cutilBankChecker / can you help me speed this up?

Can someone tell me what cutilBankChecker does, what kind of memory it operates on, and what I can do to use it to speed up my algorithm.

I am doing a 3D gaussian filter on a texture volume and I’m not happy at all with my speedup.

I already tried using shared memory to store intermediate results and do all 3 passes on one block execution, but I go over the register limit (too many resources requested for launch) when I do so.


  cudaPitchedPtr d_result, d_temp;

  const uint w = vol3d->get_width(), h = vol3d->get_height(), d = vol3d->get_depth();

cudaExtent extent = make_cudaExtent(w, h, d);

  cutilSafeCall(cudaMallocPitch((void **)&d_result.ptr, &d_result.pitch, w*sizeof(uchar), h*d));

  d_result.xsize = d_result.ysize = w;

  cutilSafeCall(cudaMallocPitch((void **)&d_temp.ptr, &d_temp.pitch, w*sizeof(uchar), h*d));  

  d_temp.xsize = d_temp.ysize = w;

//controlls 2D or 3D gaussian

  const int max_pass = 3;

//CUDA block and grid dimensions

  const dim3 gaus_bs(8, 8, 8);

  const dim3 gaus_gs(w / gaus_bs.x, h / gaus_bs.y, 1);

//events used to mark time

  cudaEvent_t start, stop;



  cudaEventRecord(start, 0);

for(uint pass = 0; pass < max_pass; pass++)


	for(uint z_off = 0; z_off < d; z_off += gaus_bs.z)


	  //call gaussian kernel (streams?)

	  d_gaussian3d<<<gaus_gs, gaus_bs>>>(d_result, d_temp, d, z_off, pass);

	  cutilCheckMsg("kernel failed");




__constant__ __device__ uint gauss_fact[2] = { 1, 1 }, 

							 gauss_sum = 2,

							 gauss_width = 2;

//based on algorithm from


__global__ void d_gaussian3d(cudaPitchedPtr d_output, cudaPitchedPtr d_temp, uint depth, uint z_off, uint pass)


  //find 3D thread's position within cuda grid

  uint x = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;

  uint y = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

  uint z = __umul24(blockIdx.z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z + z_off;

uchar *tp = (uchar *)d_temp.ptr;

  size_t pitch = d_temp.pitch;

  size_t slice_pitch = pitch * image_dim;

uchar *op = (uchar *)d_output.ptr;

  size_t o_pitch = d_output.pitch;

  size_t o_slice_pitch = o_pitch * image_dim;

//don't compute off the edge of the image volume space

  if(x < image_dim && y < image_dim && z < depth)


	//FIRST PASS//////////////////////////////////////////////

	float s, t, r;

	int si, ti, ri, sum = 0;

	uint voxel;

	if(pass == 0)


	  for(int k = 0; k < gauss_width; k++)


		//non-normalized coords

		//clamping takes care of edge conditions

		s = x-((gauss_width-1)>>1)+k;

		t = y;

		r = z;

		//read voxel from 3D texture

		voxel = tex3D(tex, s, t, r)*255;

		sum += __umul24(voxel, gauss_fact[k]);


	  //store normalized sum result back into memory on intermediate buffer

	  uchar *temp_slice = (tp + __umul24(z, slice_pitch));

	  uchar *temp_row = (temp_slice + __umul24(y, pitch));

	  temp_row[x] = sum / gauss_sum;


	//SECOND PASS/////////////////////////////////////////////

	else if(pass == 1)


	  sum = 0;

	  for(int k = 0; k < gauss_width; k++)


		si = x;

		ti = y-((gauss_width-1)>>1)+k;

		ri = z;

		voxel = 0;

		if(ti >= 0 && ti < image_dim)


		  //read data from intermediate buffer

		  uchar *temp_slice = (tp + __umul24(ri, slice_pitch));

		  uchar *temp_row = (temp_slice + __umul24(ti, pitch));

		  voxel = temp_row[si];


		sum += __umul24(voxel, gauss_fact[k]);


	  //store normalized sum result into output buffer

	  uchar *o_slice = (op + __umul24(z, o_slice_pitch));

	  uchar *output_row = (o_slice + __umul24(y, o_pitch));

	  output_row[x] = sum / gauss_sum;


	//THIRD PASS//////////////////////////////////////////////

	else if(pass == 2)


	  sum = 0;

	  for(int k = 0; k < gauss_width; k++)


		si = x;

		ti = y;

		ri = z-((gauss_width-1)>>1)+k;

		voxel = 0;

		if(ri >= 0 && ri < depth)


		  //read data from output buffer

		  uchar *o_slice = (op + __umul24(ri, o_slice_pitch));

		  uchar *output_row = (o_slice + __umul24(ti, o_pitch));

		  voxel = output_row[si];


		sum += __umul24(voxel, gauss_fact[k]);


	  //store normalized sum result into buffer

	  uchar *temp_slice = (tp + __umul24(z, slice_pitch));

	  uchar *temp_row = (temp_slice + __umul24(y, pitch));

	  temp_row[x] = sum / gauss_sum;




You cannot speed up your kernel with the bank checker itself. It just checks if you have shared memory bank conflicts, if you run your program in device emulation mode (and using the appropriate macros). On the device, the macros do nothing but returning the expected result.

Sure, if you have bank conflicts and you are not aware of it, you can detect them and maybe eliminate them. This would improve the performance.

I can’t run in device emulation mode currently due to the c++ conflicts in my code :unsure:

To decrease register use, it may help to declare some intermediate variables “volatile”. As an example, try this on the uint x,y,z variables. The compiler likes to inline some expressions late, rather than assigning it to a register immediately. This may result in some redundant computation and increased register use. By declaring it volatile, this will not occur.

Some people have used this trick with success. Inspect the PTX code to see the effect this has. The true register count, however can be only seen in the .cubin files.

I got it! after hours of frustration, I merged all three passes into one kernel execution. Surprisingly, this gave me a huge speedup. The same process on the CPU gives me same or worse results, on the GPU howerver, with an optimally picked block size, I went from 1100 ms execution time to 340 ms!