CuTensorNet Converter i.e. CircuitToEinsum is Not working for the Github Example

Hello everyone, I’m currently working on an example problem provided by NVIDIA CuQuantum in their GitHub Samples here. I’ve set up my environment using Python 3.10 on Ubuntu 22.04, running on a Tesla T4 NVIDIA GPU (AWS G4 Instance). I’ve created a virtual environment and installed all the required dependencies for the cuQuantum library.

Now, I’m facing an issue when executing the code. I’ve included the code snippet below, along with the error message that occurs during the execution:

import itertools    
import cupy as cp    
import numpy as np    
import qiskit    
from qiskit.circuit.random import random_circuit    
from cuquantum import contract        
from cuquantum import CircuitToEinsum      

num_qubits = 7   
depth = 6   

circuit = random_circuit(num_qubits, depth, seed=3)
# circuit.draw(output='mpl')      
myconverter = CircuitToEinsum(circuit, dtype='complex128', backend=cp)   

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this error.

I guess the error is due to the Qskit version you are using.
Our CircuitToEinsum doesn’t support qiskit>=0.45.0, please use 0.44.0

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Thank You, let me degrade the Version and check!

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