In the 32-bit Windows driver_types.h, line 268 is in the __cudaReserved[38] line:
struct cudaDeviceProp
char name[256]; ///< ASCII string identifying device
size_t totalGlobalMem; ///< Global memory available on device in bytes
size_t sharedMemPerBlock; ///< Shared memory available per block in bytes
int regsPerBlock; ///< 32-bit registers available per block
int warpSize; ///< Warp size in threads
size_t memPitch; ///< Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
int maxThreadsPerBlock; ///< Maximum number of threads per block
int maxThreadsDim[3]; ///< Maximum size of each dimension of a block
int maxGridSize[3]; ///< Maximum size of each dimension of a grid
int clockRate; ///< Clock frequency in kilohertz
size_t totalConstMem; ///< Constant memory available on device in bytes
int major; ///< Major compute capability
int minor; ///< Minor compute capability
size_t textureAlignment; ///< Alignment requirement for textures
int deviceOverlap; ///< Device can concurrently copy memory and execute a kernel
int multiProcessorCount; ///< Number of multiprocessors on device
int kernelExecTimeoutEnabled; ///< Specified whether there is a run time limit on kernels
int integrated; ///< Device is integrated as opposed to discrete
int __cudaReserved[38];