Audio2Face not installing

Good day!

I’ve been trying to download Audio2Face and I can’t seem to get it to do anything. I am installing into my L drive and it keeps giving me this error:

Error occurred during installation of Audio2Face: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, symlink ‘L:\OMNIVERSE\Library\deps\6cd16432302a4b68763ef2c48f308f34’ → ‘L:\OMNIVERSE\Library\audio2face-2023.1.1’

It has failed in multiple stages but this is the last one.

Thank you

Hello and welcome to the forums @robertalomargonzalez

Could you please send your latest Launcher log? It should be located inside C:\Users\(UserName)\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\launcher.log

I have the same issue with the installation of Audio2Face 2023.2 version. I get all the time the exact same error.

First it downloads and unizps: in F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\deps.
Then it downloads and unzips the kit-sdk-launcher in F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\deps.

Then I get the error message:
Error occurred during installation of Audio2Face: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, symlink ‘F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\deps\b9070d65cb1908ec472cf47bc29f8126’ → ‘F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\audio2face-2023.2.0’

Looking at the log, it seems it doesn’t create the installation folder.

[2024-06-18 17:28:18.215] [debug] [939a5424-8621-4b8a-9a0d-2e3f956a4d77] Could not remove the installation folder F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\audio2face-2023.2.0 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat ‘F:\Omniverse\ov\pkg\audio2face-2023.2.0’
[2024-06-18 17:28:18.215] [debug] [939a5424-8621-4b8a-9a0d-2e3f956a4d77] Remove unused packages from the library.

Attaching the log file for this try :
launcher.log (9.3 KB)

What should I do? As a last resort, can I unzip both zip files and install them manually? If yes, are there points I should pay attention to?