September 15, 2009, 6:10pm
Hi, i have a .cu file with a kernel and a function that calls that kernel (and do the transfer between memories stuff).
I compile it by /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc myFile.cu and the other files in the project using g++.
when i
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc myFile.cu
i get the error:
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/…/…/…/…/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start’:
(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main’
I just want to call the function from a class. Do i need a main function in the .cu file or something?
Anyone knows what am i doing wrong?
If you need some code, just ask for it.
I’ll post my makefile, just in case.
# Proyect: Paralel Reinforcement Evolutionary Artificial Neural Network
preann : XMM32.o paralelLayer.o AbstractLayer.o CudaLayer.o XmmLayer.o CppLayer.o main.o
g++ -o preann XMM32.o AbstractLayer.o CudaLayer.o XmmLayer.o CppLayer.o main.o paralelLayer.o
main.o : main.cpp NeuralNetwork.o
g++ -c main.cpp
NeuralNetwork.o : NeuralNetwork.cpp NeuralNetwork.h CppLayer.o XmmLayer.o CudaLayer.o
g++ -c NeuralNetwork.cpp
CppLayer.o : CppLayer.cpp CppLayer.h AbstractLayer.o
g++ -c CppLayer.cpp
XmmLayer.o : XmmLayer.cpp XmmLayer.h AbstractLayer.o XMM32.h XMM32.o
g++ -c XmmLayer.cpp
CudaLayer.o : CudaLayer.cpp CudaLayer.h AbstractLayer.o paralelLayer.o
g++ -c CudaLayer.cpp
AbstractLayer.o : AbstractLayer.h
g++ -c AbstractLayer.h
paralelLayer.o : paralelLayer.cu
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc paralelLayer.cu
XMM32.o : XMM32.asm
nasm -f elf XMM32.asm
rm preann XMM32.o AbstractLayer.o CudaLayer.o XmmLayer.o CppLayer.o main.o paralelLayer.o
The command
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc paralelLayer.cu
will cause nvcc to produce an executable, just like gcc. You need to let nvcc know you want to produce an object file (just like gcc):
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -c parallelLayer.cu
September 28, 2009, 5:16pm
I’m in front of the same problem !
I get the answer (thanks for it) but I did not succeed dealing with two compilers !
For example, I have a source code A (sourceA.cpp) containing a main function and a source code B (sourceB.cu) containing only a function.
In the main of A, I called the function in B. I’m compiling the sourceB.cu with nvcc -c. But after that, how can I “explain” to gcc that the function it’s looking for has been already compiled ?
Maybe my question is really easy but I can’t find the way of doing it.
October 1, 2009, 3:39pm
I’m in front of the same problem !
I get the answer (thanks for it) but I did not succeed dealing with two compilers !
For example, I have a source code A (sourceA.cpp) containing a main function and a source code B (sourceB.cu) containing only a function.
In the main of A, I called the function in B. I’m compiling the sourceB.cu with nvcc -c. But after that, how can I “explain” to gcc that the function it’s looking for has been already compiled ?
Maybe my question is really easy but I can’t find the way of doing it.
Sorry, i was doing other things. I still didn’t try to call the function, so i’m not sure if what i’m going to tell you is right.
I think you must write in your C++ code something like:
extern "C" void yourCudaFunction ();
I did it to use assembly functions from C++ and it was enought.
Only one function?
I think you can’t call a kernel directly from C++. You need to write a “normal” function in the .cu.
In the examples, that function calls the kernel and execute all that cudaMalloc and cudaMemCpy stuff.
i hope one of this two things can help you.