– The CUDA compiler identification is unknown
– Check for working CUDA compiler: /xhome/cuda/cuda_nvcc-linux-aarch64-12.0.76-archive/bin/nvcc
– Check for working CUDA compiler: /xhome/cuda/cuda_nvcc-linux-aarch64-12.0.76-archive/bin/nvcc – broken
CMake Error at /home/make_3.10/cmake-3.10.3-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeTestCUDACompiler.cmake:46 (message):
The CUDA compiler
Are you running this on a Nano? If so, the CUDA release on a Nano only works for 10.x version. You would have to change your compiled CUDA to a 10.x release installed from JetPack/SDK Manager. Note that JetPack/SDKM is a GUI installer, and the actual software which flashes to a Jetson (or gets installed as an optional package, of which CUDA is one), have their release versions tied together (getting one implies knowing the release of the other). See:
To see your current L4T release use “head -n 1 /etc/nv_tegra_release”. You’ll want an Ubuntu 18.04 host PC for the Nano releases. Note that if you have a JetPack/SDKM release which is too new for the L4T release, then you can start sdkmanager like this to make older releases available: sdkmanager --archivedversions
If you want to cross-compile a CUDA app on a desktop, please install the host component in JetPack.
It includes that required cross package for cross-compiling.