Beta Drivers With WinVISTA32BIT=BLUESCREEN! Beta drivers for Vista 32Bit..bluescreen

-New Beta Nvidia Display Drivers For Vista 32Bit OS make the OS Bluescreen when in a Graphicly intense game, When the game moves to a new level or closes down and the memory is released the kernal becomes unhandled and the OS bluescreens.

-Games that it has bluescreened on:
1.S.t.a.l.k.e.r Shodow of chnobly
2.HALO 2

-My PC Specs Are
CPU=Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66Ghz
PS=600W Antec
M/B=Gigabyte P35-DS3L
OS=Windows Vista Ultimate 32Bit

You would probably get more help in the games or hardware sub-forums. This one is for CUDA programming.