Copy image data to custom array from IFrame of EGLStream

Using argus from jetson MMAPI, I have this piece of code working:

            UniqueObj<Frame> frame(iFrameConsumers[i]->acquireFrame());
            IFrame *iFrame = interface_cast<IFrame>(frame);
            if (!iFrame)

            NV::IImageNativeBuffer *iNativeBuffer =
            if (!iNativeBuffer)
                ORIGINATE_ERROR("IImageNativeBuffer not supported by Image.");

	        if (!m_dmabufs[i])
                std::cout<< "Dmabufs\n";
                batch_surf[i] = NULL;
                m_dmabufs[i] = iNativeBuffer->createNvBuffer(

		        if (!m_dmabufs[i])
                    std::cout<< "Failed to create NvBuffer\n";
                    // CONSUMER_PRINT("\tFailed to create NvBuffer\n");

                if (-1 == NvBufSurfaceFromFd(m_dmabufs[i], (void**)(&batch_surf[i])))
                    ORIGINATE_ERROR("Cannot get NvBufSurface from fd");
	        else if (iNativeBuffer->copyToNvBuffer(m_dmabufs[i]) != STATUS_OK)
                ORIGINATE_ERROR("Failed to copy frame to NvBuffer.");
            std::cout<< "Frame: "<< frN <<"\n";

	        NvBufSurface *nvbuf_surf = 0;
  	        int ret = NvBufSurfaceFromFd(m_dmabufs[0], (void**)(&nvbuf_surf));
	        if (ret)
		        printf( "NvBufSurfaceFromFd failed");
		        return -1;

I am able to copy the data from nvbuf_surf using
NvBufSurfaceParams *params = &nvbuf_surf->surfaceList[0]
to my cuda or cpu array with no problem.

However the data on nvbuf_surf seems to be on CPU memory (or accessible only by cpu!). I need to receive the image data from the camera on the cuda memory, how can I do it?

Besides, I would ideally need to transfer the image data to my custom cuda memory allocated array from the iFrame. Is it possible? (From IFrame *iFrame = interface_cast<IFrame>(frame) I mean).

The below code is what I am trying to achieve, but this code throws some error (Invalid argument) in cudaMemcpy2D, so I don’t know what way is the correct way to copy the data direclty from iFrame?

unsigned char* devicePtr;
void* nativePtr = iFrame->getImage();
cudaMalloc((void**)&devicePtr, 4 * CAM_H * CAM_W * sizeof(unsigned char));             
cudaError_t cpy2d_error = cudaMemcpy2D(devicePtr,
/*       */ 4 * CAM_W * sizeof(unsigned char),
/*       */ nativePtr,
/*       */ 4 * CAM_W * sizeof(unsigned char),
/*       */ 4 * CAM_W * sizeof(unsigned char),
/*       */ CAM_H,
/*       */ cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice
std::cout << "cpy2D_error: " << cudaGetErrorString(devicePtrcpy2d_error) << std::endl;

Thank you so much.

You may wish to ask Jetson related questions on the Jetson forum corresponding to your Jetson device.

May I know which JetPack SW and Jetson platform you’re using?

Of course:

NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
nvidia-jetpack: 5.1-b147
nvidia-l4t-core: 35.2.1-20230124153320

For getting GPU pointer of an NvBufSurface, please refer to the two posts:
Error generated while running the code after connecting the camera - #15 by DaveYYY
How to create opencv gpumat from nvstream? - #18 by DaneLLL

Based on a similar approach (From here: CLOSED. cudaArray from NV::IImageNativeBuffer without copy? - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson TX1 - NVIDIA Developer Forums)

I made the below code. It gets built and run without any error but the final cuda array is empty:

int fdLeft = iNativeBuffer->createNvBuffer( iEglOutputStreams[i]->getResolution(),
// iNativeBuffer->copyToNvBuffer(fdLeft);
EGLImageKHR egl_imageLeft{ NvEGLImageFromFd( eglDisplay, fdLeft ) };
CUgraphicsResource pResourceLeft;
cuGraphicsEGLRegisterImage( &pResourceLeft, egl_imageLeft, CU_GRAPHICS_MAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE );
CUeglFrame eglFrameLeft;
cuGraphicsResourceGetMappedEglFrame( &eglFrameLeft, pResourceLeft, 0, 0 );
unsigned char * newrgba;
size_t tmpitch;
std::cout << "eglFrameLeft.height: " << eglFrameLeft.height<< "  width: "<< eglFrameLeft.width<<"\n";
std::cout << "frameType: " << eglFrameLeft.frameType<< "  pitch: "<< eglFrameLeft.pitch<<"\n";
std::cout << "planeCount: " << eglFrameLeft.planeCount<< "  eglColorFormat : "<< eglFrameLeft.eglColorFormat <<"\n";
cudaError_t mallocerror = cudaMalloc((void**)&newrgba, int(4.0 * eglFrameLeft.height * eglFrameLeft.width * sizeof(unsigned char)) );
cudaError_t gpu_e = cudaMemcpy2DFromArray( 
    4 * eglFrameLeft.width,
    // tmpitch,
    4 * eglFrameLeft.width,

I have tried different values of pitch, and also simple cudaMemcpy and cudaMemcpy2D, but it seems the eglFrameLeft.frame.pArray[0] is totally empty.

NvBuffer APIs are deprecated on Jetpack 5. Please use NvBufSurface APIs as demonstrated in the samples.

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