cuvidParseVideoData() returns succeed but there are no frame

I try to develop streaming program,I have 4k videos that 5 fps and 20 seconds, I encode frames with cuda encoder successfully, i send encoded data over rtp successfully but when i try to decode that data, i got 0 frame from cuvidParseVideoData . Should i do something before the cuvidParseVideoData for example use ffmpeg demuxer ?


Server* server = new Server(8890 + thread_no);
totBuf* totBuf = server->getTotalBuf();
            if (totBuf->perBuf == nullptr) {
                std::cout << prompt << "perBuf null!" << std::endl;
                nVideoBytes = 1;

pVideo = new uint8_t[totBuf->totSize];
memcpy(pVideo, totBuf->perBuf->perBuf, totBuf->totSize);
nVideoBytes = totBuf->perBuf->size;
int nFrameReturned = 0;
nFrameReturned = dec.Decode(pVideo, nVideoBytes);


int NvDecoder::Decode(const uint8_t *pData, int nSize, int nFlags, int64_t nTimestamp)
    m_nDecodedFrame = 0;
    m_nDecodedFrameReturned = 0;
    packet.payload = pData;
    packet.payload_size = nSize;
    packet.flags = nFlags | CUVID_PKT_TIMESTAMP;
    packet.timestamp = nTimestamp;
    if (!pData || nSize == 0) {
        packet.flags |= CUVID_PKT_ENDOFSTREAM;
    CUresult cuStatus = cuvidParseVideoData(m_hParser, &packet);
    if (cuStatus != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
	std::cout<<"Cuda Status : "<<cuStatus<<std::endl;
    m_cuvidStream = 0;
    return m_nDecodedFrame;

My data always starts with 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01. This is start frame tag. cuvidParseVideoData always returns 0 and m_nDecodedFrame is 0.