CUDA freezes my screen

What i’m trying to do is simple non-maximal suppression

It takes a 1-D array and treat it as 2-D, and compares each entries 8-neighbour

if any neighbour have greater value it put back a zero

__global__ static void kernel_nonmaximal(float* pInOut, int w, int h)


	const unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*BLOCK_SIZE+threadIdx.x;

	const unsigned short x = i % w;

	const unsigned short y = i / w;


	__shared__ float smem[BLOCK_SIZE];


	if(i < w*h){

		smem[threadIdx.x] = pInOut[i];





	if(i < w*h){

		for(int j = -1; j < 2; j++){

			for(int k = -1; k < 2; k++){

				if(x+k >= 0 && x+k < w && y+j >= 0 && y+j < h

				&& (j != 0 || k != 0)

				&& pInOut[(y+j)*w+(x+k)] >= smem[threadIdx.x]){

					smem[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f;				








	if(i < w*h){

		pInOut[i] = smem[threadIdx.x];



void nonmaximal(float* pInOut, int w, int h)


	dim3 grid( ceil(w*h/(float)BLOCK_SIZE), 1, 1 );

	dim3 block( BLOCK_SIZE, 1, 1 );


	kernel_nonmaximal<<< grid, block >>>(pInOut, w, h);





I dunno wt I’m doing wrong here. Can u guyz help me plx?

The name of the GPU?

Freezing can appears in GPU with a few numbers of threads like 8600GS etc.

I use a 9800GT, and the BLOCK_SIZE is 256

Strange it doesnt freezes when I put the call the kernel inside another function.
However it does provide different result each time I run it with the same input