Compute Sanitizer for OpenAcc and OpenMPI

We wrote a program with OpenAcc and OpenMPI, and wanted to check possible GPU memory leak.
In this program, CUDA functions like cuMemAlloc, cuPointerGetAttribute etc are loaded dynamically with dlsym:dlopen.

Program was compiled with

    CFLAGS="-O0 -g -I${CUDA_ROOT}/include -acc=gpu -gpu=cc80,nordc,debug -Minfo"
    LDFLAGS="-g -lnvToolsExt -acc=gpu -gpu=cc80,nordc,debug"

srun -N 1 -n 1 compute-sanitizer --tool memcheck --leak-check full exe got the following warning and error messages:

Program hit CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT (error 201) due to "invalid device context" on CUDA API call to cuCtxGetDevice.
Program hit CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE (error 1) due to "invalid argument" on CUDA API call to cuPointerGetAttribute.

[l50121:3175092:0:3175092] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0x1e)
    1 ==== backtrace (tid:3175092) ====
    2  0 0x0000000000012c20 .annobin_sigaction.c()  sigaction.c:0
    3  1 0x00000000001814b1 optixQueryFunctionTable()  ???:0
    4  2 0x0000000000170cf0 optixQueryFunctionTable()  ???:0
    5  3 0x000000000012af28 InitializeInjectionNvtxExtension()  ???:0
    6  4 0x000000000012afee InitializeInjectionNvtxExtension()  ???:0
    7  5 0x00000000000ab1ed ???()  cuda-11.7.0-u4znfi/compute-sanitizer/
    8  6 0x00000000000c4166 ???()  cuda-11.7.0-u4znfi/compute-sanitizer/
    9  7 0x0000000000134edb InitializeInjectionNvtxExtension()  ???:0
   10  8 0x000000000003a037 __cxa_finalize()  ???:0
   11  9 0x00000000000a8343 ???()  cuda-11.7.0-u4znfi/compute-sanitizer/
   12 =================================
   13 ========= Error: process didn't terminate successfully
   14 ========= Target application returned an error
   15 ========= LEAK SUMMARY: 0 bytes leaked in 0 allocations
   16 ========= ERROR SUMMARY: 451 errors
   17 srun: error task 0: Exited with exit code 11

srun -N 1 -n 1 exe was successful.

From another post, I know CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT can be ignored in OpenACC. How to deal with the error in sanitizer collection part?

I tried CUDA-MEMCHECK, srun -N 1 -n 1 cuda-memcheck --tool memcheck --leak-check full exe, and got the following:

Program hit CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT (error 201) due to "invalid device context" on CUDA API call to cuCtxGetDevice.
Program hit CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE (error 1) due to "invalid argument" on CUDA API call to cuPointerGetAttribute.
========= LEAK SUMMARY: 0 bytes leaked in 0 allocations
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 451 errors

there is no more segmentation fault message any more.

cuPointerGetAttribute got so many CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE because we use return value of cuPointerGetAttribute to detect if pointer is on device or host memory.

It looks like the engineering team is trying to debug this issue on your thread Compute Sanitizer not able to detect memory leak when using cuMemAlloc and OpenACC

Can you take a look at the reply over there and see if you can provide the details they are looking for?