./drive_flashing/startup.sh { ./drive_flashing/common.sh { ParseParameters() PrintParameters() ControlHostIOParams() OKOK } SKU_REV set to: XAVIER Mode set to flash ES board Flashing e3550 xavier board. Executing Bind /dev/loop25 /drive/pdkinstaller /drive pdkinstaller v2.0 SDK/PDK Installer and Flasher Run `./pdkinstaller --help` for usage information. Initializing board and OS configuration to Autonomous vehicle DDP Xavier Drive OS Linux Tegra B Manifest version 2.0 Auto detecting target Aurix port ... BOARD SKU : 940-63550-2000-100 Found Aurix port /dev/ttyUSB3 Board PCB revision is b03 Executing bind clean cmd make -f Makefile.bind PCT=linux BOARD=e3550b03-t194b clean Executing bind cmd make -f Makefile.bind PCT=linux BOARD=e3550b03-t194b Bind partitions done! /drive Successfully executed bind Preparing to Flash Tegra B Flashing e3550 xavier TegraB begins /drive/pdkinstaller /drive pdkinstaller v2.0 SDK/PDK Installer and Flasher Run `./pdkinstaller --help` for usage information. Initializing board and OS configuration to Autonomous vehicle DDP Xavier Drive OS Linux Tegra B Manifest version 2.0 Initializing SDK/PDK flasher for configuration Board: e3550-t194b Board type: ES Hypervisor config: linux Pre flash script found! Calling scripts/linux_pre_flash.sh NV_WORKSPACE:NV_TARGETUSER:NV_TARGETPWD:NV_EULA_ACCEPTED:BOARD SKU : 940-63550-2000-100 Board PCB revision is b03 Running flash command: sudo -E /drive/drive-t186ref-foundation//tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/bootburn.sh -b e3550b03-t194b -B qspi -x /dev/ttyUSB3 FlashCommandLineFromUser : -b e3550b03-t194b -B qspi -x /dev/ttyUSB3 Using Python scripts Bootburn Starting with arguments ['./bootburn.py', '-b', 'e3550b03-t194b', '-B', 'qspi', '-x', '/dev/ttyUSB3'] board is e3550b03-t194b validating parameters Check finished successfully Done parsing command line [bootburn]: [GetInfoRom(409)] : Read skuinfo from InfoRom... [bootburn]: Execute command on Aurix serial port [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(301)] : Setting Tegra-A on hold... [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(303)] : Done [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(312)] : Setting Tegra-B on hold... [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(314)] : Done [bootburn]: [executeShellCommand(154)] : shell command -- lsusb -d 0955: failed [bootburn]: [executeShellCommand(156)] : {'cmd': ['lsusb', '-d', '0955:'], 'output': '', 'returncode': 1} [bootburn]: [executeShellCommand(158)] : [bootburn]: [executeShellCommand(161)] : 1 [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(336)] : Setting Tegra-B in recovery... [bootburn]: [GetTegrasAssocWithAurix(340)] : Done [bootburn]: [getListTargetsInRecovery(3097)] : Bus 001 Device 048: ID 0955:7019 NVidia Corp. e3550b03-t194b board is e3550b03-t194b validating parameters Check finished successfully Done parsing command line [bootburnTegra-B]: [setTargetConfigSkuInfo(477)] : Board serial number from Aurix InfoROM is E3550B03S1832 [bootburnTegra-B]: [setTargetConfigSkuInfo(481)] : Extracting last four characters as board serial 1832 [bootburnTegra-B]: [setTargetConfigSkuInfo(514)] : s_skuargs :--skunum 940-63550-2000-100 --setprodinfo 940-63550-2000-100 C --setskuversion D --setboardserial 1832 --setmacid mac0 0x00044BCBC162 Bootburn Active [bootburnTegra-B]: [getBoardFromBomDataTable(526)] : created list of lines from bom_data_table.txt file target validation is successfully completed [bootburnTegra-B]: [GetTargetECID(804)] : Target BR_CID: 0x880219116420f04408000000030281c0 [bootburnTegra-B]: [GetTargetECID(805)] : Target ECID: 0x16420f04408000000030281c0 [bootburnTegra-B]: [GenAdbSerialNum(482)] : ADB serial number is 2P10U120G000001G50E0 [bootburnTegra-B]: [CheckForDeviceType(873)] : Detected ES production device type [bootburnTegra-B]: [SendAndBootAppletSigned(2140)] : Sending MB1 & Applet [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(315)] : [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(316)] : ############## Host machine info ############## [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(317)] : Host system Linux [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(318)] : Host node ubuntu-System-Product-Name [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(319)] : Host release 5.4.0-137-generic [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(320)] : Host version #154~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 10 16:58:20 UTC 2023 [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(321)] : Host machine x86_64 [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(322)] : Host processor x86_64 [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(323)] : Target ChipId 0x19 ChipVersion 0x2 [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(324)] : ############################################### [bootburnTegra-B]: [DisplayHostInfoAndPaths(327)] : [bootburnTegra-B]: [PreserveTargetSkuInfo(1463)] : Preserving SkuInfo from Target {'macId0': {'version': 1, 'value': 'mac0 0x00044BCBC162'}, 'boardSerial': {'version': 1, 'value': '1832'}, 'skuVersion': 'D', 'skuNumber': {'version': 1, 'value': '940-63550-2000-100'}, 'prodInfo': {'version': 1, 'value': '940-63550-2000-100 C'}} [bootburnTegra-B]: [SendAndBootMB1Signed(2104)] : Sending MB1 [bootburnTegra-B]: [GenerateImage(2198)] : Generating Flashing-RCM Images [bootburnTegra-B]: [BootRCMImage(2716)] : Sending Blob for RCM to target [bootburnTegra-B]: [GenerateImage(2218)] : Generating Flash Images, this may take a few minutes command line used was: ['./bootburn.py', '-b', 'e3550b03-t194b', '-B', 'qspi', '-x', '/dev/ttyUSB3'] s_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE Bootburn requires 12,766,754,190 bytes to proceed with image generation but free available space in host is 8,567,496,704 Free some space and try again! Exception caught in bootburn  Traceback (most recent call last): File "./bootburn.py", line 359, in bootburn bootburnLib.WaitOnImageGeneration(processID) File "/drive/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x_py/bootburn_lib.py", line 124, in WaitOnImageGeneration self.HostSpaceCheck() File "/drive/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x_py/bootburn_lib.py", line 371, in HostSpaceCheck AbnormalTermination("s_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE\n" + error_msg, nverror.NvError_InsufficientHostSpace) File "/drive/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x_py/flashtools_nverror.py", line 249, in AbnormalTermination raise OSError(errorCode) OSError: 63 returning to directory /drive/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x_py Cleaning up ... Cleaning temp dir Flashing process exited with error 63 Error in flashing! pdkinstaller cannot continue! Check the log file for details: /drive/pdkinstaller/pdkinstaller.log PDK Installer failed with status 144 FlashTegraPDKInstaller failed, error 144! ====================================================== Error 144 occurred, please resolve the issue or try again. Please contact provider with log "/drive_flashing/log_5a9045b85763d862aea477fcb4a248f6.txt". ====================================================== ====================================================== FULL TTY OUTPUT START ====================================================== || ====================================================== FULL TTY OUTPUT END ====================================================== NGNG KillChildren START 12 ret=144 UID PID PPID PGID SID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 1 1 0 18:25 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash root 12 1 12 1 1 18:27 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash ./flash.sh --tegra=B root 32 12 12 1 1 18:27 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash ./flash.sh --tegra=B root 5162 32 12 1 0 18:27 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep .034 root 5170 12 12 1 0 18:27 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -edfj KillChildren l_process_group=12 KillChildren l_child_processes=12 32 5203 5211 KillChildren kill -15 32 KillChildren kill -15 5203 KillChildren kill -15 5211 KillChildren END 12 ret=144