CUDA and Matrices


I want work with matrix in C++/CUDA. I wrote this program for pass matrix to GPU by CUDA. I want pass Matrix as a set of 30x30 blocks to GPU. Is it right ? and how I can send only special matrix items to GPU ? For example items that have even column number in MyMat matrix.

Main :

#define BX 30
#define BY 30   
#define DX 1920
#define DY 1080

Mat  MyMat(1080, 1920, CV_32SC1);
cuda::GpuMat GMat;

dim3 block(BX, BY);
dim3 grid((DX + block.x - 1) / block.x, (DY + block.y - 1) / block.y);

Read_MAT << <grid, block >> > ((int *), MyMat.rows, MyMat.cols); //Kernel invocation

Device :

__global__ void Read_MAT(int* mt, int h, int w)
	int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
	int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	int index = ((w*row) + col);
	mt[index] = 0;
	if (index >= h*w)