What is the exact and recommended ubuntu version for cuda 9.1?
I installed 16.04.03 and for the installer and the operating system after installation I had to pass nomodeset to the kernel parameters. I was also able to install libglu1-mesa and libglu1-mesa-dev and freeglut3-dev. Then I was able to installed cuda toolkit.
I Then tried 16.04.04. According to the release notes [1], there are some updates for the mesa package. The result is that the installer and also the operating system don’t need nomodeset in the kernel parameters. However, installing libglu1-mesa* and some others return some unmet dependencies. Therefor, I am now not able to install cuda toolkit.
Even with ubuntu 17.10, I wasn’t able to install cuda 9.1. Because simple packages will install gcc-7 as a dependency and cuda 9.1 doesn’t work with gcc-7.
I know that ubuntu 17.10 is not supported [2], but juts want to see if the developers are aware of such mismatches or not. If you need more info, I can paste the commands and outputs. Any idea?
[1] XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki
[2] Installation Guide Linux :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation