Building State-of-the-Art Biomedical and Clinical NLP Models with Bio-Megatron

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With the advent of new deep learning approaches based on transformer architecture, natural language processing (NLP) techniques have undergone a revolution in performance and capabilities. Cutting-edge NLP models are becoming the core of modern search engines, voice assistants, chatbots, and more. Modern NLP models can synthesize human-like text and answer questions posed in natural language.…

Before BIOMegatron, there was Optimus Prime, M.D.:

von Davier, M. (2019). Training Optimus Prime, M.D.: Generating Medical Certification Items by Fine-Tuning OpenAI’s GPT-2 Transformer Model. [1908.08594] Training Optimus Prime, M.D.: Generating Medical Certification Items by Fine-Tuning OpenAI's gpt2 Transformer Model