AI_NVR yolov8 lacks model files

jetson 6.0 GA ,AI_NVR yolov8 lacks model files, only the compose file is used, and the yolov8 model is used to convert to the engine file, and dla cannot be used

I will check it and feedback later. One quick question: why you need run YOLO model on DLA? It is helpful if you can share more details.

We have other models that we need to apply to real-world scenarios, and we want to use dla for inference in order to take full advantage of jetson’s performance, not just the gpu for inference

Please follow here to setup YOVOv8: DeepStream Perception — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation
I can generate the engine file in my side. It will download model and data form github. Please ensure your network works fine.

$ ls yolov8s/
calib.table model_b8_gpu0_int8.engine yolov8s-dependencies

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

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