Analyze Data in Kibana


I’m using Jetson, and send data to kafka and read this information in Kibana. How transform data to structured? using grok?, and what grok pattern you recommend to this output data:

“messageid” : “ba9504b8-2495-42e8-8a45-a48681150adf”,
“mdsversion” : “1.0”,
@timestamp” : “2020-01-30T00:24:36.189Z”,
“place” : null,
“sensor” : {
“id” : “CAMERA_ID”,
“type” : “Camera”,
“description” : “”,
“location” : {
“lat” : 2.7058003343099092e-312,
“lon” : 3.9525251667299724e-323,
“alt” : 3.9525251667299724e-323
“coordinate” : {
“x” : 1.8189289994564626e-312,
“y” : 1.8189475801191704e-312,
“z” : 1.8189475801191704e-312
“analyticsModule” : null,
“object” : {
“id” : “821”,
“speed” : 0.0,
“direction” : 0.0,
“orientation” : 0.0,
“Car” : {
“bbox” : {
“topleftx” : 1587,
“toplefty” : 482,
“bottomrightx” : 1750,
“bottomrighty” : 546
“location” : {
“lat” : 0.0,
“lon” : 0.0,
“alt” : 0.0
“coordinate” : {
“x” : 0.0,
“y” : 0.0,
“z” : 0.0
“event” : {
“id” : “1549e317-68a2-404d-aa58-b51da66723ed”,
“type” : “entry”
“videoPath” : “”

And other question, how i modify CAMERA_ID for the real name of the camera?


Please check the /dev/video* for the CAMERA_ID information.
Ex. if your camera is mount on ‘/dev/video0’, then CAMERA_ID = 0.

For the data interpretation, please check this document:


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To create a new Kibana visualization, select Visualize in the menu on the left, click the + icon and then select the visualization you want to create. You are then presented with a choice — either create the new visualization on one of the indices you have in Elasticsearch or a saved search.