@rboissel can you give more detailed instructions about how to purge old driver version and get back to the one from WSL2?
I use windows 1909 (18363.1049)
windows nvidia drivers installed from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda/wsl/download (quadro 460.15)
but unfortunately when installing cuda, I run sudo apt-get -y install cuda
and I should have run sudo apt-get install -y cuda-toolkit-11-0
? (I followed these instructions: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1804&target_type=deblocal)
I have the same error:
[/usr/local/cuda/samples/4_Finance/BlackScholes/BlackScholes] - Starting…
CUDA error at …/…/common/inc/helper_cuda.h:777 code=35(cudaErrorInsufficientDriver) “cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count)”
I guess it is using an old driver version and not the proper one.