Can not run inference with bitmap image in Deepstream 6.0, TRT8.2 and JP4.6.3?

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU): Jetson
• DeepStream Version: 6.0
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only): 4.6.3
• TensorRT Version: 8.2
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
• Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)

I have bitmap images, I used repo for YOLOv7 but I encounter error when running inference on bitmap images as follow

**PERF:  FPS 0 (Avg)	
**PERF:  0.00 (0.00)	
** INFO: <bus_callback:194>: Pipeline ready

** ERROR: <cb_newpad:235>: Failed to link decodebin to pipeline
** INFO: <bus_callback:180>: Pipeline running

For jpeg images I could run inference. What I need to do?

When I running inference bitmap image on Jetpack5.1, DS6.2, TRT8.5 (XavierNX), different error was happen

Can you share your configure file and some bitmap images cause this error ?

I used repo and change these line for one image
#type=3 #uri=file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 type=2 uri=file://<path-to-image>
I checked for jpeg image with same config file, it worked, but it did not work with bitmap image.
test.bmp (798.8 KB)

Because jpeg is yuv420 usually. Hardware decoders usually support this format.

bmp format is BGR format, so need transform this format to nv12.

add the following item to [source0] group in your deepstream-app configure file



Do I need to change model_color_format from 0 to 1 for bitmap images?

When I added this item to the [source0], the error is the same in JP4.6.3, TRT8.2, DS6.0 (Jetson) and PC (Docker TRT8.2, DS6.0)

video-format seem not supported in DS6.0. Here is the warning

** WARN: <parse_source:615>: Unknown key 'video-format' for group [source0]

No need, unless your model is trained using BGR.

Can you update to version 6.2 ? If you meet another bug, old versions are not well supported.

I checked in PC, I can run inference on bitmap image without video-format, but when I add video-format=NV12 for bitmap images, acc of mAP is changed much? How do you think what reason of difference?

I have not checked in Jetson board.

It relates with you model.
If you model trained by BGR,but you infer with NV12 .
I think this change is normal.

I trained model by RGB (jpeg images). I means that, when I use this model for 2 configs (one config with video-format=NV12, one config without video-format) on same bitmap images. The mAP difference is big.

When I input bmp image, If without video-format, It’s can’t run inference.

How did you compare the mAP? Is same of Input data?

Make surce use the target device.

Sorry for lack of information.
I use Docker container in PC with DS6.2 and TRT8.5, and I can run inference on bitmap images. But when setting with and without video-format=NV12 (otherwise is same), there is a large mAP difference. My model is trained with RGB images.

This is because of the difference in the data pipeline

with video-format=NV12
bmp(bgr24) → nv12 → rgb → nvinfer

without video-format=NV12
bmp(bgr24) → rgb → nvinfer

Different data processing led to discrepancies in the results

video-format=NV12 is necessary on Jetson.

If you want run it on GPU,reduce unnecessary data conversion.

Thank you so much for recommendation.

I have one more questions. If my image (jpeg) have size equal to size of engine model. Does Deepstream preprocess anything except for decoding?

jpeg => rgb (decoding, NVIDIA) close source) => nvinfer
I saw that my image before TRT inference is different with my original image (quality if lower). Thanks.

Due to hardware limitations, width alignment is necessary.

However I believe this does not result in lower image quality usually.

Did you dump the data into png ?try save as rgb ?

Did you dump the data into png

Yes, I dumped data into png.

try save as rgb ?

You means that I need to try dumping data to .jpg or jpeg to see the difference. Is that right?

I mean compression affects image quality. save to rgb avoid compression

Sorry, I am not much understand. I understand that we can dump data into image file, so that we can visualize and compare. I followed this guide This guide dumps data into .png format.