a new getting started please all kinds of problems...getting started

installed windows vista platform sdk and still get same error.

fast walsh appears to build fine in debug and release

when i try and run it it looks like this:

External Media

the particles build debug looks like this:

here is my add and remove programs screenshot

External Media

OK now pls post me your VC++ directories settings just to be sure if SDK is installed properly ;)

I have strong suspicion that this is the problem…

…In include directoried you have to have $(FrameworkSDKDir)include and so


include =
External Media

library =
External Media

What is happening is that glut.h which is being included at the top of partcleSystem.cu is itself trying to include gl.h, which doesn’t exist, and probably should. Not sure why it isn’t included with the projects, but that is why it is failing.

i have installed just about everything that can be installed.

you seen my add and remove programs picture…i have a ton of stuff in there.

my inc and lib paths in vs2005 look right…right?


Its look like you don’t have glut.h in the include path.

do the following.

[Step 1]

In the command prompt just type the following


The result should be something like this


instead, if the result is %NVSDKCUDA_ROOT% itself, then you are in trouble.

There is some problems with your cuda sdk installation. (May something like you have installed 2.0Beta SDK over 1.1. I mean you forgot to uninstall 1.1 version before installing 2.0 or so…etc etc)

If step 1 is successful advance to step 2

[step 2]

  1. Open the particles.sln file

  2. From the solution explorer, right click particles and select properties

  3. In configuration properties → c/c++ → General → Additional include directories add the following “$(NVSDKCUDA_ROOT)/common/inc”

(Quotes around them are must)

  1. In configuration properties → Linker → General → Additional library directories add the following “$(NVSDKCUDA_ROOT)/common/lib”

  2. Click OK

Build the project.

Sibi A:

i think you are onto something here.

C:\Users\Administrator>echo %NVSDKCUDA_ROOT%

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA CUDA SDK

so i uninstalled cuda sdk delted it in program files and installed “NVIDIA_CUDA_sdk_2.0beta2_Win32” again and then i moved onto:

it looks like:




i get the following error when i try to build “C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA CUDA SDK\projects\simpleD3D9\simpleD3D9.sln”

The problem is that gl.h doesn’t exist inside the include directories, not that the path isn’t correct. I have this problem too, but my path’s work fine (for files that do exist in the same folder). glut.h can be found fine, but since glut.h includes gl.h, and gl.h doesn’t exist, there is a linking problem. It boils down to gl.h not being included in the installation for some odd reason.


The problems is with your platform SDK path.

follow the steps given below

  1. Go to the folder where you have installed your VS2005. (eg:- "F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8", your path may be different.). I will refer this location as $ROOT_PATH. Subsequent sections will refer this name.

  2. search for the file “objbase.h”. (If you are not able to find this file, then something wrong with your visual studio installation)

  3. Now execute $ROOT_PATH\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat file.

Start Visual studio and compile, this time it should not report any error.

did a search for “objbase.h” in the dir location “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8” and it didnt return any results.

did another search for the same file (but this time for my whole C: drive and it found it located in “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Include”

not sure if im supposed to go ahead and do this step:

am i supposed to do that step?


here is the contents of that file:

As assumed - you have wrong paths to Microsoft Windows SDK…

If you are using VC 2005 Express, pls go step by step by looking at this article:


I hope i will help ;)

is that article good for cs2005 also?

it says its for vs2008?

do i need to install cs2008?

Aha :blush: I am soory it is for 2008 only :(

But on the other side the problem is the same - we need to say VS that it should use include. lib and bin directories in your C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0 directory… so try to add them manualy into VS settings

why is it so different from my install then everyone else`s?

Hmmm… interesting :(

Definitely some kind of conflict in Windows SDK… :(

It is a lot of work i know but i would try to unisnstall everything what has something to do with VStudio or Win SDK and then try to install it once again (the best way is to install Visual Studio With SDK Included which is something else that VC++2005 Express) and then try to compile simlple Win32 Hello World application and see if will go without problems… :(

I hate to say this but maybe your system is so messed up (after too many installations and uninistalls) that you will have to reinstall whole windows :(

I highly doubt it. It is probably just something wrong with 2005 express under certain conditions, assuming that it has certain files but doesn’t. Mine was doing the same thing (downloaded 2005 express a couple weeks ago, and had the previous version on (2003 I think)). Just copy all of the header (.h) files from the old directory into the new one. I said no to all the conflicting changes and just skipped them, assuming that the new ones that are installed are correct.

That’s the mess u have to face when istalling several instalations of VS in one system… and VC++ 2005 Express is one special case because it doesnt have Win32 support like Pro version or VC++ 2008 Express so u have to install Win SDK separately and this only brings another mess …

But the solution isn’t to reinstall windows. It will get rid of your problems, for now. But if you have a similar problem in the future, which is likely, instead of knowing actually how to fix it, you are going to just know how to reinstall windows. This is a simple case of finding header files from the SDK and copy/pasting to the current path. Reinstalling windows should always be the last thing that you try to do.

the very first thing i do after i install windows is change from my user account to that Administrator account

then i delete the user account and shut off UAC

then i start updating vista and drivers etc then i install my software.

think that might have anything to do with it?

something is different somewhere along the line.

Contents of the file are OK.

Some serious problems with Platform SDK.

I have not used VS2005 express edition anyway.

Just try the following steps

  1. Uninstall VS2005 & DXSDK (Way before this uninstall any platform SDK/ Windows SDK versions you have installed manually)

  2. Install VS2005, followed by DXSDK

  3. once again search for the objbase.h file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8. (This time you should be able to find them)

  4. As usual, compile,

You might be successful this time around.