Black part-monitor flickers with 530 driver

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I’m expecting this issue. It’s not recording neither OBS nor GNOME Screenshot.

Arch Linux, 2070 Super, one 60 Hz monitor.

I’ve enabled NVIDIA DRM:

MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm) in the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf,
and options root="LABEL=arch_os" rw nvidia_drm.modeset=1 in the /boot/loader/entries/1-arch.conf.

> sudo systool -vm nvidia_drm
Module = "nvidia_drm"

    coresize            = "90112"
    initsize            = "0"
    initstate           = "live"
    refcnt              = "13"
    srcversion          = "1A398E3FBCA709D42FD9553"
    taint               = "POE"
    uevent              = <store method only>
    version             = "525.89.02"

    modeset             = "Y"


It doesn’t help.

I’ve wasted a lot of time to find these packages who triggers this flickering, in GNOME on Xorg for my case.

There are new 535 drivers, the problem is not resolved.

I have the same problem too. System is X11 i3 WM

Do you have a videocard based on Turing architecture?

In my case, setting the power states (PowerMizer) to “prefer maximum performance” fixes the issue for the time being (it will make your card consume more power than with adaptive mode) but we need a proper fix from NVIDIA.