-07-30 06:06:27.959487800 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 8589934592 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:06:27.959510200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 17178820608 2021-07-30 06:06:27.959524100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7f9d9bffe040 to 0x7f9f9bffe040 2021-07-30 06:06:30.710703700 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:486 Execute] [Memory] ExecutionFrame dynamically allocates 35138281728 bytes for Cpu I0730 06:06:30.711781 1 infer_response.cc:165] add response output: output: output_0, type: FP32, shape: [4000,23] I0730 06:06:30.724603 1 grpc_server.cc:2286] GRPC: using buffer for 'output_0', size: 368000, addr: 0x7fa37581cf00 I0730 06:06:30.724835 1 grpc_server.cc:3304] ModelInferHandler::InferResponseComplete, 10 step ISSUED I0730 06:06:30.725384 1 grpc_server.cc:2321] GRPC free: size 368000, addr 0x7fa37581cf00 I0730 06:06:31.265313 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 10 step COMPLETE I0730 06:06:31.265782 1 grpc_server.cc:2195] Done for ModelInferHandler, 10 I0730 06:06:31.273730 1 grpc_server.cc:2873] ModelInferHandler::InferRequestComplete I0730 06:06:31.277455 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model tokenmodel.onnx, instance tokenmodel.onnx, executing 1 requests I0730 06:06:31.277486 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running tokenmodel.onnx with 1 requests 2021-07-30 06:06:31.291537100 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 1106080000 (actual) rounded_bytes:1106080000 2021-07-30 06:06:31.332104200 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 2147483648 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:06:31.332155500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 4293918720 2021-07-30 06:06:31.332166500 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7f9d0bffc040 to 0x7f9d8bffc040 2021-07-30 06:06:34.024276500 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution I0730 06:06:55.996243 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 12 step START I0730 06:06:56.139647 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 13 I0730 06:06:56.188523 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:56.209462 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:56.240708 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa32055ee20] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa32055f2e8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055f1a8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055f0a8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa32055f0a8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055f1a8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa32055f2e8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:06:57.170754 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 13 step START I0730 06:06:57.185737 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 14 I0730 06:06:57.185903 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.186087 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.186439 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa320560540] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa320560a88] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320560908] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa3205607c8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3205607c8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320560908] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320560a88] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:06:57.896263 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 14 step START I0730 06:06:57.896522 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 15 I0730 06:06:57.896607 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.896698 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.896790 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa320562490] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3205629b8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320562838] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320562718] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa320562718] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa320562838] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] [0x0x7fa3205629b8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,10], batch + shape: [4000,10], shape: [10] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:06:57.942982 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 15 step START I0730 06:06:57.943063 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 16 I0730 06:06:57.943076 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.943087 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.943124 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa321d18fa0] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa321d194e8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] [0x0x7fa321d19368] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] [0x0x7fa321d19228] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa321d19228] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] [0x0x7fa321d19368] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] [0x0x7fa321d194e8] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,7], batch + shape: [4000,7], shape: [7] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 I0730 06:06:57.943777 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 16 step START I0730 06:06:57.943826 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 17 I0730 06:06:57.943839 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.943847 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'tokenmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:06:57.943865 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3208353f0] request id: , model: tokenmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 274, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa320835938] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] [0x0x7fa3208357b8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] [0x0x7fa320835678] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa320835678] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] [0x0x7fa3208357b8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] [0x0x7fa320835938] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [274,11], batch + shape: [274,11], shape: [11] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 2021-07-30 06:07:56.837953700 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:481 Execute] [Memory] ExecutionFrame statically allocates 1106080000 bytes for Cpu 2021-07-30 06:07:56.841739900 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:486 Execute] [Memory] ExecutionFrame dynamically allocates 368128 bytes for Cpu I0730 06:07:56.854826 1 infer_response.cc:165] add response output: output: output_0, type: FP32, shape: [4000,23] I0730 06:07:56.865675 1 grpc_server.cc:2286] GRPC: using buffer for 'output_0', size: 368000, addr: 0x7fa375876c90 I0730 06:07:56.867773 1 grpc_server.cc:3304] ModelInferHandler::InferResponseComplete, 11 step ISSUED I0730 06:07:56.870507 1 grpc_server.cc:2321] GRPC free: size 368000, addr 0x7fa375876c90 I0730 06:07:56.885747 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 11 step COMPLETEI0730 06:07:56.885938 1 grpc_server.cc:2873] ModelInferHandler::InferRequestComplete I0730 06:07:56.886038 1 grpc_server.cc:2195] Done for ModelInferHandler, 11 I0730 06:07:56.890143 1 onnxruntime.cc:2137] model tokenmodel.onnx, instance tokenmodel.onnx, executing 3 requests I0730 06:07:56.890179 1 onnxruntime.cc:1096] TRITONBACKEND_ModelExecute: Running tokenmodel.onnx with 3 requests I0730 06:07:56.894880 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool I0730 06:07:56.899842 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool I0730 06:07:56.905926 1 backend_input_collector.cc:214] unable to create backend memory for type: CPU_PINNED id: 0: BackendMemory::Create, all allocation types failed: CPU_PINNED: failed to allocate pinned system memory: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version CPU_PINNED_POOL: failed to allocate pinned system memory: no pinned memory pool 2021-07-30 06:07:56.914849600 [I:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:157 Execute] Begin execution I0730 06:07:57.452030 1 grpc_server.cc:3151] Process for ModelInferHandler, rpc_ok=1, 17 step START I0730 06:07:57.452465 1 grpc_server.cc:3144] New request handler for ModelInferHandler, 18 I0730 06:07:57.453481 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:07:57.454317 1 model_repository_manager.cc:638] GetInferenceBackend() 'textmodel.onnx' version -1 I0730 06:07:57.455322 1 infer_request.cc:524] prepared: [0x0x7fa3201f2570] request id: , model: textmodel.onnx, requested version: -1, actual version: 1, flags: 0x0, correlation id: 0, batch size: 4000, priority: 0, timeout (us): 0 original inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f2a38] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f28f8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f27f8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] override inputs: inputs: [0x0x7fa3201f27f8] input: token_type_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f28f8] input: attention_mask, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] [0x0x7fa3201f2a38] input: input_ids, type: INT64, original shape: [4000,30], batch + shape: [4000,30], shape: [30] original requested outputs: output_0 requested outputs: output_0 2021-07-30 06:08:06.585052600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:305 AllocateRawInternal] Extending BFCArena for Cpu. bin_num:20 (requested) num_bytes: 1474560000 (actual) rounded_bytes:1474560000 2021-07-30 06:08:06.648707600 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:185 Extend] Extended allocation by 4294967296 bytes. 2021-07-30 06:08:06.648734300 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:188 Extend] Total allocated bytes: 8588886016 2021-07-30 06:08:06.648745700 [I:onnxruntime:log, bfc_arena.cc:191 Extend] Allocated memory at 0x7f9c07ffa040 to 0x7f9d07ffa040