Convert detectnet_v2 model to engine

Are there any way to create explicit detectnet_v2 engine? I tried it using tlt-converter with command tlt-converter -k key -p input_1,1x3x544x960,4x3x544x960,16x3x544x960 -t int8 -c cal.bin -w 2048 -d 3,544,960 -o output_cov/Sigmoid,output_bbox/BiasAdd -e detectnet_v2.engine ./detectnet_v2.etlt.
Then i tested it in python trt and engine. has_implicit_batch_dimension was True. Converter set batch 16 as max_batch_size. Without -d converter doesn’t work, but for others tlt models (fpenet, lprnet) it works only with -p. Also engine works with execute_async function, that works only for implicit engines.

Jetson NX
Jetpack 4.4.1
Python 3.6
Tensor RT 7.1.3
CUDA 10.2

Model was created in TLT 2.0.

We recommend you to raise this query in TLT forum for better assistance.
