Could you give details on time embedded in the frames (iFrame->getTime()) when using nvarguscamerasrc plugin?

Hi there,

Mainly I would like to know:

  1. If it is synced with the kernel boot time or with some other absolute time, and…
  2. If it is taken at SOF, EOF, or some other moement in the frame generation.

Also, can that time be modified when looking at the frames in nvarguscamerasrc?


Have a check Topic 159220,

Right, I guess that answers the questions about when the timstamp is taken and what clock it is synced with…

Is it possible to change the timestamp that will ultimately go in the buffers?

Does this code in the nvarguscamerasrc set the buffer timestamp & frame number?

      src->frameInfo->frameNum = iFrame->getNumber();
      src->frameInfo->frameTime = iFrame->getTime();

This is the time of FrameConsumer(iFrame) acquire frame from low level state. Suppose it’s different with the timestamp from the Argus::ICaptureMetadata::getSensorTimestamp()

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